Lightning Flash.

by DisharmonyandChaos

Last day home.

It was an average day in the magical land of equestria, in the royal canterlot castle the princess walked down the hallway with a smile. Two servants accompanied her today, midway down the hall she stopped infront of a large wooden door on the left side in which a sentry stood at his post. The princess looked at the guard who stood at a firm proper stance. She then turned to the door and gently began to slowly open it, the door let out a squeak as she slowly pushed it open.

Celestia and the two servants walked inside and shut the door behind them, in this darkened room was a large bed that seemed over sized for who it was meant for. She approached the side of the bed, looking at a young dark ash gray colt alicorn who was sound asleep. Smiling then slowly leaning down to kiss his cheek, Celestia gently nudged him with her snout. "Lightniiiing, wake uuuuup" She said in a soothing voice to ease the young colt awake. "Today is the big daaaaay" she said continuing to nudge him.

Slowly the colt began to respond to the princesses attempts to wake him, but like all her little ponies he wasn't thrilled about waking up. He let out a groan and gently swatted at her with his tiny hoof, this only made her let out a very small laugh. "Get up lazy flank you got alot to do today," She said nudging a bit harder.

In a very hushed voice the colt finally replied "I don't wanna.."

"Well you have to, now please get up mister bedhead" she said wrapping her hoofs around him and propping lightning on his behind. She let out a giggle. "what a lovely style for your mane," she said gently running her hoof through his black locks.

Lightning looked up with his light sunglow eyes that seemed to have a gentle illuminating glow to them, he smiled and laughed himself. "The worse the bedhead the better you slept!" His voice was the cutest thing to hear, so soothing and gentle to the ear.

Celestia smiles and kissed his cheek once more, "Come, we must get you ready for today," She said picking him up once more then setting him down on the ground. He let out a small yawn and trotted around the bed looking at the two servants who had been brought to tend to him.

"Oh lightning," One of the mares said shaking her head slightly with a grin, "You always have to have the most aggressive case of bedhead,"

"Got your work cut out for ya then don't chya?" He giggled.

"Indeed i do, now please come along so we can fix up that wreck." The mare said gesturing to the door, to which he followed her and the other servant to where they normally take him for his daily grooming.

Celestia only smiled and walked out the door shaking her head also, "That colt i swear," she said as she passed the guard who had not moved an inch. Lightning was so full of life, you never saw this colt frown he was always the happiest little thing. As servants and other staff of the castle passed by the would greet him in a happy manor to which he would reply with a lovely hello and a very big smile.

The mare led him into a large dressing room with many mirrors, dressers and a variety of makeup and even a bath. This was lightnings personal dressing room to be more accurate, it was also his least favorite room in the whole castle. Like any child he hated to be dressed and bathed but it was required unfortunately for him. "Lightning in order for me to be able to do ANYTHING with that mane of yours we will start you off with a bath."

Lightning let out a groan, which was cute in itself. "Do i have to?" He asked trying to talk his way out of it, he's done it before actually.

"Yes lightning," the white mare said as she walked over to the bath and turned on the water then plugged the drain.

"Fine," Lightning said sitting on the ground and crossing his forelegs in a pouting manor,

"Don't you pout with me mister," She said looking at him as he pretended to be legitimately upset, but everypony who knew lightning knew he never gets upset.

"Y-Yes miss eyeliner" He got up then trotted over to the bathtub,using a small 4 step ladder to look inside. "Can we put bubbles in it?!" he turned to Eyeliner with a huge smile of hope. Bubble baths were lightnings favorite, he didn't get to have alot of fun even though he was a colt. He was technically royalty and had quite alot on his plate for someone his age.

She looked at him then to the bath, a look that showed she was thinking was the expression she wore. "Well... I suppose since of the occasion." She said.

"YAY!" Lightning hopped up with glee, wasn't the best idea though for when he came back down he landed directly into the bath, splashing water onto miss eyeliner who literally jumped back to avoid anymore water.

"Lightning!! do you know how long it takes me to get my makeup right?!" She shouted.

He popped up out of the water and sank below it to where only the top of his head was visible, he then popped up once more and said in the most sincere voice. "I-Im sorry.."

