Ponies Anonymous

by DontAskForCookie

PA Chapter 3: "Off the Rails"

Ponies Anonymous
Chapter Three: "Off the Rails"
A side fic by DontAskForCookie for Display on FimFiction
Based on the excellent fic "Five Score, Divided by Four" written by: TwistedSpectrum
Editing graciously provided by the wonderful TheGingaNija

~ ~ ~

It was already late by the time we turned the corner and got our first look at the crowd outside of Terminal West. We had parked a few blocks away but all things considered we had gotten pretty lucky, Terminal West was a very popular local music venue, and tonight it looked like things would be in full swing. Not wanting to waste any more time than we already had parking, we rushed to jump into line of other eager partiers.

Most locals knew about the Terminal West as it was pretty much one of the coolest places to catch a show in Atlanta. Built inside a century old foundry just off the train tracks in midtown, it was equipped with state of the art sound systems, lights, and a killer bar. Visiting this local treasure really was an awesome way to spend your night, especially if that night just so happens to also your birthday.

Finally breaking through the last of the line we found ourselves in the main room along with a growing crowd of people milling about sipping on drinks and waiting for the stage crew to finish setting up for tonight's act. The room was alive with activity, and as crazy as this whole night was I couldn't help but find myself grinning as I looked to my companions.

Ronnie who was to my left gives the place an approving nod, “Well why the hell didn't we come here for your party? This place kicks the hell out of your place man.”

Chuckling I give him a nudge with my elbow. “Duly noted, next year i won't let you beat me in your favorite game and instead we can all go out and get drunk”.

“Did someone say something about drinking?”. Hearing Janet's voice from behind me I glance over my shoulder in confusion to see her quickly closing the last few steps towards us from the bar. Looking back to Ronnie I share a confused look with him. Hadn't she been standing next to us moments ago? Ronnie just shrugs and before I can even bring it up i'm interrupted as Janet arrives and thrusts a plastic cup into my hands.

“What? You think I would waste any time getting a drink?”, she asks as she hands the second cup to Ronnie, holding onto a third for herself.

“Well no, but really, how did you get them so fast?” Glancing over to the bar I noted that the line had not dwindled since we had first stepped inside and still looked fairly long, easily a ten minute wait at best. Looking back to the short Brunette I could already feel my curiosity growing, biting at me like an itch I needed to scratch. Brushing up against the thought of itching I absentmindedly give my tattoo a scratch through the denim of my jeans and make a mental note to apply more ointment when I got home.

Laughing she raises her plastic cup up and brushes a stray strand of her Deep brown hair from her face. “Well… I guess it helps when the bartender knows what you like to drink. Being a good tipper helps out a bit as well”.

Joining in her laughter I raise my own drink to meet hers, a small portion of the blue tinted beverage spilling onto the hardwood floor. Never one to miss a chance to be dramatic, Ronnie joins in with a childlike mirth as he slams his cup into ours spilling even more onto the floor. Raising our drinks even higher we make a toast to anoint our evening of fun.

“To the birthday girl!” Begins ronnie with a nod to Janet.

“To me!” Agrees Janet with a grin wide enough to make the Cheshire cat feel inadequate. “And to a night that shall go down in infamy!”

The last portion was left to me to close out, both Janet and Ronnie's eyes falling on me expectantly. “May we never forget it!”. Finishing the toast we bring the cups to our lips and take a long drink of the deceptively sweet contents.

~ ~ ~


Tumbling through space I writhe about as the ground and sky blur together, one replacing the other rapidly in quick succession. Up was down and down was up, only to be reversed again and again. Disoriented beyond recovery I fail about like a rag doll as my panicked mind races.

Worse than the air whipping around me blocking out any ambient noise, worse than the blurring landscape spinning about me, worse than all that was the knowledge that I would be hitting the ground but didn't know when. No chance to brace myself, no chance to wince, it was a silent specter hanging over my head. The crash was coming but I was blind to when it would come.

~ ~ ~

An explosion of pain erupted in my head like some sort of firecracker from hell, jolting my aching body awake. Groaning I strain myself to open my eyes, searching out the source of this wall of force which seemed to have decided to punch me in the face. Finally managing to focus my sight past the end of my squashed nose I saw something that I hadn't expected, A wall of red plaid pressed flat against my face.

