Dark Magic

by newHelm

These Ugly Wars

Spike looked on in the throne room, horror plastered across his face. The drakos around the room were all dead except one who was tied and held prisoner. Many ponies had lost their life in the skirmish, and more than a few had died from the incoming projectiles. Bumble Bee limped towards him and gave a sloppy salute with a bandaged limb. "Hello captain."
"What the hell happened?"
"It seems the battle was a diversion so the drakos could steal the Elements of Harmony."
Crestfallen, he sunk to his knees. He had won a battle, but lost the war. Sombra had beaten him. With a mighty roar, his fist cracked the crystalline floor. He slowly raised his head and looked on with sorrow. Only six of the fifty ponies were left alive that once stood guard in the throne room. "Bumble, were are Hawk and the rest of our squad?"
Bumble dropped his head and shook his head. "Hawk took them. No hope for Cliphoof, dead before he was out of the room. Cloudcutter was still alive, but critical. Hawk said it would be a miracle if he lived. Brass is fine though, just out of commission for now. As you can see, I'm fine, got a scare but it's just a cut."
Spike stood and walked towards the captured drakos. His face was stoic as he spoke. "You said steal right? There's a chance that the elements are still alive?"
Bumble nodded as he moved to stand next to his other two teammates. "Tied them up, took them out. My guess, he needs them for something."
"I hope so, that gives us some time." His attention snapped in front of him, at the dark green drakos. "Now for you. Where are the elements?"
The drakos spit in Spike's face, which earned him claw marks across his face. He smirked at his rightful king. "I'll talk. Heh, even though I'm embedded with dark magic, that hurt more than most. You truly deserve your birthright. Too bad you threw your lot in with these ponies."
"Too bad none of you followed me. Peace is not bad. Now talk."
The drakos smiled. "Some did follow you. And after we crush these ponies, we'll crush them as well."
"Do you have any remorse over killing?"
"Not even my own brother. He's in that stupid rebellion. I will crush his skull with my own claws and restore honor to my family."
"That's not honor. That's just deplorable."
"To each their own. You ponies preach tolerance but try to force your ways onto others. How is that tolerating us?"
"Only cause you force death on others. It would be different if you didn't involve us. We did not want this war, you did. Now I'm going to finish it. Where is Sombra and why did he take the elements?"
"Northwest. He has a castle that can only be revealed through dark magic. As for why, show of strength, cripple the ponies, and to drag you to him. Now kill me Traitorous King, and resolve my honor. I have fulfilled my duty."
Spike glared and ripped off a crystal pendant he just noticed hanging around the drakos neck. It was the same color as his scales, which made it hard to notice.
As soon as the strap snapped, the drakos' scales went from green to a sky blue. He dry heaved a few times before falling to his knees. Spike stared at the crumpled form before him, than at a section of the smooth crystalline floor. "Damn."
Spike turned and faced Bumble and the remainder of his squad. "Nothing Bumble. Ok, you go and inform general Pax not to invade, I'm ending things here. Tell him the duke is dead. Macintosh, Burns, up for one more go? We're going after Sombra. You, crystal pony. Tell Shining Armor that we are moving in on Sombra. In twenty he needs to get as many as he can and invade behind us." He turned back to the two guards holding the blue drakos. "Bring this guy to lock up. Keep his claws bound tight."
"Kill me! I said kill me traitor!"
Spike glared at the kneeling, desperate, angry blue drakos. "That's not how we do things. Live today to fight tomorrow."
"Fine, then you should know my name. I am Skytalon!" With a scream of pain and anger, he tore his claw through his arm. He broke the bone and yanked it out. "For it is Skyclaw who will destroy your puny pony allies!"
He slammed the bone in the first guards neck. The second guard was stabbed through the chest. Blood covered the blue scales as he turned to Macintosh. "The Silent Blade dies!" He pounced, one arm limp, the other raised with bone in hand. Ready to kill.
Spike drew his machete and bound forward. He was too slow. Nopony was prepared. Macintosh had his sword on his hoof. He wouldn't get the strap tight enough. Not in time. His shoulder mounted blade was ready, but he would still be hit. Killed.
Skytalon was desperate, and had nothing to lose. He wanted death. And he wanted to take out a hero with him. Spike roared in anger and futile frustration. His friend was dead.
Nopony could comprehend just what had happened. On moment was the charge. Two were to die. Only one body laid on the ground. A drakos ax stood, embedded in the sky blue scales. Everypony turned to look at the yellow pegasus standing in the entrance way. Flash Sentry stood next to the rest of princess Cadence's guards. He was panting from the exertion of throwing the massive ax. "They took the princess. Where did they take princess Twilight?"
Spike released a sigh of relief. "Thanks. Remind me to stay on your good side. Where is Cadence?"
Flash straightened himself. The anger never left his eyes. "The general has her now, they are safe and secure in their chamber."
Spike and Macintosh shared a smile. "Any noise coming from the room?"
Flash flew into Spike's face. "You're making jokes at a time like this! This is serious!"
Spike grabbed Flash's armor and pulled him to his face. Hot tingling breath surrounded the pegasus as the drakos spoke calmly. "Yes it is. A mad pony has my six best friends. One of which is a princess and like a sister to me. Not to mention that they are one of the most important means of defense to this nation. Let's not forget that we've all just lost many friends. Oh and my partner here," Spike gestured at Macintosh. "Almost got impaled. So yeah, this is serious. But I got a job to do. I have to save my friends and in turn save Equestria. If my nerves get the better of me, I die, then they die. I'm just trying stay calm. Now outta my face, I gotta get going."
He turned to Burns and Macintosh. "Ok, let's go. We got ponies to save."
Before they could leave, Flash was in front of them. "I'm going too!"
Spike pushed him aside. "No you're not."
"Yes I am! I can use a sword and I'm a more than capable fighter. I could probably out throw any of you with any weapon. I'm going." He stomped his hoof in anger.
Macintosh nodded. "Eeyep."
Spike glared at his partner. "Fine. But if you die, I'm bringing you back to tell Twilight. Let her kill you."