Revelations of the Past

by Mr101

Chapter XII: Battle for the Empire Part 2 - Not without sacrifice.

Revelations of the past
Chapter XII: Battle for the Empire Part 2 - Not without sacrifice.

The caverns beneath the city shook, causing small bits of stone to fall from the ceiling onto a simple shield some unicorn guards had erected over the civilians. They could all hear the muffled sounds of explosion after explosion coming from far above the caverns, causing the young foals to cling closer to their mother’s in fear, whimpering as the noises scared them.

Ink Quill lay nearby to where Amemond and a few guards were, scribbling away into his tome. Now and again he would look up from his work and scan the civilian crowds, watching as servants dashed through the crowds offering water and food to those who needed it and trying their best to keep the morale up for everypony in there. He cast his gaze to the other side of him to where Amemond was and frowned, he could clearly tell from her expression that she was in a troubled state of mind. A maid placed a glass of water beside him and he thanked her, then looked to the glass and to Amemond and got up and begun to head over to her.

Amemond had her eyes closed; resting beside her on a small podium that was brought down from the palace was the Crystal Heart, glowing softly as she channelled its energy. Like Krustallos, she had the power to channel the energy within it, as well as add energy to the Crystal. She had been slowly channelling the positive energy of the civilians through herself and into the heart, but she could feel their hope slowly diminishing with each passing minute.

“Amemond? Are you alright?” Ink Quill asked.

She looked up to see him coming over to her, levitating the glass in front of her with a smile.

“Y-yes I’m fine…thank you Ink Quill.” She replied, levitating the glass up to sip from it.

Ink Quill looked up at the ceiling as another boom thudded above them sending more pieces of stone falling onto the shield and rolling off it.

“I wonder how everypony is doing?” He said.

“There’re fine.” Amemond replied, looking to the heart. “I can feel the unity the soldiers have…there’re determined to win.”

She smiled to herself, the feeling she got from the civilians and the soldiers was overwhelming. When Sombra had first attacked the city, she could feel their doubts about a victory but now, now the feeling was of determination.

Suddenly, the Heart shone a bright red startling everyone in the cave as it was illuminated. It began to violently shake in place before falling off the podium; Ink Quill quickly caught it with his magic before it could hit the floor. Amemond watched in horror her eyes widening, Ink Quill was puzzled by her reaction as well as everypony who was in the caverns. As the heart returned to its normal colour, tears began to form in her eyes as she shook her head softly.

“No….no he...he can’t be…” She whispered.

“Amemond?” Ink Quill asked, levitating the heart back onto the podium.

“MY LADY!” A guard shouted.

The pair looked up to the pathway that lead out of the caverns to see a worn out unicorn guard panting, his armour was dented in several places and he had several gashes and was also missing his helmet, his mane messy and wet with sweat.

“It’s…it’s his highness…” He said softly.

Before another word could be spoken, Amemond suddenly got up and ran out of the door, much to the protests of the guards. Ink Quill quickly got up and ran after her followed closely by several of the guards from the cavern.

“Please… please ancestor’s no.” she panted as she ran.

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Steel Hoof cried out with a slightly deranged laugh as he swung his sword in an arc, cutting the front leg of the unicorn he was fighting who cried out in pain and collapsed to the floor, blood gushing from his wound. He flicked his blade sending spats of blood onto the ground before charging at another enemy who was currently fighting Silver Wing, she grunted as she blocked the incoming blade with hers. Just as Steel Hoof got to her, she pushed back and plunged the blade into the attacker’s neck killing her instantly.

“Not bad Captain.” Steel Hoof said with a smirk.

“Shame I can’t say the same about you.” She playfully smirked back.

An earth stallion with a spear lunged for Steel Hoof who jumped back and ended up being back to back with Silver Wing, a second attack wielding two swords in his magic lunged for Silver Wing who deflected one and began to block the other.