Eyeliner only sighed and looked at him, "Oh you know i cant stay mad at you," She then reached into a cupboard next to the bath,pulling out a large bottle of soap to make the bubbles. Pouring it in and adjusting the water as it slowly filled up the large tub, it was so deep lightning had to actually swim to stay afloat. The bubbles quickly began to form fill the bath. Eyeliner then shut off the water which was nice and warm and now bubbly.

Eyeliner turned to the other servant, Vera dear can you please wash him while i get the makeup and hair product ready?.

The colbalt blue mare looked up from the paper she was reading then set it down on a nearby sink. "Thats what i get payed for isn't it?" She was one of the younger servants, only 14 years old it was quite an impressive accomplishment for a mare that age to be working at the castle.

Vera walked over to the tub while Eyeliner walked over to her actual station to get ready to go to work, vera looked inside the tub to see the little colt had made a beard on his face with the bubbles that surrounded him. "Vera look, im starswirled the bearded," he said looking at her then sneezing causing some of the bubbles to fly into the air.

Vera flinched back just a bit then giggled, "I can see that," she said. The young unicorn mare grabbed some shampoo/body wash. It said "Johnson and Johnson's tear free child shampoo and body wash." She shook her head and looked at the bottle with much hatred, "They are such liars.." she muttered.

"Who are liars?" Lightning said looking up from his bubble beard.

"Nobody you little cutie, now stay still while i do this." She squirt some of the shampoo into her hoof then rubbed it with both and put it into lightnings mane, scrubbing hardly to which he complained.

"C-Can you be a little more gentle?" He asked, looking a bit uncomfortable as she did.

"OP sorry sweetie," She eased up then reached for a cup, dipping it into the tub and pouring it onto his head. She repeated the process three more times. "You can play for 5 minutes then you have to get out." She said walking away to dry her hoofs off.

"Lightning dear what do you think would be better to wear today, your tuxedo or your royal formal suit?" Eyeliner asked as she looked through some outfits.

"How about my necklace?" He said putting his hoofs on the rim of the tub and pulling himself up.

"Just the necklace? oh that wont do honey you know that."

He groaned loudly. "Royal suit...BUT I WANNA WEAR MY NECKLACE!"

"Fair enough," Eyeliner grabbed the white suit which has a red sash, many jewels and the equestrian seal. It was a very well crafted piece.

"Alright mister royalty time to come out." Vera said pulling him out of the tub before setting him down then smothering him with a towel. She dried him off very roughly just to get it done faster, uncomfortable yet it worked.

"I hate it when you do that.." Lightning said walking over to Eyeliner and hopping up in the large chair that he always sat in when she went to work on him.

She reached over to the hair dryer and plugged it in then started it up, aiming it towards lightning and beginning to blow dry his mane. This part he didn't mind as much, as she blow dried it she grabbed a comb and began running it through his mane ,styling it right then and there. After that, eyeliner helped him into the royal suit in which she simply adored but lightning despised with a passion. "I wont make you wear any makeup considering its your last day here you adorable little thing! Oh you look so sophisticated in that suit!"

Lightning glared at himself in the mirror, he obviously didn't like it. "I hate this."

"Oh nonsense dear you are a canterlotian you must look the part!"

He simply groaned then hopped off the chair and began to walk towards the door. "Lightning dear! before you go.."

He stopped and turned around looking at eyeliner who appeared to be sad. She slowly walked over to him and smiled, then leaned down hugging him very tight. "Im going to miss you..."

He wrapped his tiny hoofs around her as best he could, "Ill miss you too.." he said sounding sad himself.

Vera hugged him as well and they said their goodbyes before he walked out of the room. His next thing to do was to immediately report to the princess in the throne room. As he trotted down the hallway he was suddenly stopped by somepony shouting his name from behind, he turned around to see eyeliner running after him levitating his necklace, An orange lightning bold wrapped in a golden border with a gold chain. "You forgot this dear.." She put it around him and hugged him again before running off, hiding the tears that were forming.

He sighed and continued to walk to throne room, he was feeling rather depressed for the first time...He wasn't going to be seeing them again, he wouldn't see any of them ever again...