The adventures of Flare Dasher

by BronyBro

Party Time

It's a bright beautiful day in Equestria as Flare Dasher settles into his Sister's couch thinking to himself outloud "Man this is great spending time with my best and only sister, nice change of scenery what more could a pegasus ask fo-" that's when he heard a familiar voice call to him saying.

"Come on or we're gonna be late for your own welcoming party!" As he turned to see his younger sister, Rainbow Dash.

"Oh! The party I completely forgot about that." Flare said as he walked to his sisters front door.

"You would forget your own wing if I never reminded you." Rainbow dash gave a teasing smile toward her older brother and he couldn't help but smile back (now while Flare Dasher was a pegasus he had many unique feature such as his mane and tail, his mane was spiky and laid back the color of his mane was a bright orange while they solwley blended into a dark red at the tips, the same with his tale. But his cutie mark was the most strange it was a fire ball with flames coming from the top of it which people often said they looked like wings, his fur color was a dark grey color) as they exited the cloud home.

It had been three days since Flare had come to ponyville and when he arrived it wasn't a very good day, it was raining out and everypony was inside staying warm and cozy, but he wasn't so lucky. Eventually his sister found him wandering around, and as soon as she saw him she couldn't help but be excited so in a flash of rainbow she tackled her brother and took him to her home. As he thought about that day he and his sister were half way to the party they were throwing for him. On the way he thought he could pass the time by talking to his sister. "So sis tell me more about these friends of yours."

"You'll meet them at the party but I just know you will like them

"Any of your friends single?"

"I think everyone except fo- WAIT WHAT!!!??"

"I'm just kidding Dashie, calm down."

Rainbow Dash punched her brother in the arm softly as she said "Ha Ha very funny, hey you wanna race like the old days?!"

"I don't know Dashie do you think you can keep up?"

"Is that a challenge?"

"You tell me?" He said as he teased his sister.


It was a couple of minutes until they reached the library Rainbow Dash opened the door as she ushered her brother into the dark tree.


Flare fell backwards and hit his head "Ow" he said as he got up.

"WELCOME TO PONYVILLE FLARE DASHER!!" A pink pony said as she got in dashers face.

"Pinkie Pie calm down before you scare him." called another voice from behind the pink pony. As dasher got up he he looked behind the pink pony to see 4 other Ponys behind her, the first one was a purple unicorn with a star as her cutie mark, the second was a orange earth pony with three apples as her cutie mark, the third was a white unicorn with three diamonds as her cutie mark, and the forth was a yellow pegasus with a beautiful pink mane she had three butterflies as her cutie mark. (Which in his opinion was the most beautiful)

"So girls this is my brother Flare Dasher 2nd fastest flyer in all of Equestria!" Rainbow Dash smirked as she said that. Dasher corrected his sister

"2nd? I think since I beat you here I'm 1st."

As the party continued Dasher was properly introduced to Rainbow's friends

"This is Twilight she's the smart one of the group and personal student to Princess Celestia." Rainbow said with gusto as if it was her accomplishment.

"Hello my name Is Flare Dasher." he took a small bow as he spoke

"Please you don't have to do that I'm just another unicorn who lives in a library"

"Next up is pinkie pie she a party animal who works at the best sweet shop in all of Ponyville, mabey in Equestria!"

" oh oh oh I'm so excited I got a new party buddy!!" Pinke pie was shaking out of excitement,

"If you like to party then were gonna get along just fine." Flare dasher sounded just as excited as she was.

"This is Rarity she runs the Carosel Boutique she's also a fashionista."

"She's a what now?" Dasher looked confused as she said that.

"Basically its a pony who is really into fashion, and may I say that your mane is just fabulous come by the shop sometime I think I have just the thing that will make it dazzle, though it already is" Rarity said with a bright smile

Dasher couldn't help but blush at the compliment.

"Next is Applejack the country pony she works over at Sweet Apple Acers buckin apples for Ponyville

"Mighty fine ta meet ya." Applejack said this with a warm safe smile

"Oh no the pleasure is mine.", replied Dasher

"Last but certainly not least Fluttershy" Fluttershy walked up to him and greeted him in a low tone of voice

"hi I'm fluttershy"

He replied saying "oh hello my name is Flare Dasher.

"Hey guys." As everypony turned around to see spike come down the stairs "Whose the new guy?" Spike asked with a quizzical look

"My name is Flare Dasher and its good to actually see a dude here I thought this entire town was filled with just mares."

"I wish at least then I'd have a chance with most of them." Spike replied

"Hey as long as I'm in town I'll go eazy and give you a chance" Dasher winked when he replied

But thats when rainbow dash interrupted "So Flare did you ever finish that trick you told me about?"

"I almost forgot about that! Yeah I did remember that heat wave last summer?"

Rainbow dash looked amazed "That was you!?"

"Sure was little sis."

"What trick are you talking about?" Twilight asked

Rainbow dash was more then happy to tell them "It's basically the sonic rainboom but instead of rainbows it's an explosion of fire an light!!"

"Would ya mind showin us Sugarcube."

"Of coarse but mabey tomorrow tonight lets just party!!" Flare screamed

Pinkie Pie couldn't help but yell excitedly at that comment "YAY!! PARTY PARTY PARTY!!"


Hours after the party the tree was empty except Flare Dasher, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, Fluttershy, and spike, Rarity would still be there had she not thrown up because of all the drinks so Pinkie Pie and Applejack took her home for some bed rest.

"So Flare? What did you do before you decided to move to ponyville?" Twilight asked trying to start conversation.

"Well I used to work as a castle guard for canterlot." He said with a lopsided smile

"You worked as a guard at the castle?" Fluttershy joined in.

"Yes I used to be on duty with a unicorn named shining armor man that pony could make a protection spell like no other." Flare said with a wide smile.

"Wait you knew my brother?" Twilight asked confused

"Ohhh your that Twilight? he alway used to ramble about his little sister." Replied Flare

After a little more talk about that spike changed the subject bored with this royal guard stuff.

"So Flare what exactly do you plan on doing while in Ponyville?" Spike asked

"Well I plan on getting a job as a weather pony like my sis and after that, I don't know I don't plan that far ahead." Flare said with a smile

This is when Rainbow Dash decided to speak "Well tonight's been fun but we better get home thanks for having us over Twi."

"Wait! I have an idea you three should spend the night here!" Twilight yelled excitedly

"That's actually not a bad Idea Twilight, Whada ya say Flare should we?" Rainbow Dash said this with a bit of excitement in her voice