“If your referring to earlier when you saved my flank-“

“Twice.” She interrupted driving her sword down.

“No.” He grunted and sliced the spear in half. “That incident with that unicorn that, that doesn’t count.”

“Uhuh sure it doesn’t, so you don’t want me to…how did you put it?” She swung her blade and sliced across the unicorns face. “Buck me sideways?”

“He caught me off guard that’s all!” Steel Hoof muttered. “And who said I didn’t want you to do that to me later?” He grinned.

Silver Wing chuckled as she finished off her attacker by launching up and over him before slicing the back of his neck, just below where his helmet stopped. Just as she was about to charge another, she Steel Hoof and the other soldiers in their squad felt themselves filling up with energy feeling their stamina returning to them. Steel Hoof and some of the Equestrians with them looked confused by Silver Wing and the Crystal soldiers knew exactly what it was.

“We have the Emperor’s blessing! We cannot fail!” Silver Wing cried out to a roar of approval.

“Then let us not waste it!” Steel Hoof added with a grin before he and the others re-charged Sombra’s incoming forces.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

Luna panted as she shot another blast of magic from her horn, disintegrating the pegasi who had lunged at her, nearby Celestia was also panting slightly as she swung a sword made of solar energy that sliced through a startled unicorn’s blade.

“By the ancestors, how many more are there?!” Luna cried.

They had been holding back the main bulk of Sombra’s forces for the past three hours now, and slowly had been pushing them back. Steel Hoof and Silver Wing had since split from the main group in order to try and flank the forces near the southern gate, which did appear to be working. They had since then been blasting blasts of magic over and over taking out any who were unable to get out of the way in time, this gave the ground forces of unicorns, pegasi and earth soldiers a chance to perform small hit and runs.

They would charge into the damaged lines, do as much damage as they could with their spears, swords and magic before falling back with a cover of crossbow bolts and magic, whilst slightly tiring, the strategy was working perfectly.

“Keep going Luna, we can win this!” Celestia replied.

“But sister we haven’t seen Sombra or Malaskaar at-“

She stopped mid-sentence as she and the others felt a wave of energy hit them, taking a glance back Celestia and Luna saw a bright light coming from the palace and knew exactly what it was, as did the Crystal soldiers with them. As the soldiers cheered and began to carry on the attack, the two Princesses suddenly felt a different energy coming from the city, one they recognised immediately.

“No…how did he breach us without us knowing!?” Celestia cried.

“It must be the Dark God’s doing!” Luna replied.

“Sergeant! Send word to the Captains and tell them to hold off the enemy for as long as possible! Sombra has breached the defences and the Emperor is in danger!” Celestia shouted to a nearby soldier.

The soldier in question saluted and took off flying as quick as he could along with two others, Celestia then ordered the rest of her soldiers, save for her personal guard, to remain and assist the captains before she and Luna took off flying for the palace at speed.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

“This way my Lady!”

Amemond quickly ran after the guard who was leading her, she felt her eyes watering up as she came closer and closer to where they were treating the wounded. She kept telling herself that it wasn’t true, it couldn’t be. But the Crystal Heart only turns the colour of red when something happens to one of the rulers, all Crystal ponies knew this and it could only mean one thing.

Krustallos was dead.

She burst into the room followed closely by Ink Quill and the guards and stared in horror at the scene before her, everywhere she looked were the bodies of the dead and dying, groaning in pain as medical unicorns dashed back and forth trying to see each individual and treating their wounds.

Amemond walked slowly between the wounded looking at each and every one of them with a saddened expression, it pained her to see her subjects in such a state and it hurt more when several of the soldiers noticed her and despite their injuries raised their hooves in salute to her. She tried her best to hold herself together but as she walked to the end of the large room, she felt her front completely shatter at the body lying down surrounded by four guards.

“No…no no no….oh please ancestors NO!” She cried as she ran to the body.

