In The Corner

by BigMic

In The Corner

It was a cold winter morning in ponyville, the ground was covered with a thick white blanket. The snow covered not only the

ground but it covered the rosebeds, the gardens, and roofs of everypony’s home.

Most ponies would be indoors due to the bitter cold not yet touched by the rays of the warming sun. Except there was one stallion

who was trotting slowly through the snow. He had black fur and black feathers , his blue mane flowing in the rough winds. His scarf

flowing in the breeze, his teeth chattering.

The weather wasnt getting any better this stallion needed to find shelter and fast or he wasnt going to last much longer in the

storm. He looked around at the many houses that lined the streets. All their lights were off,because they had sense and were


He was about to give up hope when he came across a shop of some sort, the lights were on the inside. His lips turn upwards in

a slight smile and went through the door.

The inside of the building was warm and coozy and was brightly lit. He looked around and noticed there were sweets and

cakes in cases and in the front counter. He realized that this was a sweets shop.

He trotted up to the front counter looking at all the little cakes he could see through the glass. His stomach growled loudly and

he remembered he hadnt eaten in a day or two, he really wanted to have some cake.

He rang the bell on the counter trying to get the attention of some employee when all the sudden there was a pink blur and there

was a bright pink mare’s face in his own,”Why hello there!!! Welcome to sugar cube corner!!!” She yelled in his face, but it wasnt an

angry yell. It was more of a happy and energetic voice.

“Gah!” He stumbled back a bit and fell on his bum, and held his hooves to his ears. The mare’s voice was a little to loud and now

his ears were ringing.

“Oh jeez! Im sorry. Are you alright? Well obviously you arent alright. You are sitting on the floor, well that’s probably my fault, i

really should learn to control my voice! Inside voice Pinkie come on we talked about this. Oh wait im pinkie, hehe.” The mare was

going of on a tagent, leaving the stallion in complete confusion.

“I’m fine- Well obvi- Now if- PLEASE BE QUIET!” The stallion raised his voice so the mare could hear him.

The mare fell silent.

He took a soft breath,” if you wouldnt mind. I would like to get something to eat.”

“Oh why didnt you say so!” The mare said with a bright smile.

She took the stallion by his hoof and dragged him to a table that was next to the window and soon she brought over a piece of

cheese cake that had a little bit of cherry drizzle on the top. “Go ahead! Dig in!” She had a bright smile on her face, it didnt seem

fake it was genuine. But that didnt matter to the stallion. His eyes were on the cake.

“How for this?” The stallion said drooling a bit.

“Oh this? It’s free!” She said with glee.

“Free? Nothing is ever free.” The stallion said glaring at the pink pony.

“That’s not true. Air is free you silly stranger.”

“Well yes..but this cake isnt free. You want something dont you?:

“Nononononononononono! All i want is to see is you eating this cake.” She pushed the cake a little closer to him.

He raised an eyebrow and leaned down looking at the cheesecake. He was still drooling but he didnt trust the cake

anymore,”This is a lie isnt it? This cake is a lie!”

“No it isnt. It’s a cake. Wow you sure are a strange pony.”

He nibbled a bit into the cake and then he slurped the whole thing into his mouth with one swoop and swallowed it whole. He

sighed with happiness and rubbed his belly,” it wasnt a lie...and even if it was...that was soooo delicious...”

There was a gust of wind that came from the outside and he shivered a bit,” So whats your name again? Pinkie?”

“Pinkie pie! Yes indeed-dee! What’s your name?” Pinkie pie booped the black stallion on the nose.

He was shivering a bit,”Me? My name is Blackbolt.” He looked out the window that was located right beside him,” This is some

storm...Well..i better get out of your hair..”

She giggled,” You arent in my hair silly.”

Blackbolt facehooved, he realized he’d have to be a bit more clearer with this pony,” No i mean. I should probably get going.”

“Why’s that? I dont have anywhere to be, and by the looks of this storm neither do you.” She looked at the pony really closely,”

And now that i think about it you arent from here are you?”

“Yeah i actually just moved here. But i was walking around really late last night in the everfree forest and got lost. I couldnt just

stay there. Who knows whats there after so i have been walking all night and till..,”He looked down at his hoofwatch,” 5 AM.” the

stallion layed his head on the table and yawned. “ And my house is on the other side of ponyville.”

“Well didnt you have any friends you could stay with?”

“No i just moved here. I dont have any friends..”

Pinkie looked at the traveler and thought a bit. She had an idea and squeed,” you wait right here!” She zoomed away going upstairs

and left the stallion on the table.

Blackbolt sat up and raised an eyebrow and turned to look out the window again,” Sigh...I had to move on Heart’s Warming

Day...Didnt isnt very..heart warming..”

After a minute or two pinkie pie came back down the stairs bouncing with a present in her mouth. She bounced to blackbolt’s table

and put the present down,”Here!”

He stared down at the present,”Who’s this for?”

She rolled her eyes and chuckled,” You silly!”

He looked down at the present and opened it up, on the inside was a blue sweater, the stitching was so fine and it looked very

comfortable and warm. He turned his attention back to the pink horse,”..this is for me?”

“Well of course! I saw you were shivering, you must have been really cold. SOOOO i pulled out one of my sweaters and gave it to


The black stallion pulled the sweater over his head and it slid on remarkably well, it actually fit him. It seemed him and pinkie

shared the same size in clothing which was really embaressing. But it still meant alot to him


“No problem.”

Blackbolt throw his hooves around her and hugged her tightly,” No...really thank you so much.. this is a really great gift.”

“You’re welcome. Merry Hearts Warming Day..”