A Devil's Night

by Dude With No Life

Sneak peak to A Devils Harmony!

I stood at the top of a hill, leaning against a massive oak tree. A single white stone stood upright at its base, etched with words I knew by heart.

"I'm sorry I haven't been by lately." I laid a hand on the top of it, brushing a few leaves away as my tears fell freely.

"Twister misses you so much. We all do. It's just not the same without you. . ."

I sat down and leaned against the stone.

"He gave me this letter, I'm not supposed to read it, so I'll just leave it here. . ." I sat the small square of paper on the grave, sniffing back another tear.

"You helped me through so much. . .you stood by my side when I needed you most, and I'll never forget that." I stood, shakily, trying hard not to break down again.

"Thank you." I patted the crystal case that was set into the top of the stone. The hilt of my sword, Rebellion, laid there, broken and pathetic.

Underneath it was a single blue feather.