Equstria Gurlz in the Pokémon World!

by skittylikesmlp

Back in the- Okay! This isn't the human world!

“Thank you princess Celestia for letting me go back for the next 5 days. I wonder why Sunset Shimmer didn’t come on the first day of the 5. I’ll ask her when I get back.” Twilight said.
“Twilight Sugar Cube... Are you sure you want to go back for no reason?” Applejack asked.
“I have a very good reason! To keep an eye on Sunset Shimmer for the next 5 days and make sure everything’s going well and that she won’t come back to equestria and start doing bad stuff like stealing an Element of Harmony again!” Twilight protested.
“I still don’t like it! What if you get stuck in there world for the next 30 moons!?” Fretted Rarity. “Yeah! Besides! I thought Sunset Shimmer was ‘reformed’.” Rainbow Dash stated.
“I have to agree... If we lost you in that world we’d be in big trouble if an enemy surfaced.” Said Fluttershy.
“Please don’t go Twilight! Think about what Fluttershy said!” Pinkie Pie pleaded.
“And thats why I’m going with her!” Said Spike.

“Well. You went last time so... Might as well.” Twilight grudgingly agreed.
“YES!” Spike said.
“Then we’re coming to!” Said Pinkie Pie.
“I agree!” Applejack said. “We finally get to see this world you’ve been telling us about!?” Rainbow Dash cheered.
“No!” Celestia said. You already have counterparts in that world. It would be too confusing.
“But Twilight could introduce us. Everyone knows her...right?” Asked Rarity.
“I’m afraid I have to agree with the princess on this one. Just because everyone knows me doesn’t mean they all trust me! After all. I’m a magical Pixie Horse Princess from an alternate world or even dimension after all! Who wouldn’t think I was crazy?” Remarked Twilight hotly. “We understand now Twilight.” Said Fluttershy. “Now then. Let’s go Spike.”
“Oh and Twilight.” Celestia began
Twilight entered the portal with spike riding on her back.
“How’d she do that? There’s supposed to be a half an hour wait untill the portal truly opens.” Said Luna.

Everything span around Twilight. Then she... Slammed into a wall? She faded out unconscious.
“Axew! Axew? AXEW!” A voice called.
Twilight opened her eyes.
A pale green dragon-like creature with paler green tusks and red irises stood on her chest.
“Spike! SPIKE! Where are you!? What is this thing?” Twilight muttered in a daze.
“Axew-xew? Ax..” The creature on her chest looked at himself. “EW!” It said in surprise. It raised one arm and watched. Then looked behind it and swung its tail. Then it pinched one leg and flinched. “Spike.. Is that you?” Twilight asked.
“Ew.” Spike said nodding. “What happened to you?” She asked.
Spike put his claws on his hips and gave Twilight a look that said. Why the heck should I know Twilight?
“Oh, yeah.” Said Twilight. “So. Is all you can say? Axew?” “Axew ew?”
“Can’t you tell that all you’re saying is Axew?” Asked Twilight.
“Ew? Ax!” Spike... Axewed? In surprise.
“Hey! Is that Axew your pokémon?” A voice asked. Twilight turned around to see “Trixie?”
“Hey! How do you know THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRRRIXIE'S NAME! Oh, and, go pokéball.” Trixie said before reaching at her waist pulling off a belt 1 of 6 red and white balls with a black stripe in the middle that had a button on it and threw it at Spike who then disappeared and this red and white... capsule opened as Spike went inside and it closed.
“Hey! What did you do!? Release Spike!” Twilight stammered.
“The great! And powerful! Trixie! Catches whichever pokemon she wants!” Trixie exclaimed.
“Abra! Teleport!” Trixie turned to a floating yellow humanoid shrew like creature. The ‘Abra’ glowed and then Trixie and abra disappeared.
”Spike!” Twilight called out hopelessly.

