The Farmer and The Rocker

by mibevan

Chapter 4 - A Hard Days Off

Chapter 4
A Hard Days Off

Applejack was sleeping peacefully in her bed, all relaxed and comfortable. The light from the sun hit her eyes causing her to wake up with a smile on her face. She stood up in bed and gave a long yawn.
“What a long night.” she said to herself. “I shouldn’t have stayed up so late waiting for...Wait a minute, the sun never rises this early.”
She looked at her nightstand and noticed her alarm clock was missing.
“Dear Celestia, what time is it?!”
She grabbed her hat, ran downstairs, and out the door. Applejack had never been late for anything, and she wasn’t intending to get off schedule today. She ran towards the barn and opened the door. All the apple pails that she had to fill were gone.
Big Macintosh came trotting up from behind her. He was pulling a wagon full of hay to feed the farm animals.
“Big Mac...I’m sorry...I got up late. My alarm clock was gone!” she said still catching her breath from all that running.
“Eeeyup.” Big Macintosh responded.
“Wait, where’s Applebloom?”
“Out with her friends.”
“She’s enjoying her spring break AJ. And you’re going to do the same.”
Applejack started piecing things together.
“...Did you and Applebloom...?”
“To be precise it was Granny Smiths idea. We took your alarm clock so you could sleep in and take the day off.”
“But...But what about my chores..?.”
“Leave all your chores to me. In the meantime your gonna spend the rest of the day off the farm.”
“But it’s a weekday all my friends are busy.”
“So make some new friends.”
Applejack was shocked.
“But I prefer being with my regular friends...”
“The longer you stay here AJ, the longer you won't get your alarm clock back.”
Applejack knew that she was beat. She trotted off to find something to do.

Sweetie Bell was leaving Carousel Boutique with an angry scowl on her face. She managed to catch Applejacks attention as she approached her friends the dress shop.
“Sweetie Bell is your sister home?” she asked
“Don’t bother knocking on the door!” Sweetie Bell said angrily
“Why not?”
“She’s too busy to talk to anyone. She’s supposedly expecting “two special customers” to come by the shop today and she won't even tell me who they are.”
“Is that why you’re so angry?”
“No, I just came here for my yoyo. I wanted to try getting a cutie mark for professional yoyo tricks. But she wont let me in.”
The filly trotted away. Applejack walked up to the door of the dress shop and knocked loudly with her hoof.
There was no answer.
Still no response.
Applejack looked at the window of the shop. Hanging there was a sign that read “Sorry We Are Closed”. She turned around and decided to go see what Fluttershy was doing.

She knocked on her door and waited. The door-opened half way and then fully. Fluttershy stood at the door.
“Applejack? What brings you here?”
“Big Mac covered for me today at the farm. He made me take the day off.”
“Oh that’s good. You could use a day off after how hard you have worked.”
They both stood there in silence for a few seconds.
“Well you wanna do something?”
“ I can’t. I need to tend to my animals today.”
“Yea...I hope your not mad. I have to care for my ducks. One of them is sick and...”
“That’s ok. I’ll just go find Rainbow Dash.”
“Let me guess. She’s busy to.”
“Please don’t be mad...but yes. She had to make up for a storm that was supposed to hit Canterlot last night.”
“Why am I not surprised?” Applejack said miserably
“I’m sorry Applejack. All of us are usually busy on the weekdays, especially in the morning.”
Applejack sighed and her ears dropped down as she turned away from the door.
“I know, that’s what I tried to tell Big Mac.”
She started walking away from Fluttershy’s cottage and made her way towards town.

She walked all across the town alone. She could have went to go see Twilight, but she remembers Applebloom saying that she planned to stay with her parents in Canterlot for a few days before she went to the concert. And Pinkie Pie was always working on the weekdays till dusk at sugar cube corner. There was no way she was going to meet up with her anytime soon.
She never did anything on her own before. She was always with her friends whenever she wasn't working.
She wandered into a part of the town that she had hardly ever been to. It was on the far end of Ponyville, past the market place. She looked around and saw an empty cider bar that was open to the public.
“Well, it seems like this is the closest I’m going to be getting to apples today.” She said trotting towards the barrel shaped building.
Out of nowhere a taxi cart piloted by a Pegasus flew past her causing the hat to fly off her head. She was close to getting hit.
“Watch where you’re going!” the driver shouted rudely.
“Why don't you learn how to fly, you thick headed jerk!” She shouted back.
She went over to fetch her hat, which landed in a puddle of water. She picked it up and shook it off. She then proceeded through the front door of the bar.
“I guess this is that part of town where manners no longer exist.” She grumbled to herself.