She nuzzled into Krustallo’s cheek as she broke down, sobbing loudly not caring who heard her. She wrapped her hooves around his neck and clung to him as her tears flowed from her eyes, staining her cheeks and his fur.

Ink Quill came up behind her and was going to place a reassuring hoof on her shoulder, but pulled away at the last moment and took a few steps back; he lowered his head as the guards removed their helmets and lowered their heads in silence and remained silent to allow the Empress a chance to grieve while she could.

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Malaskaar growled as he got up the snow falling off his armour, he turned around and quickly re-summoned his staff and sword and began to run back to the city, only to stop as Turil rose over the wall being supported by a column of ice and lunged for him. He barely had time to react before Turil lept off the ice column which immediately shot into the ground narrowly missing Malaskaar and sending snow and earth into the air, Malaskaar rolled out of the way and looked up.
He raised his staff up and a blast of lightning shot out that crackled in the air, Turil, who was still in mid-air, brought his hands up and a thin shield formed around him as the lightning hit him exploding on contact. He tumbled through the smoke and engulfed his hand in flames before blast a pillar of fire at Malaskaar.

Malaskaar swung his staff up and slammed it into the ground, sending shadows upwards forming a wall that absorbed the fire and shot it straight back at Turil. Turil’s eyes widened as the flames collided with him as he crashed into the snow, tumbling into a heap. He quickly extinguished the flames, his hood slightly destroyed and smoke rose from his body, Malaskaar laughed and gave him an evil smirk.

“I can’t believe you forgot I can re direct your attacks…you pathetic weakling.” He taunted.

Turil growled as he pulled his staff from the air and twirled it in both hands before pointing it at Malaskaar and ballasting another pillar of flames at him. Malaskaar brought his right hand up and swung it n an arc, as he did a wave of shadows deflected the flames sending them at an angle into the sky. As the shadows vanished Turil was face to face with Malaskaar and his sword engulfed in frost and fire, Turil swung his sword aiming for Malaskaar’s head, but narrowly missed as Malaskaar pushed himself backwards, instead slicing through one of the horns on his helmet. Malaskaar’s magic tried to form a shield as the blade struck but as the blade struck there was an explosion that sent both Turil and Malaskaar flying in opposite directions with speed. Cursing, Malaskaar slowly raised to his feet looking to where Turil had now gotten up.

“Give it up Tailclaw, you underestimate my power, you always have!” Malaskaar shouted.

“You’ll pay for what you’ve done traitor! Not just for the lives you took in Cyrium but all the pain you have caused in this world!” Turil shouted back.

“Pain?” Malaskaar began to chuckle darkly before breaking into a full on dark laugh. “I haven’t even begun to show these vermin the MEANING of the word pain!”

“And I won’t let you.” Turil growled.

Turil then launched himself at Malaskaar using a blast of air from his hands and quickly brought his sword down at him, Malaskaar blocked it and placed his palm to Turil’s chest and blasted him back with shadows sending Turil up into the air, he then closed his fist making the shadows envelop Turil and threw him towards the city fast, making the shadows let go of him.

Turil flew through the air and brought up a defensive shield just as he crashed straight into a building going through the wall and out the other before crashing into another and cracking it. He slid down it and tumbled to the street; just before he collided with it a pillar of frost caught him and gently lowered him down. He summoned his staff back and began to head to the gate again, being approached by several unicorns and pegasi who were alerted to his presence form the crash. He twirled his staff around and shot a pillar of fire into the group startling them and setting them all ablaze, they cried out in pain as they dropped to the floor trying to put the flames out but to no avail.

Turil ran past their bodies and rounded the corner to come face to face with the eastern gate again; Malaskaar was standing in the gate way approaching him laughing as the shadows danced around him. Growling Turil began to shoot one after the other, fire bolts from his staff and frost bolts from his hand towards Malaskaar who had begun running at him, Malaskaar would fade into shadows and out of them quickly narrowly avoiding the blasts of magic until he came close enough to Turil and lept into the air.

