Frost Bite's Cutie Mark Story

by Ryu Hayabusa

Return To Ponyville

As I left the house, I enjoyed being able to see my breath in the winter atmosphere of the Crystal Mountains. I looked over the edge of where I was and I could clearly see the lot of Equestria. I could see Canterlot, Ponyville, The Everfree Forest, Appleloosa, Manehattan, and Fillydelphia just to name a few. I prepared to fly towards Ponyville when in the distance I saw Fluttershy get Rainbow Dash from Cloudsdale. I think that's their names, I haven't really met them yet...

"Huh, looks like Pinkie Pie must have told the others. Well, I'd better prepare for a warming welcome." i chuckled at the thought.

I wonder when Pinkie was told, was it just recently? or a while ago? With that thought inside my head, I headed out for Ponyville.

At Ponyville, a few hours before Frost Bite's arrival

The messenger Pegasus was doing her normal run through Ponyville delivering mail to each house, and she passed by Sugarcube Corner and stopped when a sudden thought came to her head,

"I was told to do something here at Sugarcube Corner wasn't I? Wait, that's right, I was supposed to tell Pinkie that Frost Bite is coming here around 3!!"

Having that said, she ran inside and asked to see Pinkie. Before Pinkie went to the door, her body started shaking up and down violently, her Pinkie Sense was telling her that something unexpected was about to happen. Pinkie came out and saw Derpy at the doorstep.

"Hiya Derpy, you wanted to see me?

"Yes, I've come here to tell you that Frost Bite will be coming here around 3," Derpy excitedly said,

"F-Frost Bite? You mean-you mean the one that came down here 6 years ago!?!? Pinkie Pie quizzically asked with a yell.

Derpy cringed back from the sudden yell, "Yeah, i delivered his mail to him earlier today and he told me to tell you that. Are you happy, or mad?

"Silly filly, no i'm not mad, i'm extremely happy i get to see my friend again whom i haven't heard from in a long time!!! Pinkie Pie nearly exploded in happiness. That must be the doozy my Pinkie Sense was telling me about!!!! "Thanks for telling me Derpy!!" I gotta tell the others!! And so she went to Twilight's library, Fluttershy's cottage, and Sweet Apple Acres to tell Applejack.

"Frost Bite?" Twilight questioned Pinkie,

"Yes Frost Bite, you don't remember him?" Pinkie asked Twilight.

"Not very well, if I can remember, he never spoke a word to anypony besides you."

"I remember vaguely about him saying that he didn't speak to anyone cause he still depressed of his "loss", he never told me what he lost that made him so saddy-waddy"

Twilight pondered before responding, "We'll probably find out soon if he's changed"

"Yeah, i definitely think he's changed, but just beware, cause he might still be just a teensy tiny bit fragile," Pinkie Pie told Twilight.

"Oh i'm sure he's gained the courage to talk to us."

"Gather everyone else please Twilight and bring them to Sugarcube Corner, I've got something to quickly tell a certain somepony," Pinkie told Twilight.

Before Pinkie told the others about Frost Bite's arrival, she had also told Derpy that if she saw Frost Bite on her way back that he needs to go to Sugarcube Corner.

A few minutes afterwards, at Sugarcube Corner

All of Pinkie's friends had the same reaction, but a different question,

"Frost Bite? You mean that one silent Pegasus with the red mark below his right eye?" Rainbow asked.

"Frost Bite dear? You mean that Pegasus that stayed with you for a year before unexpectedly and silently leaving?" Rarity asked.

"Frost Bite? Oh, i can slightly remember him, he was here for a year before he left right?" Fluttershy asked.

"Frost Bite? Ya mean the one who came down here a few years ago but never said a word to any of us but you?" Applejack seemed concerned.

"Yes, there is only one Frost Bite and that is him... He is returning to Ponyville, hopefully for good. If it's anything he told me, it's how much he absolutely loves the cold, so i think we should give him a nice place if he's here for good, but we have to find out if he will stay." Pinkie Pie told everypony.

"I don't really like him because he made it seem like he was shunning us and only speaking to you," Rarity said.

"it's because he was Rarity, he did th-."

Rarity abruptly interrupted Pinkie's sentence with a yell. "WHAT?!? WHY IN THE WORLD OF EQUESTRIA WOULD HE DO THAT?!?!?" Pinkie stumbled back and fell prone on her back from Rarity's scolding. Twilight interjected,

"Rarity please, let Pinkie explain." Pinkie looked over to Twilight as she helped her up,

"Thanks Twilight. Rarity, the only reason that he did that was because i had spoke up to him first and i comforted him when he broke down in front of me, he said that he never talked to anypony else but me because of a certain "loss" in his childhood."

"Oh..." Rarity scratched the back of her head and gave a weak smile and chuckle, "Sorry Pinkie, i should've let you continue"

"Nah, it's alright Rarity, i forgive you"

"Ah think we should give him a warm Ponyville welcome, don't ya think?" Applejack suggested.

All six of them simultaneously yelled "YEAH!!" and giggled a little before Pinkie pulled out her party cannon and filled the room with party decorations in a flash.

"I love my party cannon, it helps with setting up when im behind. Okay girls, its 2:30 now, he should be here in thirty minutes"

About 1-2 miles away from Ponyville

"Imma be there right on time, perfect!!" I said to myself.

As i kept flying there, while staring at Canterlot, i heard Derpy's voice yelling in my direction,

"Hey Frost Bite!!!!!" I didn't look til the last second and ended up running into her, putting me on top in a strange position.

Realizing what had just happened, i hopped off of Derpy scratching the back of my head saying,

"Sorry 'bout that Derpy, i was kinda mesmerized by Canterlot's royalty."

While helping her up off the ground, she said, "Oh no, it's alright, I didn't warn you about how close you were." We laughed for a few seconds, before she had told me, "Pinkie Pie told me to tell you that you need to go to Sugarcube Corner when you arrive."

"Okay, thanks Derpy!" I shouted as she went to her next post.

1/4 mile away from Ponyville

I can see Ponyville, it's really close!!!! Better pick up the pace. I flew just a bit faster than normal, i wasn't built for racing speeds, however i was pretty fast with everything i do. When i reached the entrance of Ponyville, i landed softly and trotted my way to Sugarcube Corner. Nopony gave me weird looks when i walked past, guess they must have remembered my presence here years ago.

I opened the door into Sugarcube Corner and was greeted with six voices saying "SURPRISE!!!!!" and a face-full of confetti.
I was startled by them just suddenly doing that,
