My Love for a Special somepony

by FlutterLove228

Chapter 2: Waking up, Talking ponies and Question time

"uuhhggg... my head" I woke up from the unconsciousness, you know, when I was bleeding allot and fainted, anyway, apparently, I'm on a couch and my leg was all bandage, like if I had helped, whats the heck is going on.

"oh good your a wake, i though for sure you were dead, I'm glad you'r not" the purple unicorn talked, then I realized that she looked familiar, wait i think SHE IS TWILIGHT, OMG but why would she shoot me, mph, she has some explaining to do.

"why would you shoot me!!" i yelled at twilight but as they heard me talk they gasp.

"you can talk!" twilight said with an surprised, but really surprised.

"what are yo..." she was interrupted by me.

"before you ask questions, were am I?" I asked at twilight but I was pretending I didn't knew her.

"well, as you can see, we are at fluttershy's cottage" I widen my eyes in surprised, did I think, what I think she said, FLUTTERSHY'S COTTAGE. So its finally come true, I'm in equestria, but let's pretend I don't know anything about this place, okay, good.

"fluttershy's cottage, then is this her cottage, were is she?" I asked her, she gave me a confused look like why do I want to see her.

"uuhhmm... fluttershy she's in the kitchen making some food for you when you wake up, why you ask?" she said, I was surprised she asked that, I started sweating really fast of my suspicion about fluttershy, I've got to act normal.

"aahhhh..., nothing just wanted to know, so what do you wanted to ask me about hu?" I told her it's fine to ask me questions as long as they don't are like 56 questions, please, PLEASE DON'T BE 56 QUESTIONS OR MORE!!.

"ohh thank you, okay, first question: what are you?" she asked the first question and then I answered.

"what am I?, am a human, if that answers your first question, okay, now second questio..." I was distracted after seeing her taking notes.

"are you taking notes?" I asked her as I saw her taking notes.

"yes, yes I am" she answered directly to my question, as that we continue with twilight's questions.

"okay... we're were we, oh yeah, second question" I said to her to make the secondary question.

"are you from an alternative universe?" she asked, and I answered.

"yes, next question?" here comes the third question I hope is more of a challenge.

"are their more humans like you in your universe?" she asked, and that was the simple answer.

"yes, their are more humans in my universe" I said "but, not all speak in the same language" I added to my answer.

"interesting" twilight said, and, I'm ready for forth question.

"how old are you?" she asked, now that was a surprise, asking how old am I, but, I simply answered.

"I'm 17 years old" I said "how about you, how old are you?" I added and asked her.

"oh, thats a surprise, and I though I was the one asking questions around here." she said and giggled.

"well, I'm 16 years old" she answered, surprised I was hearing that, but, never mind that guys let's continue with twilights questions yes?.

"what are these, other languages you said later?" she asked.

"oh their are multiple languages in my world, like japanese, german, spanish, chinese and my favorite russian, but their llots of languages" I said, she was fascinated of what I said about the multiple languages.

"what are those you're wearing?, are those clothes?" she asked and I answered.

"yes, yes they are." I said to her.

"okay... what is you're use of knowle..." she was interrupted by fluttershy.

"hey I brought the food for the creatu..." she was interrupted by us staring at her, that she knew we were in a conversation.

"oh... I'm... I'm sorry, am I interrupting" she said as she was hiding in her mane... SO CUTE... *ahem* sorry about that guys let's continue shall we?

"no fluttershy, you may come in" twilight said to fluttershy, that is cool to come in with the food for me.

"oh thanks twilight, I brought the food for the creature" she said as she was walking towards me.

"oh, is this for me?" I asked her.

"oh yes" she answered, I looked at the bowl and said.

"what is it?" I asked her.

"it's soup, I bet you'l like it" she said, as I took a sip on my soup and, and IT TASTED DAMN GOOD, as I continue eating my soup I asked her.

"mmhhh it's good, whats in this stuff?" I asked her and she said.

"it has vegetables, tomato sauce and some herbs" she said, wait did she said "herbs"... I think I'm gonna spit that out, but it's too delicious to be spited out, as I finished my soup,I gave the bowl to fluttershy, to clean it up, I know it was supposed to be me the one cleaning the bowl, but fluttershy wanted to clean it up.

"so, I guess you're gonna call your friends and bring them here, and also I get to stay here for a while until princess celestia has founded a place for me to stay" I said, fluttershy and twilight were with their mouths open, ha, you've have seen the look on their faces, they were surprised I said, cause what I said was the thing twilight was going to say.

"how do you know what I was going to say??, AND HOW DO YOU KNOW PRINCESS CELESTIA??... are you a mind reading alien or something?" she asked, I said to her clearly to her that no I'm not a mind reading alien or something and told her to not call me alien.

"well, twilight I don't mind mister... uuhhmm, whats your name" she asked me and I answered"

"Alexander, my name is Alexander or Alex for short if you liked to" I said fluttershy was pleased to let me stay at her house for awhile.

"don't worry Alexander the animals here would love to have a guest in our home" she smiled and I blushed a little saying in my thoughts this...

"this will be THE GREATEST DAY EVER!!! my wishes haved come true!!".