Holding his blade with both hands and the blade pointing down he let out a loud cry as he came down on Turil and narrowly missed him, his blade sinking into the ground with a boom. Turil used this opportunity and gripped his staff in both hands and swung it round, the end glowing a bright red and it collided with the back of Malaskaar’s back and exploded, the spell infused explosion sent Malaskaar shooting forwards and crashing into the ground bouncing along it and into a building and straight through it, coming out near the palace. He got up slowly and coughed up a glob of blood and growled, wiping his chin with his gauntlet.

“I’m going to enjoy ripping you apart Tailclaw!” He barked.

“I’d like to see you try.” Turil replied behind him suddenly.

Malaskaar spun round in surprise just in time to see Turil bring his hands up that were glowing white and slam them into his chest, a blast of ice shooting form them launching him up slightly and freezing him, silence his startled cry. Turil panted softly as he looked at the frozen form of Malaskaar, a confused and angry expression etched on his face.

He began to chant under his breath as his hands engulfed themselves in a blue fire when a crossbow bolt shot past him and embedded itself into the ice causing him to stop the spell, he turned round to see a bunch of Sombra’s forces charging him as well as Shadow Heart and the others fighting another bunch. His eyes widened as he saw Krustallos leaning over the form of Sombra and a blade fall from the sky into his back, Turil then sprinted towards the soldiers coming to him, sword in one hand and staff in the other.

He swung his staff and cracked the skull of one of the soldiers as his sword decapitated another, he then slammed the staff into the ground and the earth shot up sending the rest of the soldiers in different directions screaming and he carried on running. The Emperor needed him, and it wasn’t like Malaskaar was going anywhere anytime soon.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

“Shit! We can’t keep this up much longer!” Steel Hoof cried out as he blocked another attack.

Seemingly from nowhere, fresh waves of reinforcements had arrived amongst them were crossbow wielders and were now pushing the defenders back. Silver Wing and Steel Hoof were side by side slowly moving backwards and blocking incoming attacks, around them the other soldiers were struggling to keep the advancing enemy at bay.

As they battled more and more bolts and magic blasts shot over head from both sides as each tried to remove the others supporting unit, there was a massive explosion that came from near the palace which caused the two captains to look back and see a building that was near the palace explode into nothing as something shot through it.

“We need to fall back!” Silver Wing cried.

“Negative! We need to hold the line!” Steel Hoof shouted back.

He swung his blade and blocked a sword aiming for his head as Silver Wing sliced into the neck of a charging spear soldier.

“There isn’t a line left! Stop being a stubborn son of an ass and fall back, we need to regroup!”

Steel Hoof gritted his teeth and inhaled, he knew she was right. If they had stayed their then they would get wiped out pretty soon and it would have been for nothing, reluctantly he shoved back an attacker before shouting.


All the soldiers began to slowly make their way back towards the palace, being given covering fire as they did. Silver Wing then began to fall back followed by Steel Hoof and several others, as she ran past the soldiers giving cover fire she looked back to see Steel Hoof and the other guards that were with them standing there.

“What are you waiting for?! Come on!” She cried.

“I’m sorry Silver…I’ll buy you some time now go!” He replied and nodded to two guards near her.

“STEEL HOOF NO!” She cried as she was pulled back by the two guards.

“I love you…” Steel Hoof said to her with a smile.

He then roared out with the others and charged at the line of advancing soldiers, the covering fire diminishing as they began to retreat. Silver Wing felt tears falling down her cheeks as she struggled to break free and join Steel Hoof, the last thing she saw before turning a corner was him clashing blades with an enemy.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

Celestia and Luna arrived at the palace just after hearing an explosion nearby and seeing Turil fall to the ground, only to quickly get up and engage in combat with Malaskaar. Their eyes widened as Krustallos lay on the floor, blood pouring around him and Sombra being led away by some of his own guard.