Blinking, my mind tries to process what it was seeing but I quickly give up on that process as a new wave of sharp pain cuts across my head. Wanting to rub at my temples to relieve some pressure of this killer headache I find my arms pinned underneath me. Realizing I'm on the floor I wince in effort as I roll over, my flannel shirt tail pulling away from my face as I do so. Cringing as light assaults my eyes my hands shoot to my face to shroud my eyes.

Headache, light sensitivity, the acidic taste of night old puke on the back of my mouth, it didn't paint a pretty picture but at least I knew what I was dealing with. Grumbling I rub at my eyes and try to start steeling myself for the next few hours of nursing myself back from this massive hangover.

“What even happened last night?”

Not hearing any response from my mind I wearily open an eye to investigate. Sighing a breath of relief I am glad to at the very least, see that I'm back home at my apartment. I had never gotten plastered like this in public before and I had heard some pretty messed up stories from friends about waking up in the oddest places. The fact that I was lying on the floor in the living room with my legs still hanging halfway off the nearby sofa was great news, wish I could have made it to my bed but as far as options go this wasn't so bad.

With no small amount of effort I pull myself up from the floor and stumble groggily to the kitchen to pour myself a glass of water. While I sipped at the cold drink I tried to put together what had happened yesterday. Everything before the club came back easily but after that things started to get fuzzy.

There had been drinking, lord had there been drinking, Janet had been like some sort of mythical alcohol producing wizard. Foggy memories were slowly trickling back but nearly all of them featured me with a drink in my hand. About the only memory that I had that didn't feature a drink instead had a certain jar of grapes.

Finishing the water I glance back to the living room to confirm that yes the box was open, various bottles were removed and scattered about, and there on the edge of the coffee table was the mason jar in question with its tinted contents. Groaning I set down the glass and begin to move towards the shower. Maybe it was best that I wake up a bit more before I tried to dredge up any more memories.

Once in the bathroom I give myself a look in the mirror, grimacing at what I see. Still dressed in the same faded old band t-shirt (featuring the name “white wizard” over the skeletal wizard offering his hand to the viewer) with my favorite red flannel over it from last night I looked like a complete mess. The shirts were rather crusty looking and reeked of a potent mix of sweat and alcohol that spoke of the wild night my body had endured. Of course I wasn't looking much better with a head of disheveled hair, my nose glowing red from my fall off the sofa, and the large droopy bags which had formed under my bloodshot eyes.

Turning from the mirror I get the shower going and start to strip, making a mental note as I do so to try and find out where my pants where when I was done as they seemed to currently be missing in action. Kicking the cloths into a pile in the corner of the room I step into the shower and start to scrub away the nights grit and grime.

Inspecting myself as I bathed I made mental notes of my findings, some of them even sparking brief memories of the nights events. Bruise on the shoulder from a mosh pit gone awry, sore ankle from twisting it the wrong way stepping out of the cab, and finally my slightly swollen nose from when I rolled off the sofa after the dream. Blinking away a bit of soapy froth I tried to remember what it was I was dreaming about, but the more I grasped for it the less I remembered, the details slipping away like sand between my fingers.

Giving up on remembering the dream I rinse and turn off the shower. Grabbing a towel I give my head a good rub down as I step out of the shower and exit the bathroom. Draping the towel around my neck I smile, enjoying the simple pleasure of being able to walk around my apartment in the nude for a change with Josh out of town. Reaching my door I step inside, not noticing the light snoring coming from my bed till it was too late.

Lifting a brow at the odd noise I tilt my head towards the bed and gasp at the sight of a human sized shape underneath my sheets with a pair of well toned feminine legs protruding out from underneath them, a mess of frizzy chocolate colored hair poking out from underneath my pillow. My mind froze as synapses misfired, there was a woman in my bed, why was there a woman in my bed? As my brain tried to reboot the tangle of sheets started to move.

Rolling over her snoring gives way to mutterings as she starts to wake up. Sheets pull back as she reaches up to the pillow, revealing a very familiar dress. Janet, dear god it was Janet, Janet was in my bed and her dress was hitched up so high I could see her panties. I instinctively want to turn away from the sight, feeling wrong on so many levels at seeing her like this, but something catches my attention.

There, nestled beneath her undergarment on her thigh was a large stylized tattoo.

