Tale of Nightingale

by Shadow Veil

Chapter 7

Nightingale weaved himself around in the trees, watching as bolts of magic blasted the trees to every side of him. He couldn’t help but chuckle as he saw Midnight Walker doing the same, both turning behind a large tree to avoid the onslaught. They looked to each other and neither could help smiling and chuckling. It had been several weeks since Commander Early Riser had started training the recruits and he had been running them ragged since they began. He had taken the recruits on what he called a “field trip” to the edge of the Everfree Forest, and once they arrived they were surrounded by fully armed soldiers and told not to get caught. Each team had scattered, not one of them bothering to watch anypony but their own partner.
Nightingale and Midnight listened carefully as the blasting stopped, an eerie silence filling the air as even the distant blasts were silenced. Nightingale flicked his tail, enjoying the chase for the first time in his life. “This is my field of expertise,” he whispered to Midnight Walker, “Twenty three years of running and hiding from murders, this is nothing.”
Midnight snorted, shaking his head from side to side as he spoke, “When we get a break from training, we need to discuss your past. You are a mass of questions, and I would like some answers.”
“You and me both,” Nightingale chuckled, “I still know nothing about you. I share with you, and you share with me. Deal?” he questioned, extending a hand to his partner.
Midnight Walker did the same, his hoof meeting Nightingale’s palm, “Deal.” the two of them nodded, each smiling broadly at the other. “Now, lead on.”
Nightingale ducked low and went darting from tree to tree, his eyes never staying in one place as he scanned for any sign of opposition. He constantly looked over his shoulder, ensuring nothing was trailing them, though one time he just stared over his shoulder, his eyes scanning the distance. He turned his head back, scanning each other area with the same care, only to dart away into a thick group of trees. Midnight Walker followed closely, taking care to remain as hidden as possible for a golden clad trainee.
“Nightingale what are you--.” Midnight felt a hand clamp down on his muzzle, effectively silencing the poor stallion.
Nightingale motioned the golden armor they both wore as he began to tear at the straps of his own. Midnight Walker simply stared in confusion once Nightingale moved his hand away to remove his own armor. Nightingale sighed lightly and tried to explain, “We are wearing a highly reflective and bright color that isn’t found in this environment. We stick out like water in the desert.”
Midnight began to nod furiously, mentally smacking himself for not thinking of that. He and Nightingale continued to removed the armor before Nightingale got a devilish look in his eyes. He begins to place the armor pieces on branches, mimicking a broken up soldier shape. Nightingale nodded at the patchwork distraction and began to scan the surrounding area, looking for any uncovered exit. He finally pointed to a well worn path and began to lurk along it, light never touching his scales as he darted in the shadows.
After what felt like an eternity of lurking about, surrounded by thorns and creaking branches, as the pair avoided entering any line of sight but their own. Nightingale let out a sigh of relief as they stumbled out into a massive clearing. He walked over to the calm river and drank deeply, savoring the refreshing, and cold water.
His gaze passed over the defining features of the clearing, most notable was the ruins of a palace by a bend in the river. Midnight Walker eased up at the sight, unable to feel tense when in this place. It held an odd silence that at the stallion couldn’t explain. All he knew was that they had traversed most of the Everfree Forest, and that night was fast approaching.
“The Commander never said when this exercise would end,” Midnight Walker’s voice snapped Nightingale out of his reminiscent daze. “We may want to find something to eat. Have you seen anything edible?”
“Ah,” Nightingale was at a loss. He could easily catch a fish for himself, but he knew that ponies were vegetarians. “grass?”
“Very funny. Have you seen any flowers?”
“Flowers? I think there are some around here, just give me a moment.” with that Nightingale darted away in search for some flowers for his partner, and a fish or two for himself.
Midnight Walker used this time along to inspect the sword he carried at his midsection. He pulled the short sword from its sheath, friction between the surfaces near nonexistent, only a metallic hiss accompanying the smooth motion of magic. He stared at the rising reflection of the moon through the blade, a pale glow nearly surrounding the blade while Midnight Walker’s emerald aura wrapped around the handle. He gave the blade a few testing swings, insecurity growing on his face as he thought of his father, of how expertly the old stallion had used the blade, and how revered he was because of it. He felt so small by comparison, though these weren’t new feelings for him. “Why am I doing this?”
“I couldn’t tell you why you are standing around like a statue, Midnight Walker.” Nightingale stated, scaring the poor stallion out of his skin. “Relax, it is just me.” Nightingale raised a brow, concern overriding his actions, “Is everything alright?”
As Nightingale approached Midnight Walker a blast of purple magic erupted from the trees, scorching the ground where the partners once stood. Nightingale beat his wings, willing the muscles to hold up not only his weight, but that of his partner. “We will talk about this later, OK?” Midnight Walker only nodded in response, partially frozen from being airborne. “Then snap out of it, I need you here.” Nightingale swooped down to the ground, his feet touching the soft ground only to dart to the side as another blast erupted from cover. “I will give them something to shoot at, try to locate them and fire back.” Nightingale took to the sky, darting from side to side away from various colored blasts.
Midnight Walker ducked behind a fallen chunk of stone, observing the treeline for each individual blast. Five different auras, he thought, five unicorns, and one is Commander Early Riser, no mistaking that aura. Midnight Walker continued to watch as Nightingale went about dodging the blasts, and began to think of a method of attack when Nightingale came rushing towards him. His eyes refocused on the treeline, or rather the blast coming from it. He watched as the blast neared, his hooves refusing to run away and his magic failing to react.
Nightingale landed directly in front of Midnight Walker, his stance widened and his hands thrust forward. He felt the blast slam into his hands, the ground being upturned by the blast driving him back. Nightingale slammed his tail into the ground and tried with all his might to push back against the blast, but he simply didn’t have the physical strength to fight it. Come on, he thought as he struggled to keep his ground, I know I can beat this!
Nightingale felt a sudden presence in his body, a sudden wild power just looking for a way out. Nightingale’s eyes widened as he focused this power towards his palms, willing it to push away the blast. He felt a sharp pain in the center of each palm as the power erupted forth with massive force, driving the blast directly back to its origin. Nightingale watched through blurred vision as a wave of golden armor came crashing towards him. He felt himself collapse, his strength depleted and his breathing ragged as Commander Early Riser began barking orders to ever guard in the clearing.
“Nicely done you two, you lasted the longest by no small margin. Now rest up soldiers, everyone is getting home safe tonight.”