The Secret Of The Stare

by S0ngb1rd

Fluttershy's Realisation

"Wait, what?" Fluttershy exclaimed. She didn't understand what Twilight had just said. Fluttershy had been asked to go to Twilight's house earlier that day, wondering what she wanted her for. She later realised, or otherwise, got told, that her special stare could actually hypnotise ponies. "You mean... You mean.." She stammered. "You mean... Anypony?"
"If you gain control over it, yes, anypony." Twilight answered. "Absolutely anypony. It's completely amazing, isn't it?"
"Amazing. Right." Fluttershy was shocked beyond words. She couldn't believe what Twilight had said. It explained so much, but seemed so impossible!
"You look scared. Sure, it's dangerous if you can't control it, but with enough practise... You can do wonders for ponies, wonders!"
"Dangerous? Dangerous?!" Fluttershy exclaimed. "How is it dangerous?!"
"It's not dangerous if you know how to use it," calmed Twilight.
"But I don't!" Exclaimed Fluttershy. "What if I harm somepony?"
"We'll train you. All us six. I'll tell..."
Fluttershy interrupted. "No! Don't tell anypony! They won't understand! They'll hate me!"
"Well, perhaps we could, I mean I could, I could let you practise, with, I mean on, me."
"But what if I..." It was Twilight's turn to interrupt.
"No what ifs. You get nowhere with what ifs. Nowhere." Twilight instructed. "Nothing bad will happen. Spike will make sure of that."
"Spike? I thought you weren't going to tell anypony!"
"Spike isn't a pony, he's a dragon. And he's been listening the whole time."
"But, you lied to me, Twilight!"
"No, I didn't lie to you. He was asleep when you came in. He woke up. This is what you need to learn to do. Notice the little things. The strange absence of Spike's snoring, the change in the atmosphere, this has nothing to do with unicorn magic, or any magic, Fluttershy. This is how to know things that nopony knows without even asking."
Fluttershy considered the options. Take Twilight's advice and learn to control her stare, or run away. The latter sounded nicer, but was probably impossible. Twilight could, more likely than not, stop her from escaping, or just see her at her house. Since the nicest sounding option wasn't available, she chose taking the advice, and the lessons.
"When do the lessons start?" She asked.
"As soon as you want them to. But make sure it's tomorrow, I'm tired." Twilight answered with a wry smile.
"Tomorrow it is, then." Fluttershy half-heartedly decided.