Blinking I look down at my own tattoo, then back to hers, they were even in the same spot. Of course there were differences, even from across the room I could see hers was far superior to mine, whoever had done it must have been a master at his craft. Also of course the design was different, whereas I had chosen Rarities cutie mark she had opted for a background ponies. Berry punch had always been popular with fans, but she was still just that, a background pony.

Still her odd (yet strangely appropriate) choice had my attention in a vice grip. How had I never known that she was a fan of the show? I can understand most fans not talking about it with strangers but to be so big of a fan as to get an actual tattoo, you would think I would have noticed before. Looking back and forth from it to my own I can't help but compare.


The soft groggy voice of Janet broke me out of my stupor as she pulled the sheets up to completely obscure her already half hidden strawberry and grape tattoo. Glancing up I can see she has pulled away the pillow to reveal her face which is currently blushing deeply as she averts her gaze from me. “Would you mind covering up?”

A soft breeze between my nethers courtesy of a nearby ac vent is enough to alert me to a monumentally embarrassing fact. Yanking the towel from my shoulders and wrapping it around my waist I sprint out of the room, shutting the door behind me with a slam. Leaning against the door I wince at the loud noise, the crack of wood on wood echoing in my head. Apologizing hastily to Janet I push away from the door and start looking for my pants.

By the time I find them stuffed in between the cushions on the sofa my head has mostly calmed back down, It still hurt but I was ready to start putting together what had happened to me last night. Stepping into the jeans I search my pockets, pulling out my wallet, cell phone, and receipts for not one but two cabs. Finding the wallet (annoyingly) missing my ID and my cell phone dead I check the receipts finding both of them paid for with my credit card.

Tossing the towel over the sofa I groan as I plug my cell phone in to charge, I was a nosy person who loved to get to the bottom of things but having to solve the mystery of how I spent my own night was proving to be rather annoying. Rubbing my face I focus, trying to bring up any useful memories that would explain things. Stepping across the room I stare into a mirror and fix myself with a serious look.

“What did you do last night?” I ask myself in a flat voice. The image in the mirror stares back and its eyes open wide in surprise along with me as it notices the same thing as I do. “Better question, why do i have a hickey?” Alarm bells go off in my noggin as I tilt my head and inspect the deep red mark on the nape of my neck, grimacing as I notice another nearby the first.


Cursing loudly I take a step back from the mirror, running my hands through my hair. This never happened to me. I was a mousy artistic sort who like to stay cooped up in his room and snoop on his neighbors, not some wild party animal!

Taking a few deep breaths to calm down It was then that I noticed a few other things out of place in the mirror, not on myself but instead in the room behind me. Turning I reevaluate the living room, desperate to put together the events of last night.

The most obvious thing is my “Inspiration board” which has been moved out of my room for some reason. Propped up against the wall the large quark board still has most of my photos pinned to it, but a few have been removed. Glancing around I see a few sitting on the floor where they must have fallen off, but a few are collected into a pile on the table. Shuffling through them I see they are all shots of the guy in the wheelchair across the street.

Glancing at the window I start to form foggy memories from this portion of the night. Me and Janet had been looking at the pictures, she had asked about my camera on the table near the window and I had produced my inspiration board. Had I told her about what had happened last year? That I couldn't remember, all I could recall was her laughing at something as she picked out all his pictures, acting like she had before in the elevator before she had come in to dry off.

Processing this information I glance at the towels on the floor, still soggy from us using them for whatever reason. Feeling more confused than ever I instead focus on the other lead, the elevator. We had stumbled in after climbing out of the cab, riding up to my room together as she continued to play with my hair. Why had she been doing that? I couldn't remember specifics but she had also been saying some pretty crazy things as well.

Hearing my door crack I look up to see Janet exiting my room, her dress pulled back down to normal level and her shoes back on her feet. Taking a few uneasy steps towards the door I climb to my feet to help her only for her to wave at me, “No no, don't worry. I am an expert at navigating with a hangover. I can manage”.

Frowning I stand anyway and move to the door, beating her there, “Good morning to you as well,” Its true that I wanted her out of my apartment but I also wanted answers, besides, she was hardly in any condition to go sneaking back to her own room.