Twilight had followed the forest path and finally reached a town. While walking around she met a pony/person that she knew for her laughter. “Pinkie Pie!” Called out Twilight. Pinkie Pie looked at her and gasped before running off. “Pinkie! Wait! It’s me Twilight. Probably rushing off to throw a welcome back party. Twilight thought.
She saw Dr. Hooves walking down the street.
“Excuse me sir? Do you know where Applejack might be?” Asked Twilight.
“Probably down at the Ranch. You know. Next to Champion Celestia’s house.” Dr. Hooves said trotting off.
The Ranch? Champion Celestia? I don’t think those places existed at Equestria High! Thought Twilight.

She continued walking down the road till a small field came into view. There was a cliff overlooking it.
As Twilight walked by a figure jumped of the cliff. When the person landed on the ground she revealed to be princess er... principal... er Champion Celestia.
“Ah! A budding pokémon trainer. What is your name?” Celestia asked.
“I’m Twilight!” Twilight said, surprised that the princess didn’t recognise her.
No one seemed to recognise her.
That word, Pokémon kept popping up.
It must be important to this place! But Equestria High didn’t have pokemon. Or at least Twilight didn’t think so. Twilight decided to approach this situation with everything she knew about this world.
It wasn’t Equestria high. That was for sure. Twilight was in another world. Not the human one or the pony one. The ‘pokemon’ one. She remembered what Trixie had said.

“I’m Twilight and my... Axew got kidnapped by another...... Trainer? Called Trixie. She had a ...Abra. I need help getting. Axew back. He’s my only Pokémon?” Twilight said.
Champion Celestia seemed to understand. “Well then! Why not I let you borrow one of my pokemon while we track this pokéthief down? Eh?” Champion Celestia said. “Thank you!” Twilight said.

“It’s called Piplup.” Champion Celestia said as she introduced Twilight to a light blue penguin with a dark blue cape like thing on it’s back that had an orange rounded beak and two white spots on it’s chest “Pip...” It said in a low pitched voice with Twilight guessed was male.
“Hey Piplup...” Said Twilight.
“Of course you could nick name it and give it any name you’d like. Pokémon don’t mind that.” Said Champion Celestia.
“I’ll call you, Owlicious. Because you look like an owl.” Said Twilight.
But the true reason was because she had no idea when she’d be getting home and she wanted something to be there to remind her of it.
“Nice name! Tell you what. I’ll let you keep Owlicious. You can use him to battle this ‘Trixie’ and get your Axew back.” Champion Celestia said “Also. To help you on your journey I’ll give you these three things. Just remember to give them back when you’re done finding Axew. One is a map. The other is a Xtransfer and I can call you with it. The last is a pokédex that will tell you what pokemon you’re looking at.”
“Thanks. I must be going though! I need to find Trixie before she gets to far away.” Twilight excused herself.
“Yes go while you still can. Owlicious. You too.” said Champion Celestia “Good luck.”

If I’m going to have any hope against Trixie now I have to gather together my friends to we can battle her together. I’m sure making friends will be easy knowing them. Thought Twilight as she walked into a little farm. “Go get ‘em Applejack!” Yelled a familiar voice. Twilight turned around just in time to jump away as a flock of sheep raced past.
“There’s a straggler Winona! Go get ‘er!” Applejack said.
Twilight saw a little green thing that looked kind of like a dinosaur with a leaf on it’s head race by. It had little stubs sticking out of it’s neck.
Two of the stubs enlarged into vines and wrapped around a stray sheep.
No. These things weren't sheep. But blue sheep with yellow horns and pure white, fluffy fur. There tails where striped with black and gold and on the tip of it’s tail sat a amber orb.
This creature was thrown with the rest of the group.
Applebloom opened the fence gate and the... Sheep like creatures stampeded in.
“Nice job everybody!” Said Applejack.
Twilight lifted the pokedex to the sheep creatures.

The wool pokémon
When cold weather increases static electricity, its wool doubles in size and the tip of its tail glows slightly.

The pokédex said. Then Twilight pointed it at Applejack’s helper

The leaf pokémon
Chikorita uses the leaf on its head to scan for warmth and humidity in its surroundings, and loves to sunbathe.

