Celestia's son

by CrimsonInk

Chapter one: to awaken from a dream

I felt empty again, as if a part of me was missing or forgotten. My vision blurred and every thing blended together. I could tell I was in a library, it's endless hall ways and innumerable amount of  book shelfs all around me, but I could not tell what ancient tomes or volumes I passed or which way I was heading. 

After what seemed like hours of nothingness, no sense of direction, no real goal in my endless wandering, I stopped. In front of me stood a massive archway, it's design elaborate yet simple. It's magnificent carved edges depicted two allicorns and a little filly in between. Each had a symbol etched  behind them, the sun, the moon, and strangely enough a lavender star. The contrast in the lavender color compared to the dull wood made the star glow and shimmer, almost as if it sparkled?

Beyond the archway however there was a break in the massive shelfs, no a clearing. I walked forward to greet the new openness. My vision seemed to clear, then blur, then clear again repeatedly.  I  winced, as a bright light slightly blinded me. As I walked closer to the clearing, the light intensified more and more, making it hard to look forward and keep my eyes open.

All at once the light exploded in white fiery passion, enveloping   me and my surroundings, while painfully blinding me evermore. I stumbled on my own hooves,  tripped and fell. Scrunching up my face in pain, I closed my eyes in an attempt to block out the burning light, unfortunately to no avail. The air around me felt hot, heated by the intense light, slowly burning me. I herd myself gasp. It was almost as if I were about to catch on fire along with the books surrounding me.

When it seemed as if the light would consume my very being, my every fiber, and that I could take no more,  it stopped.  The air no longer felt like fire, and the ground underneath felt cool. My eyes popped open to view my new surroundings. I looked in awe at the sudden change of venue, I was sill in a library and the light still shone all around me, though the the endless towering bookshelves with countless ancient foreign volumes had  been replaced with large bookshelves  with newer more pristine looking books with now noticeable titles. The bright burning light was less intense, no longer blinding and visibly shone through windows from across the room. There were books thrown  and scattered all around the now visible clearing, whether they were on the ground, furniture, in neat stacks or in messy piles.

Slowly I stood up on shaky hooves, taking in my surroundings, blinking as my vision once again began to clear. As I rose, I exhaled not realizing I was holding my breath. My eyes widened as i  turned to look at the way I came from. The archway was gone, in it's place was a row of book shelfs. I shrugged away the fact that my exit was gone and continued forward. Engrossed in my thoughts, I wandered towards the center of the room.

Too caught up in my  thinking to notice where I was going, my flank grazed a large stack of books, causing them to topple over. I flinched at the sound of the falling books, slamming hard against the wooden floor. As the dust of aged books cleared,  I rubbed my irritated eyes only to open them to two endless lavender pools. Across from me was a little filly with a puzzled yet tired expression. She looked familiar somehow, whether it was her violet coat, that magenta stripe in her hair, or maybe its her star cutimark. Whatever it was she reminded me of something, I just couldn't tell what. Then she spoke.

My eyes widened. I stood there in shock and disbelief, unsure of what just happened. Her mouth moved like any other pony, but her voice. I didn't hear it just from her direction. I herd her words from everywhere, all around, all at once. What she said was lost to me, for I was breaking my mind trying to understand what was going on. My concentration was shattered however when she spoke again, " who are you. "

She waited for a response but I gave her none. I simply stared. She simile and asked, " why are you here? "

 " Did the princess send you? "

" Do you wanna play a game? "

" Would you like to be friends? "

With every word she spoke, the disembodied voices around me became louder and louder. I felt dazed and disoriented. The room began to spin nauseatingly. I felt my inside twist and tighten. I lost sense of direction or whatever way gravity was pulling me. What the now spinning filly said next was lost along with what senses I had left. A strange pulling sensation  traveled through my body like electricity. 

Every thing around me warped and contracted with every pull of energy I felt. I dug my hooves into what I guess was the floor below me. As the indistinguishable roar of voices grew louder, the sickening pull of my inside grew stronger, as did my nausea. I felt like I was floating in an unending toilet flush. Falling onto what I thought were my hunches, I allowed my self to be taken by the pull, to pushed by its flow, to wherever it was guiding me. I felt myself fall even farther back. My surroundings changed along with its warping. The light was suffocated by black tendrils of darkness emanating from  all around. Color faded and died every were like the wilting of a rose, everywhere except a lavender glow in the distance.

