What the Buck is Equestria?

by fluffle22puff

Chapter 3

You are normally a very rational guy (pony). You have given in. This is not a dream, or some freakish hallucination. Back home, You would have NEVER believed in such a silly thing as dragons or talking ponies. But at one point, in psychology class at your high school, your class was instructed to write a report on anything involving illusions, dreams, etc. For your research, you chose a book involving how to tell if you are dreaming or not. The main point it talked about is that dreams are controllable, and easily bent to your will. You tried multiple times to wish for bits, but it didn't work. You tried asking to be able to fly, but no wings sprouted. Apparently you are stuck in this world, so you decide you will make the best of it.

After listening in on Applejack and the other two's convo, you decide that you don't want to stick around longer than you have to. You will meet them at the two o' clock meeting, no earlier. You don't want any trouble. You still have two hours to kill, and you don't want to go to the library, as that's where that purple one lives. Thinking about where to go, you decide to find somewhere to sleep. You need sleep after all, and this IS the strangest day you have had in awhile. Finding a hay barrel near a little hut on a far-out hill near a forest, you lay down in it and drift off to sleep.

You wake up... well, actually, you had a dream a about a dark colored pony- (no, horse?)telling you to wake up, as it is time for your pre-scheduled appointment. Jerking awake, you tumble off the hay, then stumble into town to check the time. Oh, the idea of that mare in your dream being correct is ABSURD of course, but it is still a good idea to check the time.

Looking at a clock, you find that, surprisingly it is EXACTLY 2:00, you rush to find the schoolhouse. Discovering that this small town is actually quite big, you decide to stop someone to ask them.

"Uuuuuuuum, excuse me?' You say, tapping the pony on the shoulder. "Could you tell me where the schoolhouse is? I'm... Um, not from around here."

She turns around. "Course I can! I work there! I'm the teacher, Cherilee. Let me walk you there. It's Sunday if course, so there is no school, but I would be happy to walk you there anyway!" She trots down the road, surprisingly quickly. Hurrying to follow, you trot to catch up. After awhile, she leads you to a small schoolhouse, with a swing set in front of it.

"Well, this is where you get off, so... Off you go." Cherilee says. You thank her and trot toward the door. "Oh, and by the way..." You stop. "What kind of magic do you use?"

"Excuse me?" You say. "I don't use magic."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I assumed you were a magic user... You have a horn and all." She turned and trotted off.

"You have a horn and all." Her voice echoes in your head. How did you not notice that you had a horn? But the magic- that sounded
cool. You wonder where you can be taught how to use magic. You shake your head, laughing at yourself. How could you have adapted to this insane world so easily? You trot toward the schoolhouse.

The schoolhouse, once you get inside, is actually quite homely. It is a one- story, one-room house. Looking around, you look for the orange pony(Applejack, was it?) but see no pony.. You walk around the room, but find no other places any pony could be. Shaking your head, you are about to turn around to leave, when-

"Get him girls!" A voice yells. A sack is shoved over your face. You flail, attempting to no avail to get the sack off you. "Applejack, knock him out." The voice orders.

"Ah am sorry bout' this!" The southern accent of Applejack says, and you feel a hard, blunt blow to your cranium.

And everything goes black.