Chaos Returns

by Vlad The Inhaler

Chapter 2

The fairly short run to the fashion show was mostly filled with weird or scared stares, although I still haven’t figured out why. Arriving, I carefully opened the door to the fashion show as quiet as possible, so I wouldn’t attract attention. I figured I might want to be quiet just in case that Alicorn did something to me. I looked around the room for any sign of Rarity or Twilight and saw a door leading to the backstage. I put my hood up and carefully walked around the crowd of ponies towards it.

I was pushing through the door when a fairly large colt stepped in front of me. “Hey you’re not allowed back there!” So close. I could barely hear him over the music blaring in the background.

“Listen, I need to talk to Rarity, it’s an emergency, plus I know her so she’ll be fine with it.”

“Right, and I’m related to the Princess.”

“Well that’s nice and all, but can I get in?”


“Well that’s too bad... LOOK! A clever distraction!” I shouted, and pointed over to the right.

“What?” He said confused as he looked over to where I pointed. As soon as he did, I ran past him and through the door. “HEY! Get back here!” He shouted after me. I can’t believe he fell for that, it’s kind of sad really. I turned a corner to the back and saw Rarity across the back stage, and charged towards her to escape the rapidly closing guard. Without the use of my wings though, he was to fast and tackled me to the ground, knocking my cloak off. We slid forward slightly and stopped right in front of Rarity. I looked up and smiled as I saw Rarity looking down with a mixture of confusion and shock on her face.

“Hello, how are you on the fine day?” I asked as I squirmed out from under the guard.

“Who are you?” Rarity asked still surprised.

“I’ll give you a hint, we met at the main entrance.”

“Storm Bolt! What are you doing here, and why do you look so...?”

“To ask you a question, and I’ll tell you later,” I told her as I brushed dust off of my self.

“You can’t just march in he-!” The guard said angrily, as he stood up.

“Well I think Twilight would be able to get you in.” She said looking slightly distracted. Okay, that Alicorn must have done something, cause the last time I got so many strange looks was when I dyed my mane bright pink... she better have not done that.

“Well where is she? It’s very a very urgent message.”

“She’s out on stage, she’ll be back here in a minute.” She looked really distracted now.

“Are you okay? You seem kinda distracted.”

“It’s just you look... different than when I last saw you.”

“I figured, since on the way over here, everypony looked at me strangely... what exactly is different?”

“Well your colors are very dark, close to black, your wings look larger, and you have a bit of a... dark grey, smokey aura.

“Really? That sounds pretty cool!” I said as I ran to the nearest mirror. I looked in it, and sure enough, she was right. While it did look really cool, I did see how it would frighten other ponies. I almost looked like those ponies that were with the Alicorn, all pitch black with red eyes. “Huh, I thought something happened, but I wasn’t sure. Oh well, at least I still have my stunning good looks.” I said smiling.

“Well your mane could use some combing and prehaps a nice suit too.” She said suddenly lost in thought. “So what happened exactly?” She said suddenly shaking out of her day dream.

“Well you see, I wandered into a basement after seeing that the door was kicked down, and heard shouting from further below. When I turned a corner I saw a Alicorn shouting to a huge group of evil looking ponies. She said that they were going to steal the Elements of Harmony, kidnap the users of them, and bring back Discord.” I said all in one breath. Rarity had an expression of shock after hearing it.

“We have to alert the Princess immediately! If any of those things were to happen it would be THE. WORST. POSSIBLE. THING.” She gasped as she used magic to pull in a sofa to lay on dramatically and put her hoof over her forehead.

“Any room on there for me?” I asked with a chuckle, which made Rarity blush.

Before she could respond Twilight walked in from the stage. “Rarity what’s going on here, and who are you?”

“I am the mysterious Batcolt, here to stop criminals, and bring justice to all of Equestria!” I said dramatically, while both of them looked at me like I had just grown a third head. Jeez, no sense of humor in this city.

“... What?” Twilight said, completely confused.

I put my hoof to my face and said, “Never mind, I’m the colt that showed you the way to the fashion show. Anyway, Rarity said you could help me talk to Princess Celestia?”

“Why do you need to talk to her?”

Ughhh I have to explain the whole thing again! After explaining the story again, I took a deep breath and saw Twilight get the exact same expression as Rarity did. “So, if we could go and talk to her now, that would be terrific.”

"Oh right," Twilight said still slightly in a shocked daze. “We should go now.”

“Yeah, that would be good, since you know... all of Equestria is probably in danger.” I made to emphasis the “all” to shake her out of it. “We better hurry, I think they’re going to-”