Ponies Anonymous

by DontAskForCookie

PA Chapter 1.5: "Comfort"

Ponies Anonymous

Chapter One and a Half: "Comfort"

A (mini-) side fic by DontAskForCookie for Display on FimFiction

Based on the excellent fic "Five Score, Divided by Four" written by: TwistedSpectrum

Editing graciously provided by the wonderful TheGingaNija

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Buzzzzzzzt …
Buzzzzzzzt …
Buzzzzzzzt …

I silently watched the cell bounce and dance on the counter-top as it vibrated. Lifting my freshly opened bottle to my lips I take a long sip as I muse over how much the small plastic object reminded me of a bug. It was small, annoying, and wouldn't shut up. About all the same qualities I equate to a bug.

Buzzzzzzzt …
Buzzzzzzzt …
Buzzzzzzzt ...

Setting my beer aside I wipe a bit of froth from the corner of my mouth with the back of my sleeve. A few years ago I wouldn't have been caught dead doing something like that, especially not in a dress uniform. Spare or not It still had meaning, or rather it should have meaning. These days I had a hard time building up much enthusiasm for anything really.

Buzzzzzzzt …
Buzzzzzzzt …
Buzzzzzzzt ...

Sighing, I rub my baggy eyes trying to remember when the last time I had a proper nights sleep. Glancing up at the clock I saw that I had already missed the changing of days, the digital clock read out announcing brightly that it was now four in the morning, May first. Seeing the cell’s screen light up, signalling it was ready for another round of buzzing, I hastily made a prayer.

“Please you annoying little bug, just shut up and let me sleep,”

Buzzzzzzzt …

Not unpredictably, the cell phone doesn’t seem to pay my request much mind at all and goes ahead with the vibrating anyway. I'm just starting to consider the merits of crushing the fat plastic bug with my bare fists just to get some measure of peace and quiet when it thankfully, mercifully silences itself.

The screen lights up again but I don't bother looking, I know near enough what it’s trying to tell me. What was that, eight missed calls now? It didn't particularly matter to me as there was absolutely no one I wanted to talk to anyway. If whoever it was on the other line wanted to get in touch so bad they could drag their ass over here to see me as far as i'm concerned. Why should I answer a call at four in the morning when I had made it clear to everyone that I didn't want to talk, especially this day of all days.

Sighing, I lean back in my seat, twisting around in it as much as I could, trying to find a comfortable position and failing. A year and a half I’ve had this chair and I still can't get comfortable in it.

I laughed at that, not a pleasant sort of laugh but an ugly, almost maniacal one. The laugh is almost enough to scare me, almost enough to get me to reconsider actually picking up that new antidepressant prescription my quack therapist was trying to shovel on me, almost enough to hit redial on the phone and beg whatever good natured soul that had tried to reach out and help me at this ungodly hour for help, almost …. but not quite enough. Instead I just sat there and continued to try and get comfortable.

Comfort never came.

Scratching my chin I think about sleep. Sleep had come easy to me once upon a time, but that seemed like a whole other life now. A happy life that belonged to a completely different version of myself, a whole other Cole Greene. Second Lieutenant Greene, not this piteous slob that wore his spare dress uniform and couldn't even sit in a chair properly.

Feeling my eyes watering up I glance to the large windows of my apartment. I had always felt like the massive pane of glass was very much like a screen, giving the world a peek into my own private den of woe. Picking up my beer, I place it in my lap and begin to push my chair towards the window, my gloved hands angling the Large wheeled frame right up to the edge of the glass. Stopping I look out into the night to find all eyes on me, no doubt all those twinkling lights were expecting a repeat of last years performance.

Lifting the beer to make a quick toast to all my viewers I throw back the rest of the stiff drink in one long swallow. The drink never helped with this damn chair, but it did help sleep come. Maybe this time I wouldn't dream, or if I did maybe I wouldn't dream of the accident. Then another thought came, one that actually did manage to give me a small degree of comfort, maybe I would have the other dream…

the one where I'm flying again, only without a plane.

~ ~ ~