“NO!” Luna cried and charged at Sombra.

“SISTER, WAIT!” Celestia shouted.

Sombra turned to look and growled, his horn began to glow and his blade shot out from Krustallos’s body and headed straight for Luna. Time began to slow down as Luna watched the blade come towards her body, she suddenly felt something shove her and she tumbled to the ground as the sword missed her and crashed into the ground. She looked up to see Turil standing over her clutching her and panting.

“Should be more careful then that Lu-Lu.” He smirked under his mask.

“Thank you Rilly…” She smiled at him.

Turil rose up and turned to face Sombra who growled at him, Sombra noticed several Crystal soldiers trying to move Krustallos’s body and pointed his hoof to them, some of his guard charging them. Before they could get to them a wall of ice cracked through the earth blocking them off, they turned to see Turil with his hand up and scowling at him.

“You fight is with us Sombra…” he said to him.

“You can’t win human…I WILL be victorious! Lord J’skaar-“

“Will fail; fail like he always has done.” Turil interrupted him. “I defeated his forces before and I will do it again, surrender to the alliance Sombra and you will be spared.” He said calmly. “As much as you don’t deserve it…” He finished with a mutter.

“You are brave human…I’ll give you that.” Sombra chuckled. “But you are foolish to think you can defeat me. “

Turil looked to his left to see Celestia stand beside him then to his right, to see Luna and Shadow Heart by his side and he smirked to Sombra hearing the other soldiers behind them led by Silver Wing.

“Last chance Sombra, surrender for your crimes.” Celestia said to him.

“Army or not…you must realise, you are doomed.” Sombra snarled.

“Oh, I don’t think so.” Turil replied summoning his staff.

There was a low rumble that got everyone’s attention followed by a low growl. They looked to where Malaskaar was encased in ice to see it glow before exploding in a shock wave of red followed by a dark roar.


Malaskaar then vanished into shadows and reappeared on a nearby building and the shadows began to swirl around him, forming into floating runic shapes. Turil’s eyes widened as he watched the shadows swirl, realising what spell he was casting.

“Everyone! You deal with Sombra! I need to kill Malaskaar now!” Turil said turning to the others. “Or else it will be too late.”
“What do you mean?” Luna asked.

“He’s trying to summon his titan, Buboarsan.” Turil replied before taking off.

Celestia nodded, she didn’t like the sound of that and turned to face Sombra. Sombra growled and charged at Celestia and Luna using the shadows to propel himself on a platform, they jumped out of the way in time as he shot past them. The soldiers on the ground charged into the oncoming wave of Sombra’s forces, Silver Wing felt tears falling down her cheek as she began to hack down anyone foolish to get in her way, knowing that Steel Hoof had died to buy them the time to get back to help the Princesses.

Celestia and Luna took flight into the sky as Sombra growled at them, a pillar of shadows holding him up.

“You cannot win Celestia, I have a power far greater than you can ever imagine on my side!”

He blasted a pure dark beam of magic suddenly at Celestia, knowing that it would disintegrate her into nothing. However she shot a pure white beam that deflected it and she smirked at him.

“You’re not the only one who has the power of a God behind them Sombra.”

He let out a frustrated roar and lunged for them, summoning up a sword of shadows. He swung his sword at Celestia who brought her own one of light up and blocked it, Luna summoned a blade and swung for Sombra who ducked and quickly bucked her in the chest sending her flying. Celestia was shocked at how fast Sombra could move and blasted a beam of magic at him that sent him backwards, he growled in anger and shot a beam of magic at her which she swopped down to avoid soon re-joined at her side by Luna.

“We need to use the elements Luna.” Celestia said.

“How? He’s moving too fast and we only have enough energy for two shots.” Luna replied.

Sombra began to charge his magic as several shadows swarmed towards the two, taking the forms of ponies wielding shadow weapons.