“Hmm... Chikorita and Mareep.” Said Twilight.
“Well howdy-do. I don’t think I’ve seen you ‘round these parts before. I’ve never seen that pokemon with you either. Name’s Applejack. That must be a pokédex. I’ve heard alot about them. Would you mind if I tried it to see what your pokemon’s entry is?” Asked Applejack.
“Shure!” Twilight said, passing the pokédex to AJ. “His name is Owlicious!”

The penguin pokemon
It lives along shores in northern countries. A skilled swimmer, it dives for over 10 minutes to hunt.

“Well I insist ya’ll stay for lunch. We have some folk from out of town and you should see how fast they make ‘em fritters! Oh and where making a giant apple pie to celebrate the fact that this is our 25th reunion!” Exclaimed Applejack.
“I’d love to stay for lunch!” Answered Twilight.
“Pi-pl-plup!” Agreed Owlicious.
Twilight had actually had lunch just before she left equestria.
But between the fact that Applebloom would pull on the puppy eyes if she didn’t and the fact that while she was spinning Twilight was pretty sure she had lost her lunch Twilight couldn’t say no to such a kind offer.

“I should've known I’d get stuffed. This is the apple family’s home made recipes after all. Once you start you can’t finish.” Said Twilight after leaving the ranch.
“Pi lup” Sighed Owlicious whose belly was poking out a bit.
“Now then. I wonder where Rainbow Dash is.” Twilight mused.
“Rainbow Dash? I bet you mean Rainbow Crash!” A mean voice said.
Twilight turned around to see a human Diamond Tiara.
“Gothita!” A small black humanoid with fluffy white things on it next to DT said.
Twilight flipped out her pokédex

The fixation pokemon
They intently observe both Trainers and Pokémon. Apparently, they are looking at something that only Gothita can see.

“Hmm. Gothita...” Twilight muttered.
Owlicious sighed in exasperation and waved a flipper in Twilight’s face.
“What are you trying to tell me Owlicious?” Asked Twilight.
Owlicious gave Twilight a look that said All I can say is the name of my species. You think I can tell you what I’m thinking?
Well you're telling me what you're thinking loud and clear right now. Thought Twilight.
“Gothi Gotheta. Goth theta Gothi! Ta!” The Gotheta remarked.
“Pipi lup. Pip pip up!” Owlicious retorted.
“It seems my darling pokemon wants to battle. Or are you to torchic?” Asked DT.
“I can battle!” Yelled Twilight. Even though Twilight had no idea what a battle was.
“What’s a pokemon battle?” Twilight said under her breath while putting the pokedex away.

Pokemon Battles
A pokémon battle is a form of competition between Pokémon. In these battles, one or more of the Pokémon is typically owned and trained by a person, its Pokémon Trainer, in order to win. When a Pokémon faints in battle, its Trainer may send out another to take its place. After all of a Trainer's party Pokémon have been defeated, the battle has been won, and the loser must pay out some amount of money to the winner, determined based on the level of the Pokémon and type of Trainer defeated.

The pokédex informed.
So thats a battle! Twilight thought.
“What’s Owlicious’ moves then?”

Subject pokémon:

“Alright then! Let’s battle!” Twilight said
“Gotheta! Show them your Psybeam!” Said DT.
Gotheta’s pink lip’s opened up revealing a sphere of light that then blasted a beam of light at Owlicious. Knocking the poor piplup of it’s feet.
”Owlicious!” Twilight yelled. “Okay! Use Bubble!”
Owlicious opened his beak and breathed a big bunch of bubbles that hit gotheta square in the chest. “Gotheta!” DT shrieked. “That is so not okay! Use psychic!”. Gotheta’s eyes glowed and a pink aura surrounded Owlicious and brought him crashing to the ground. Owlicious’ eyes where all swirly and he wasn’t moving.
“Yes! I won!” DT bragged.
“Owlicious! Are you okay?” Asked Twilight. “C’mon! Let’s get outta here Gothi!” Smirked DT.
“What do I do... Twilight said in despair.
“I’ve never seen someone stand up to DT like that before!” A familiar voice said.
“Turtwig...” The turtle like pokemon said next to Rainbow Dash.