Dragon Stone

by Rain-Flash

Chapter 2

"Hey mister," a voice called out to me,"Are ya okay?" The voice sounded like a country accent.

I blinked, my eyes trying to adjust to the light. All I could see was a blurry image that turned into two others.

"Ya'll go get some help, I'll stay here 'case he wakes up." The voice seemed far off, as if it was an echo.

My vision slowly returned, the blurry images turning into three little girls who were standing over my body. I sat up. The first girl wore blue jeans, with a green shirt, and a bow that adorned her red hair, what stood out amongst her appearance though was her tangerine colored eyes. The second girl had purple hair and lavender eyes, she wore a gray zipped up hoodie and moss green shorts. And the last girl wore a white and pink striped shirt, a light maroon jacket, and a yellow knee length skirt, with yellow-green eyes and a stripped cameo-pink and purple hair.

"Do I have something on my face?" the second girl asked.

"Scootaloo," the third looked over at the girl with purple hair, "Only you could walk around with food on your face."

"Hey!" Scootaloo protested, "whats that supposed to mean?!"

The two started to throw insults back and forth to each other, "Sorry 'bout ma friends," the girl with red hair apologized, "I'm Apple Bloom, that's Sweetie Belle," She pointed over to the girl with the striped hair, who was still insulting her friend, "and that's Scootaloo, It's nice to meet ya!"

I looked over and waved at Scootaloo and Sweetie, "Um... Hi?" I said questionably.

The realization that I was in the middle of nowhere laying on the ground, out side of a creepy looking forest, with three girls that looked like they were thirteen, finally hit me.
"A~Ah!" I jump to my feet, as I raked my hands through my hair. "It'll be okay," I tell myself, "I was just kidnapped by three girls!"

"Um, sir?" Apple Bloom raised her finger, "We didn't kidnap you."

"Yeah," Sweetie Belle added, "We just found you lying in the grass here sleeping" she pointed to a patch of grass with the outline of a person.

"What would a kidnapping cutie mark look like anyway?" Scootaloo rubbed her head in thought.

"I don't know," Sweetie remarked, "Who would even do that in the first place?"

"So if you didn't kidnap me, then why was I laying on the ground, and not in my bed?" I asked, "And why are we outside a forest?"

"I don't know 'bout you mister." Apple Bloom replied. "We were gonna go see our friend Zacora."

"What? Does she live in the forest?" I inwardly laughed at my joke.

"She sure does!" Scootaloo exclaims proudly, "And it's not just a forest, it's called the Everfree forest for a reason."

My face turned serious, "Wait... she actually lives in a forest? for what reason!"
The three girls looked at each other, then began to talk at once, "One at a time, if you please."

"Well, the Everfree forest just ain't natural." Apple Bloom began, "The plants grow on their own."

"The animals are wild, and eat other animals," Scootaloo added, "and the clouds move all by themselves."

"And, um." Sweetie looked to the sky in thought, then back down to me, "What they said," she smiled.

I looked at the forest, fear of the place starting to build, "Doesn't sound like the kind of place I want to live," I turned to the three girls, and looked at them like they were crazy, " Why do you guys want to go in there? I've seem to have forgotten that part."

They were about to tell me again, when a voice from behind me caught their attention, "There ya' are Apple Bloom," the voice was also a country accent, like Apple Blooms, " I was lookin' fer' ya' at Pinkies party,"

"Ah horse apples." Apple Bloom sighed.

I turned around to see who was talking, the girl stood there with her hands on her hips, she had long blonde hair that had a rubber band at the end of it, keeping it from going all over the place and beautiful green eyes, she wore an orange plaid shirt, blue jeans, and a brown hat that I believed was called a stetson. I shook my head when I noticed I was staring.

"And you brought this poor man out here with you too?" she extended her hand out to me, "I'm very sorry sir." she apologies as she shook my hand.

"But sis we were just gonna' see if Zecora wanted to come to the party, and we found this guy on the ground." Apple Bloom said, Apple jack didn't seem to buy her excuse.

In that moment I had a small surge of confidence, "Thay're telling the truth," the blond girl looked at me, her eyes looked like they could spot a lie a mile away, I gulped hard confidence gone, "I was laying here, and they told me that they were going to see, what ever her name was," I said sheepishly, "Sorry, I'm bad with names."

The blonde girl's eyes scanned me, It was as if she was studying me by looking into my soul, it sent shivers down my spine, after a moment her face returned to normal " Well I guess any friend of my sis is alright, it's mighty nice to meet ya', my name's AppleJack what's yours?" she asked,

"My name's Joseph." I asked, a little surprised at her sudden friendliness.

"Are ya new to ponyville?" she asked, "Because if ya are, then y'all are in for a big surprise when you actually enter ponyville."

'Ponyville? who would name a town Ponyville?' I asked myself "Why, what's going on there?"

"Our princess is visitin' ponyville, so mah friend, Pinkie, decided ta throw her a party." Applejack sighed, "Honestly, I don't know why that girl has ta have a reason to have a party."

"What do you mean, 'has to have a reason'?"

"Pinkie can't seem ta have a party, just for the heck of it, don't get me wrong, I like her party's, but there is always some reason for it."

"Wait, so what is this party about?"

"This one is a "Welcome to ponyville again Celestia" party, and everyone in ponyville is invited."

My eyes grew bigger with surprise, "The whole town?!" I exclaimed.

"Yep, and I heard on ma way over here that Celestia's sister, Luna, is in town too."

'If this is the same Luna I met while walking, then I have a few questions for her,' I thought, I tried to think of an excuse to see Luna, and ask her were I am when I remembered, "Can you take me to Luna please, I saw her drop this and I wanted to return it." I reached into my pocket, and pulled out the bracelet, how it got in my pocket I'll never know.

"Well that's mighty kind o'ya, sure I'll take you to her," Applejack looked at her sister, and her friends, " Y'all are comin' along to, don't need you guys runnin' off an gettin' into trouble." Applejack began to walk back in the direction she came from, with Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Bell, and I following behind, " And ta make sure that doesn't happen i'm gonna leave y'all with Granny and Big Mac."