“We need to wait for the right moment.” Celestia grunted as she blasted a shadow away. “And pray Turil can stop Malaskaar.”

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Turil roared out as he summoned a large amount of his magic and shot a combination of flames and frost and cast it at Malaskaar, it was deflected by a large shield that had formed around Malaskaar as he was beginning his spell. Turil cursed and dodged backwards on the swirling frost that was holding him in the air as a doppelganger of Malaskaar slashed where he was with a shadow sword, the doppelganger was like Malaskaar in every sense except it was completely made of shadows and couldn’t use magic that well. Malaskaar had several different versions of this spell that divided each of his known spells into each doppelganger and would use them as diversions or for defence when he needed to summon something that required his utmost attention.

As he continued to chant, below on the ground a ring of red appeared with three smaller rings in the centre and runes began to appear slowly in-between the rings. Turil knew he was running out of time, if Buboarsan was summoned into the city then all hope would be truly lost. The last time Buboarsan had been summoned was during first battle of the war between the Black Knights and the Templars, it had taken five days of nonstop fighting to bring the monster down and send it back into the void and by then Malaskaar had been able to retreat with his forces, and the prisoners he had captured.

As Turil dodged another blow form the doppelganger, an idea formed in his head, one that was very risky and required a large amount of energy of which he knew he didn’t have. It was then he remembered what the princesses wielded, the Elements.

He cast a quick glance to see Luna and Celestia locked in combat with a swarm of shadows and Sombra, as he looked back to Malaskaar he cried out in pain as the doppelganger appeared in front of him and sunk the shadow blade into his shoulder. Turil could feel the blade draining his magic and he swayed on his pillar of frost and fell to his knee temporarily stunned as the doppelganger went to give the final blow, Turil looked up at the doppelganger gritting his teeth and holding his shoulder, hearing Malaskaar laugh.

“I told you…you are weak Tailclaw…”

Malaskaar laughed as the first ring on the summoning circle began to glow, as Turil waited for the blow he heard a cry from his right side and saw Shadow Heart charging at the doppelganger with speed. The doppelganger was caught off guard as Shadow Heart slashed the head of it off, dispelling it. Turil slowly stood up and grunted in pain as she hovered by his side.

“Are you all right Sir?” She asked.

“I’m fine, just a scratch now-”

He was interrupted as a shadow hand grabbed Shadow Heart around the neck suddenly choking her, Malaskaar growled in anger and slammed her into the ground leaving her body unmoving.

“NO!” Turil cried out.

He felt the stun effect wear off and immediately rushed to Shadow Heart, he landed beside her and checked her pulse and let out a sigh of relief. She was still breathing, just.

“S…sir?” She mumbled.

“Easy…its ok I got you.” Turil replied casting a healing spell over her.

“I’m s-sorry…”

“You saved my life, there’s no need to be sorry.” Turil smiled.

Two Crystal pegasi nearby saw Turil and shadow Heart and came over, carefully and quickly carrying her away and towards the palace.

“So pathetic….having to be saved by a horse.” Malaskaar taunted.

Turil gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

“I’ll kill you Malaskaar!” He roared.

“I’m waiting…” Malaskaar smirked at him.

Turil was about to launch himself at him when he saw the second ring glow, the ground violently shook once as a low roar rumbled from the ring. Cursing he turned tail and launched himself towards the Princesses.

“That’s right Tailclaw…you run like the cowardly dog you are.” Malaskaar chuckled as he turned his attention back to the ring.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

Celestia grunted in pain as a shadow blade sliced into her neck, blood leaking from her wound as she blasted the attacker with her magic. She gritted her teeth as the shadows dance around her, waiting for the next one to lunge at her. Luna was back to back with her and panting, her magic was running low and she was struggling to keep her wings flapping. She had several cuts around her body where the armour didn’t protect her and her eyes were half close, she was watching the shadows carefully like Celestia waiting for the next one to attack.

“DIE!” Sombra roared.