Engulfed in darkness, everything fell away. In a moment of clarity my vision, senses, and feeling was restored. That was before I felt something dislodge somewhere inside of me as darkness began to devour my surroundings. In then end the soothing violet light was all that was left of the cozy library' lounge like clearing, even the roaring sound that came from all around was no longer present, but eventually even that too was gone. In its place however with an unearthly green glow.

My skin crawled, my breaths felt labored, a creeping chill worked its way along my spine. I was more cold and alone than ever before. The presence  of the new glow made me feel this even more so. Unlike the calming of the purple glow, the new one seemed  dreadfully unnatural. Some thing about it made my heart stop and my blood turn to ice.   I was sinking deeper and deeper into the darkness. It surrounded me, it engulfed and enveloped me in its cold grasp. My eyes stayed on the light, locked in place. No matter how hard I tried I could not avert my eyes. 

The maddening glow came closer and closer. When it floated a hooves length away from me, it began to take shape. It was  similar to that of a ponies but bigger. I couldn't exactly tell what it was or any detailed features. It  just stayed there, doing nothing other than frightening and confusing me. After a while of me fidgeting uncomfortably as well as staring unwaveringly at the glowing mass in front of me, it backed up slightly. It's sickening slow seemed to almost extinguish itself, leaving only the faintest silhouette  of the form I front of me. This did nothing to lower my anxiety however. 

As the time of silence prolonged itself, I felt a gentile throbbing at the back of my head. It was like I had forgotten something, and that something was trying to resurface from my subconscious. I couldn't concentrate on this feeling long enough to know what was going on, at least until the pain hit me. 

What felt like a dozen red hot nails digging into the base of my skull suddenly came over me. The gentle throbbing grew into a pounding migraine. A sharp high pitched ringing filled my ears. My body cringed and shook at these pains, but my head did not look away, and my eyes did not change their widened gaze. Whatever this entity was that was in front of me, it was attempting to breach my mind's most inner thoughts.

While my body twitched sporadically, a new wave of emotions entered my head, slowly numbing the pain. As my body and mind were numbed beyond concentration a voice spoke into my head. It sounded aged beyond dozens of lifespans and wiser than the sun and moon. It reminded me of dust and cobwebs, and of the acceptance of death. The voice simply inquired, " What are you? " 

I could not respond, fore it's mere presence in my consciousness made it difficult to form thought, let alone verbalized words. The entity in my mind didn't wait for my retort, instead it sent me feelings of warning and danger. It once again spoke into me, but with a more aggressive tone: " You shouldn't be here........ GET OUT! "

A rush of explosive energy ripped through me an the entity pushed its way about of my mind and stripped me of all feeling. When it left I saw nothing, herd nothing, felt nothing. I only knew darkness deeper than before as every thing slipped away.  


Blackheart woke up with a start. He was in a cold sweat and breathing heavily. He was dreaming, it was all a dream. Blackheart had been having reoccurring nightmares for a few years now, but only recently have they been becoming more violent and occurring more frequently. Now he had the nightmares every night, and this was weighing heavily on his mind. He'd have to speak to his mother about them soon.

Blackheart sighed, looking around the room he was in. It was his room. It was a medium sized bedroom with his bed pushed into the far corner. To his right was a windowless wall  across from him was a dresser and some elegant looking furniture. Light flooded in from a skylight above, and a fine carpet swelled across the floor below.

 He didn't stay in this room very often, heart usually had other accommodations elsewhere. Blackheart sat up slightly, pressing a hoof on his forehead. " What happens last night," thought black heart. " how did I get here." upon thinking this black heart notice a sizable lump in the bed next to him. Zed lump shifted under the covers of the bed slightly, only to reveal its identity.

Blackheart stiffened, his eyes wide with shock. The highly esteemed, most eligible bachelor of canterlot, the regal prince blueblood was in his bed......