Seeing me standing in her way she pouts, crossing her arms over her chest. “I'm sorry but I really need to get home and shower, I'm not sure why I ended up crashing at your place tonight but I'm sorry ok? I know you're worried about Marcus so why don't you just let me get home so I can get out of your hair, ok?”.

Here eyes were still a bit foggy with sleep and she was obviously still feeling like shit from all the drinking we had done but more than anything she looked upset, probably over waking to see me in the nude staring at her. I mentally reprimanded myself for being so creepy and step out of the doorway with a sigh. “Alright, head out then,”

Sighing she moves and pauses at the door, looking back to me as her harsh look melts away to an apologetic one. “I really am sorry, I guess I really got carried away last night, right? I mean, I don’t know what happened but I’m sure you didn’t do anything wrong, you're always a real gentleman Liam. I'm not mad at you or anything, I just… didn't sleep well, bad dreams and all that”.

“Bad dreams?” I echo back, thinking back again to the wisps of my own dream. What had it been about again, something about falling?

“That's right,” she nods, her gaze going distant for a brief instant. “One I have had before, but its odd because I usually can't remember my dreams when I drink,” Pausing I can't help but notice how sad she looks, but before I can bring it up she shakes off whatever she is thinking and turns the door handle. “Anyway I need to get home and get cleaned up, feeling really messy!”

Just like that she is back to her old self, completing one of the most bizarre emotional rollercoster rides I had seen since my sisters teen years. Following her a few steps I stop in the doorway to hang out into the hall, waving I call out to her. “Alright, well I had fun. Oh and happy birthday again”.

Turning she grins and waves back, “Thanks for coming! I'll see you around sometime ok?” With that she was around the corner and heading for the the elevators, once again out of my life and back to her own.

~ ~ ~

One change of fresh cloths and a rapid cleaning session later and I was once again draped across my sofa. Sighing I glance around the room, the towels were picked up, my board of pictures back in my room, and the box of Janet's alcohol repackaged. A scented candle completed all the cleaning I was ready to do just yet, now was time to kick back and relax a bit after such a long night and confusing morning.

Unlocking my cell phone, which I had collected from the wall moments ago, I once again start probing for clues. Immediately I'm informed about two missing text messages. Navigating to my inbox I start to read through them one at a time.

(470) 555-6790 Call Me ;)

Blinking at the first one I brush the still sensitive hickey on my neck. I had assumed that I had gotten to close with Janet but now thinking back to it there was no proof of that. Feeling a bit disappointed I make a mental note that whoever had sent this to me at least had an Atlanta area code. Deciding to deal with this later I open the next one.

Me and the worst headache of all time woke up in my car together, still parked near Terminal West. Heading home now, you guys make it home ok?

Recognizing Ronnie's number I quickly send a reply letting him know that both Janet and I made it home alright. Leaving out some of the more interesting details I simply add that we should catch up later today before sending the message along. Checking for any missed calls and seeing none I decide to look for clues in one last place, my picture folder.

When not pointing the lens of my Pentax digital camera out the window looking for inspiration for my art, I often take pictures with my cell on the street. Uploading pictures from the phone to my computer was easy and a whole lot safer than carrying my expensive camera with me around town.. So long as I had remained sober enough to work the phone last night there was probably a good chance of there being at least a few shots from the evening.

Seeing a large influx of new pictures I grin happily to myself, enjoying the dual pleasures of being both correct in my guess and having new clues to my growing mystery. Eagerly opening the picture file I start to sort through its contents.

The first few pictures were fairly obvious, Janet, Ronnie, and myself smooshed together for group shots and various other pics of us enjoying ourselves. Not seeing much in the way of clues I continue on to a few pictures of the band, a local group that was playing last night that went by the name “Arcane Arachnid”. I didn't remember much about if they were actually any good or not, but I did recall reading the name on the Terminal West website yesterday when me and Janet had been checking out who was going to be playing that night.

Cycling through a few more pictures of the band rocking out on stage I paused as I came across one featuring a very blurry image of Janet climbing up on stage. Blinking I stare down at the poorly cropped shot and tried to figure out what I was looking at. Janet was on stage and looked to be grabbing for the mic stationed before one of the band members, who seemed to be staring blankly into space. No doubt he was as shocked as I was at Janet's behavior, how the hell had this come about?