Luna turned in alarm to her right to see Sombra burst through the shadows, sword held high. She closed her eyes and braced herself for the impact of the blade, unable to react quickly enough due to her low energy. She opened them again when she heard Sombra roar out in pain and saw Turil floating beside her, being held up by frost magic and Sombra backing out of the shadows, a fresh gash to his neck.

“Rilly…” she whispered.

“Eyes open girl, can’t protect you all the time.” Turil smirked.

“Why are you here Turil? I thought you were fighting Malaskaar?” Celestia asked.

“I was.” Turil replied blasting away a large section of the shadows. “But I can’t get near him and he’s about to finish his summoning.”

“Then why are you here?!” Celestia asked again a little alarmed, destroying another shadow soldier.

“Do you trust me?” He asked her.


“Do you trust me!?” He repeated.

“Well yes we both do-“

“Then fire the Elements at me.” Turil interrupted her.

“WHAT?!” Luna and Celestia both shouted in unison.

Turil grunted as he summoned his staff and dispelled the shadows around them suddenly, making a clear shot available and revealing a surprised Sombra.

“JUST DO IT!” He roared.

They reluctantly closed their eyes and re-opened them, both glowing white and surrounded by the Elements. Turil moved in front of the two and stuck his arms out and braced himself for the impact, it was going to hurt, a lot.

As the Elements surrounded the two princesses and began to connect to one another by a rainbow, Sombra roared and lunged for Turil, his sword poised ready to strike. He was suddenly knocked back by a blast of magic as the princesses shot a rainbow beam into Turil who cried out in pain and began to absorb the power.

He quickly lunged forwards towards Malaskaar at speed who looked up in time to see Turil destroy his shield with a blast of white flames which impacted on his chest, grabbing him and pulling into the ground below, slamming him where the summoning ring was formed. As Malaskaar cried out in pain, the ring suddenly vanished and a pained roar rumbled under it before fading away.

Turil landed in front of him and brought his arm up and using the elements power, he summoned a medium purple orb that formed in his hand; Malaskaar began to back up in fear and suddenly felt himself being pulled towards Turil.

“It’s over Malaskaar; I’ve decided to take you back to Cyrium to face justice. I think the Inquisitors will have a lot of fun with your mind.” Turil spoke calmly.

“I-impossible!” Malaskaar stuttered. “How are you able to summon a sealing orb? Only the elders know how!”

“Secret.” Turil smirked under his mask.

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Sombra roared out as the blast of energy stunned him, sending him backwards with force. He managed to stop himself and groaned as he groggily shook his head.

“NOW LUNA!” Celestia cried.

Sombra looked up just to see a rainbow beam slam into him causing him to cry out in pain and thrash, he tried to move but the beam was to powerful and he felt his body dissolving.

“IT’S WORKING SISTER!” Luna shouted.

Sombra roared out in pain as he turned completely black and exploded into shadows silencing his cries, Celestia and Luna struggled to stay in the sky panting with a relived smile on their faces. Suddenly city began to shake violently and a low rumble caught their attentions, they looked on in horror as a swirling mass of shadows began to engulf it from the north side. Soldiers of both sides began to scramble to the exits of the city in blind fear and panic, some being engulfed by the shadows as it swallowed the city.

“By the ancestors…” Luna whispered.

“It’s a curse…” Celestia whispered to herself, her eyes tearing up.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

As the wind began to pick up pulling Malaskaar closer and closer towards Turil, he suddenly began to laugh confusing Turil. He then pulled out a scroll from his robes and Turil’s eyes widened, it was a curse scroll.

“IF I GO, THEN SO DOES THIS CITY!” Malaskaar laughed.

Before Turil could react, Malaskaar ripped the scroll open and uttered the curse, he raised his hand up and a stream of black shadows shot out towards the north. He let go of the ground and hurtling towards the orb.

“This isn’t over.” He growled.

