An unexpected new world discovery.

by Littlelukky1

Chapter 1: The faces of his saviors.

Chapter 1: The faces of his saviors.

Waking up to a bright light is never easy on anyone. “Ugh, god my head.” Aon had just woken up from being unconscious for the past seventeen hours. “What happened? Where, am I? What is this place?” Aon’s head was racing with questions. After inspection of the room, he saw an unused heart monitor on a little cart, A bed curtain to his right, and a door across the room from him. A sigh of relief left his lungs. “A hospital? Well it’s a whole lot better than the gates of hell. Wait, where is my armor?” Moving his arms around a little revealed that there were bandages around his abdomen, for a reason. “Arrg, god my side. What happened?” Aon began to think back on what might have happened. Last he could remember was the drop ship. “That’s right, someone tried to kill me before the jump down to the new planet, right as the door was opening. I hope they get whats coming to em.” Aon clenched his fist with anger then had a sudden realization, he had no idea where he was. “…Wait where the hell am I? did I get rescued after I fell out of the drop ship?” Interrupted from his verbal thoughts, he heard curiously loud footsteps from outside the door.

Scared, he reached his hand down to his side instinctively reaching for his gun but he forgot he was undressed. He began to worry and braced himself for whatever was going to happen. To Aon’s surprise, six what would appear to be ponies walked into the room. Two big white ones with gold armor and spears at the door, a tan one with a stethoscope, a smaller white one with a little nurse hat, a light purple one with a big crown, and a yellow one with a fiery like mane. As the white one walked in she did so with great caution, but the others seemed a little more relaxed. Trying to keep calm Aon went dead silent and waited for something to happen. He would have said something, but he was too busy staring at what he thought was a hallucination. The light purple one got a bit closer and simply asked “Hello?” in a beautifully clear voice. Aon, although still very shocked, managed to speak and asked the same “Uh, Hello?” Hearing that raised the purple pony’s eyebrow “You can talk?” She said. “I was about to ask the same thing.” Aon replied half hysterically. “Oh good that gets the language barrier out of the way then.” She said with a smile on her face. She cleared her throat and continued. “Hello my name is Twilight Sparkle, are you feeling alright?” Her face quickly going from a smile to concerned. “From what Doctor Stable tells me, you were pretty hurt when Captain Spitfire brought you in.” Still trying to wrap his head around the situation Aon replied “uh.. I’m feeling alright… what happened to me?”

Twilight began to tell the story. “Well from what Captain Spitfire and Doctor Stable have told me, You fell out of the sky bleeding heavily. Spitfire was out supervising the weather snow team and she saw you falling out of the sky, so after she caught you and flew straight here to Ponyville hospital. From there Doctor Stable stitched up your, what we presume to be a stab wound, to the best of his abilities and let you rest. When I received an emergency letter saying “we are treating an alien” I came as soon as I could to supervise the situation. And that leaves us here.” Aon still half under the impression he was hallucinating decided to roll with it. Aon kept thinking to himself “Am I dreaming?.. It feels so real. Probably better just to go with it and not screw anything up in the off chance this is real. Well either way, it sounds like these ponies saved my life.” Remembering his manners Aon spoke up. “I am so sorry.” taking a minute to clear his mind. “My name is Aon. It’s a pleasure to meet you all.”

The Ponies all smiled. Pointing to the yellow mare he said. “So, I take it you are my life savior Spitfire.” She confirmed “That’s right.” Then pointing over to the Tan one. “And you are Doctor Stable, who tended to my injuries.” Doctor Stable assured with a nod “Correct.” Aon took a deep breath and asked. “You two saved my life?” Spitfire and Doctor Stable looked at each other and Doctor Stable said “If you were to put it so boldly. Yes” Then Spitfire smiled and said “Yeah I guess you could say that.” Aon put both his hands together as if he was praying. “Both of you have selflessly saved my life. I know it doesn’t mean much now but, thank you.” Doctor stable, somewhat used to this, replied “Well we couldn’t just let you die.”

Aon got up out of the bed and slowly walked to the end of the bed. Now standing before the ponies he got down on one knee. bowed his head and said “By the law of my people, I am now life indebted to you.” A simultaneous “What!?” came out of everypony in the room. Aon continued “You saved my life, so now I owe it back to you. It is the way of my people.” Everypony just stared in shock for a few seconds then Doctor Stable spoke up. “Aon, that is highly unnecessary. You don’t owe me anything. I’m a doctor. It’s my job to save lives.” Aon looked up. “Well I have to repay my debt somehow.” Aon argued. “You gave me the gift of life by deciding to catch me out of the air. If not for you I would have hit the ground and surely died. For that I must thank you.” Aon said looking over at Spitfire, and she had started to blush at that point. “It was really no big deal. Besides how do you pay a life debt?” Aon stood back up. “The Prophets doctrine commands that I must serve my life to my savior as a loyal servent.”

“A servant!?” Spitfire was shocked and a little flattered. “I don’t even know what I would or could have you do.” Aon stood up. “As my master, you can order me to do anything. Whether it be physical labor or protection. You name it. As your servant I am honor bound to do as you ask and guard you from danger, with my life.” Twilight was very curious at this point. “Why do you sound so, excited, about laying down your life to be a servant?” Aon looked over at Twilight. “Twilight, I know it all seems weird but it is what my people do. The gift of life is the greatest thing anybody can give. And I must repay it because without them my life would have not been anymore.” Doctor Stable interrupted then. “Well either way Aon, it was a pleasure to meet you but I must go. I have other patients to check in on but you should be all set and ready to go. Please forget about the life debt, at least for me. Your stuff is over on the table. "So now if you’ll excuse me.” He said on his way out with Nurse Redheart. Aon called out after him “Wait doctor, Thank you!.” But the Doctor already left.