I remember you

by Strata

The blizzard

If you have ever been to the frozen north, you will know that when a blizzard sets in, you do not want to be anywhere near it. Icicles flying through the air, the snow cold and hard at your hooves, the already cold frozen north gets a lot worse in a blizzard. Shelter is essential. And when a search party to see if the king survived. He got caught in the middle of a blizzard, a freak wind gust blew some of them away from the group, and out into the wasteland.
And that's where we see Princess Cadence, struggling through the frigid winds. She was the leader of the search party, but now she was all alone in the frozen north, struggling for survival. As an Alicorn, the worst that would happen to her is that she would be buried in snow and it would cryogenically preserve her. She would be alive, and would be perfectly healthy when thawed out, but as she learned while reading Captain Equestria as a filly, that if that happened, she was not likely to wake up until everyone she knew would have passed away.
Luck was on her side, for she saw a faint light in the distance, through the icy winds. Filled with renewed hope, she galloped towards it, and upon arrival, found it to be an igloo. She called out, asking if anyone was home, but when no answer came, she stepped in.
It was mainly featureless, except for a small fire burning in one corner. And in front of the fire, sat a shivering King Sombra, his armour coated in ice. The pink Alicorn recoiled for a moment, but saw no change in the dark stallion, so she stepped forward. The warmth of the fire brought feeling back to her hooves, and thawed away some of the ice on her. Sombra did not do anything. He just sat there, gathering heat.
Cadence glanced at him, and saw her face reflected in the armour. But she gasped, for it was not her face she saw. It was the face of a young woman, with lightly tanned skin. She had pink-dyed hair, and deep purple eyes. The face triggered a memory, and it was as if a door was opened inside her mind, and the past came flooding out, eager to remind her of who she was.