The Farmer and The Rocker

by mibevan


Dear Blank Flank,

Let me start by saying congratulations on completing your fifth album. Everyone in Equestria enjoys your music, and after hearing it myself I can see why.
The reason I am sending you this letter is because I heard that you were about to start a new tour to promote the new album, Poison Ponies if I’m not mistaken. After seeing your past live performances with my magic I would gladly request that you start your tour in Equestria. I will help fund this tour if you start here in Canterlot, followed by Cloudsdale, and finally Ponyville. You'd be performing in front of an audience of ponies that want to see you.
I just want to give my little ponies something that they deserve after working so very hard during this year’s Winter Wrap Up, and I feel that your music is something that they deserve.
Let me know if you were interested. I promise that you won’t regret it.


Princess Celestia

Dear Princess Celestia:

As both the bands bassist and manager, I took the liberty of discussing your offer with the others. Now when this sort of thing comes up we like each of us have a say. And this is what each of us said.

“Oh yea! A new place to explore and a new audience to entertain. Definitely count me in.”
-Thrash Trotter

“Let’s give our fans something they love and deserve.”

“As a former resident of Canterlot, I would love to perform in front of those that I know and love. I’m coming home everypony, and I’m bringing some friends!"
-Sunday "Whiplash" Glitters

“Finally a chance to perform in front of royalty. I cannot turn that down.”
- Ludwig Slide

“Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, and a lying no."
- Snap Draw

We’ll see you next month in Canterlot. Just send me the details and thank you for starting us off on a new tour.



My faithful student Twilight Sparkle:

I have agreed to help fund the tour of a rock band that is well known throughout the world. They will be starting this tour here in Canterlot, followed by Cloudsdale, and then Ponyville, after that they will continue throughout the rest of Equestria and then the rest of the world. I wanted to give my subjects a little reward for the hard work that they put into this year’s Winter Wrap Up. Seeing how much I know you and your friends like music, I’m including six backstage passes for you and 5 other friends. I think the band would enjoy meeting one, or all six of the ponies that wielded the Elements Of Harmony. Especially since one of their songs is about you and your friends saving Equestria from Discord.
Oh I almost forgot to tell you the name of the band. It consists of six members total. They go by the name Blank Flank. The concert is three days from now.
Hope to see you there.


Princess Celestia