doctor whooves: something old and something new.

by Aura-Flare

something unexspected

Chapter 1.
Derpys pov:
The sky was an ochre colour as I walked down the snowy path. As the sun descended on the cold winters day, I reached my small cottage on the edge of Ponyville.
I’ve never really liked the cold. I know it’s important to have winter, that much I learnt at school. But it doesn’t mean I have to like it.
As I entered my home I hung my scarf on the table in the hallway, and kicked off my boots into the corner of the hall. As I walked into the living room I took off my saddlebag and dropped it on the coffee table. It was cold in the living room, so i started a fire and sat on my worn old sofa and started to read. When I realized the word were all funny, “whoops almost forgot my glasses” I took them out of my saddlebag and balanced them on my grey muzzle. “I’m such a silly filly” I muttered to myself as i again started on the book in front of me.
Most ponies didn’t know how much I loved to read. They usually just thought I was a dumb blond with an eye problem. The fact that I was as clumsy as a bull in a china shop didn’t help me either. That’s why I lived on the edge of town, so I didn’t have to hear all the names. Stuff like bubble butt and googly eyes. That`s also why i never wear my glasses in public, as i usually just get called more names, and that's the last thing i need.
As I read of far away mythical places, with orange sky’s and rainbow colored flowers, I slowly fell asleep.
All was peaceful and quiet until I suddenly woke up from an ear splitting boom. ”What in Celestias name was that?!” I yelled as I galloped to the window. Just as I reached the window I saw a flash of light crash into the nearby patch of woodland.
Curious and worried, I raced to the door putting on my scarf and boots as I went. ”I just hope nopony was hurt” I mumbled as I ran into the darkness.
Doctors pov:
The Doctor adjusted his bow tie as he stepped around the console. It had been awhile since he had been on his own. He was already starting to regret sending Cla-
The Doctor was stopped mid thought as the Tardis warning lights started blaring. “Oh I really need to get rid of those” the Doctor said as he went to check the main console screen. “Or maybe not”. The console screen showed a dimensional rift opening in front of the Tardis. “no no no NO!” the Doctor yelled “this is bad this is very very bad”. The Doctor started whizzing around the console pushing buttons and pulling leavers left, right and centre. The Tardis being tossed violently from side to side as it was being to get sucked into the rift. The Doctor lost his balance and fell into the metal bars surrounding the console. "There’s nothing I can do to stop it!” The Tardis warped and bucked as it was sucked into the rift.”Geronimo!” the Doctor shouted as the control panel exploded in front of him, causing him to fly back against the safety rails, and fly over them. He landed on the floor with a hard thud.
"ow" the doctor moaned as he tried to stand on his feet. His legs wobbled under his weight as he got up. he found that his nose was bleeding and he couldn't open this left eye. His body ached all over as he frantically scrambled to the console.
"Ok doctor calm down it was only the navigation panel that blew" he said as sirens went off all around him,"its not like i ever really used them anyway".
Another set of explosions went off as the Tardis passed through the void. The Doctor frantically tried to pull the Tardis back through the void and into his universe.
But it was too late because the Tardis had already fallen into the other universe. As the Tardis fell through the new universe, the rest of the control panel blew, causing the Doctor to fly through the air and land on the other side of the control room. The Doctors legs gave out under him as he felt one of his hearts stop."well that's not good" the Doctor mumbled as he struggled to pull himself up."arch!" the Doctor yelled slightly as he tried to get to the center console. He could only keep this up for a short time, as he soon tumbled to the floor. "looks like there`s only one way to get through this" the Doctor said to himself as he finally managed to stand.
The Doctor screamed as he started to regenerate. He remembered all the friends he had made in this life... and smiled.
Then he blacked out, as the Tardis landed, he was jerked outside into the cold unforgiving night.
derpys pov:
Derpy raced through the snow towards the flash of light she had seen earlier. She ran into the thick undergrowth of the near by woodland, and what she saw shocked her to her core.
In the middle of the once lush wood there was a a blue box. This wasn't what had scared her ,but the the amount of destruction around it had. Most of the small woodland was either on fire or had turned to ash. And in the middle of it all was the box surrounded by a fiery crater.
"Did that box really do all this?" Derpy thought to herself as she wondered around the perimeter of the crash sight. when she got enough courage to go up to the box, what she found confused her even more. A brown stallion passed out in the fire and snow.
"did he come out of the box?"Derpy thought "was he an alien?" Derpys eyes widened at the thought."No that's impossible!...but then so are blue boxes falling from the sky and setting a wood on fire"."well what ever the case I cant leave him out in the cold to freeze to death" and with that thought she dragged him onto her back and started to slowly carry him home.
Hoping that this mysterious brown stallion could tell some much needed answers, that would most likely follow once everypony found out about this.