A few more shots follow of Janet on stage, each one more and more blurred as the crowd seemed to get more and more active. Rubbing my shoulder I think back to my half formed memory of the out of control mosh pit. Had Janet started something, maybe a fight? As the images continued the singer seemed to get over his shock and Janet, who appeared to be singing into the mic at some point, retreated off stage.

Next came what looked like a series of backstage shots, the three of us taking turns posing with the band, grins all around despite whatever had happened on stage. More and more pictures came in as we seemed to get swept up in some sort of after party, pictures shifting to a new location at some house I didn't recognize. Ronnie danced, Janet drank and generally horsed around, while I… oh well that would explain the hickey.

Stopping I study a shot that must have been taken by someone else as i was quite busy making out with the person who had crawled up into my lap. While it was hard to make out who it was exactly I could easily tell it wasn't Janet. Seeing only the back of the persons head I see a wild tangle of dreadlocks, dark skin, blue tribal tattoos, and a sexy lith body posed on top of me. Grinning I let out a long whistle of approval, this was one I would be showing to Ronnie for sure.

After taking my time to analyze the shots of the party for clues I move along till I find another shift in pace as I see the three of us packed into a taxi together. Soon afterward there is a shot of Janet and I waving goodbye to Ronnie as he climbs out of the cab and into his car. Thanking god that Ronnie had not driven in his state and instead slept in his car I skip to the last set of pictures.

Standing there in the the middle of the Centennial Olympic Park was Janet running through the circle fountain, jets of water falling around her as she sprinted. Smiling warmly I nod at the explanation of the towels that needed to dry off. After that was just a picture of the two of them together in another taxi cab, probably on the way home. She was posing beside me with a drunken smirk plastered on her face and her hands raised above her head to form what looked to be a pair of goofy tilted ears.

Declaring the mystery solved I grin as I let loose with a long yawn and stretch. I had apparently had one hell of a night, despite not being able to remember most of it I was glad to have my answers. Clicking back to the picture of Janet in the fountain I think about how full of life she is, one night out with her and I’m going to after parties, making out with (hopefully) hot mystery girls, and making a fool of myself in public. Not my typical Friday night, but still awesome.

Continuing to look at the picture something starts to nag at me. Swatting at the pesky notion I reassure myself that everything was explained now and that my nosy nature could safely crawl back into its hidey hole. Still the feeling continued to bite at me, something just seemed to be wrong with the picture, something I couldn't quite put my finger on.

A sudden knock at the door pulls me away from the picture but doesn't quite pry my mind from this fresh feeling of suspicion. Standing I Stretch and move to the door, my eyes still looking down at the cell. Opening the door by route I glance up from the picture to see Janet standing in the hall.

Not waiting for me to say anything she pushes past me, barging right into my apartment. Confused i finally give her my full attention, she has showered and changed by now but looks more upset than ever. Closing the door I fix her with a concerned look, “Umm… is everything ok Janet?”

Biting her lips she shakes her head in the negative, “No everything's not alright, I just ran into Markie and hes really mad about whatever happened last night. I mean I have seen him more pissed off before but after he saw me he still looked like he was ready to do something crazy,” A sense of dread washed over me as she speaks, my face now mirroring the worry on her own.

Leaning against the door for support I curse under my breath, my legs starting to feel like jelly. Did Marcus know about us going out last night? It was innocent enough, I had the evidence to prove it, but Koontz was hardly the sort to listen to reason. Looking up to her I fix her with a deadly serious look, I needed to know exactly how bad this was. “Ok Janet, think. How much does he know, did he find out about us getting a drink last night?”.

Staring at me bewilderedly she again shakes her head. “What? No, Im talking about the mark, the one I woke up with. He’s pissed I went and got a tattoo” Pulling down her khaki pants a few inches she shows off the top of the cutie mark to me that I had noticed this morning. “See? he’s really pissed about it and I don't know what to say. He ran off before I could tell him I didn't know how I got it in the first place”.

My mind finally snaps the last bit of information together as it realizes what was wrong with the next to last photo, glancing down at my cell again I quickly confirm my suspicions. Running through the rain of water in the picture Janet's dress sticks to the side of her leg, the water making the material nearly completely transparent, showing off a good bit of leg as well as the undergarments I had seen earlier this morning when I had walked in on Janet.

What it didn't show was a sign of a tattoo of any sort.

~ ~ ~