Turil watched as Malaskaar disappeared into the orb, he heard a low rumble as the city shook and launched himself onto a roof and watched in anger as the shadows began to engulf the city, already a quarter of it had been taken by the shadows with no way to save it. He began to try and summon his magic to repel the shadow but cried out in pain as the power of the elements inside him faded, he fell to the floor in agony as most of his armour and robes where gone, disintegrated into nothing and the majority of his skin covered in burns. He fell onto his back unable to move, the orb rolling from his grasp as smoke rose from him, and he could head the sounds of the shadows getting closer and chuckled to himself.

“Not…one of my greatest ideas…” He chuckled with a cough.

He closed his eyes waiting for the shadows to take him, not hearing the sounds of wings flapping that were getting closer and closer before blacking out.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

Amemond and Ink Quill were walking back towards the Crystal Caverns alone, she had convinced the guards to let her go alone wanting some time to herself, but Ink Quill had insisted that he go with her, she had agreed knowing that it was probably for the best to have someone she was friends with walk her back.

As they walked back the palace began to rumble and the foundations shook, they both stumbled trying to stand upright and looked out of a window to see the approaching shadows. Ink Quill’s eyes widened in alarm.

“We need to get to the caverns now!” He said.

“There’s not time.” She softly said. “You go…I’ll be fine.”

“But Amemond-“

Ink Quill was cut off as Amemond cast a teleportation spell on him and he vanished, she knew that the shadows would take over the city quicker then she could try and teleport the civilians out and lowered her head. She let her mind drift to thoughts of her husband, of times before the war. She knew it was cowardly to do nothing to try and save her other subjects, but she knew there was no time, she knew she had failed.

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“There he is!” Celestia cried.

She pointed down at the city where Turil was laying; they had been trying to find him in time before the shadows had engulfed the city. Silver Wing and several other pegasi had been helping other soldiers escape the oncoming shadows.

“GO! I’LL GET HIM!” Luna shouted and shot towards him.

Celestia watched as the shadows got closer and closer to his body, she felt her energy failing and struggled to stay in the air. She felt tears fall down her cheeks as she flew out of the city towards the ground, closing her eyes as she collapsed to the ground, panting softly.

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Luna groaned in pain as she flapped her wings hard, coming closer and closer to where Turil lay.

‘Almost…Almost.’ She thought to herself.

She hovered over him and choked back a sob, tears forming in her eyes as she saw the effect of the elements power on someone who wasn’t supposed to be able to use them. She was unsure if he was alive or not until he coughed and groaned.

“Thank the ancestors…” she whispered to herself.

Having not enough magical energy to lift Turil into the air, she gently wrapped her hooves around him and carried him into the sky and out the city, not paying any attention to the orb that was lying nearby. As she flew over the city wall she looked back to see the shadows race past her and finish engulfing the city, she landed by Celestia and gently placed Turil down who was immediately seen to by two unicorns who began to cast a healing spell over him.

She and Celestia watched with tears in their eyes as the city was completely engulfed in shadows, they both gasped as the shadows vanished, leaving nothing where it stood. The city was completely gone, not a single trace of it was left.

Many of the soldiers who got out in time stared in disbelief, some falling to the ground and others breaking down crying, knowing that they have lost loved ones. Even the crystal caverns had vanished, neither one of the princesses being able to sense the energies of any of the civilians or Amemond. Luna laid down beside Turil’s body and nuzzled his cheek chocking back another sob.

“He knew something like this would happen to him…didn’t he?” Luna softly asked Celestia, giving her a look from the corner of her eye.

Celestia only nodded in reply, lowering her head.

“You stupid…stupid…”

Luna raised her hoof to hit Turil but struggled to finish talking and began to sob softly, nuzzling Turil’s cheek again as the unicorns kept the healing spell up, Celestia struggled herself to hold back her tears as the sounds of despair filled the area.

Their victory had not come without sacrifice…