
by MonsterAddict


Confusion… She just… couldn’t… understand…what had just transpired? Now she was alone, quite alone … again. This recurring theme was getting old, even for Fluttershy. Being alone… was something now one should have to bear. Why had he gone? Why would he lead her to him, give him hope… something to live for … then… go away. Crunching and dashing down on any sad little bit of hope that remained in her fragile, weak and pitiful little body.

No. She couldn’t let him go. Something was wrong here… very wrong. No. If anything is truly and honestly loved, no matter the cost, be it your life or worst. You should fight for what holds so dear to you, even if the one you love has seemingly abandoned you. Forgive and forget. Never, ever give up. Ever. And for once in Fluttershy’s seemingly uneventful life. She acted. Her instant reaction being diving straight into the heart of the overgrown, almost transparent undergrowth. Not thinking, but doing. Just keep moving. Her constant goal now directly in front of her. She had to find him. Otherwise… she had … nothing left. This new sense of thought fuelled her determination deep within the confines of her broken heart. Find him.

Then she heard it. The noise… Hope began flourishing and rising from within her. Rustle, rustle. Rustle… it was distant but she knew what she heard and it was real. Or as real as anything else in this Celestia forbidden place. It had to be. It was Angel bunny. Perhaps he hadn’t left in spite of her. Maybe he was making her gallop after him without end for her own good. It now looked as if he was leading her here for some reason. But his motives… were unclear. Why was he leading her here? What would she find? Happiness perhaps. She sure hoped so, as if Angel bunny was anything, he was a sign of hope, happiness and everything pure in this world. And above all good…

Most of the time…

Rustle. Rustle… annnnnnd rustle. HHHHHUUURRR! She was so close she could feel it!
She hadn’t come this far… to stop now.
She would find him. One way or another. Do or die. She began bursting into a sprint, well more of a panicked run into one direction. Hopefully leading to hope and luck… Hopefully. GURRRR. It was louder. The noise just kept intensifying! It only made her more determined, more crazed to get to it. She didn’t stop the mad run, not even the fact her body was out of focus and other worldly could slow her down. Just keep running. It was unbearably loud. She was so close. Almost there. C’mon. The noise was directly in front teasing her, she took the bait and with the little might and stamina she had left she dived right into the rustling.

It stopped... She thought perhaps she had crushed Angel in her dash for him. She felt nothing underneath her, couldn’t even feel the ground, nothingness. She scurried her hoofs, around and lifted herself up from the spot. Only to see the unexpected.

It was all a blur at first, but as she focused harder, things became just that little bit clearer. What could be seen before her were… things, like Angel, in a strange unworldly way. They were like ghostly apparitions. They seemed to shift focus constantly. Like mist in one spot. No definite sturdy shape or wholesomeness. Just images shifting. But one thing she was sure about… they were, definitely… what she wanted to see. They were animals. All gathered in on location around her in one mystical place. Life was in front of her… but life… had never seemed so lifeless.

The animals, if they could be distinguished as that, moved around with awkward blurred slowness. Making no noise while doing so. It was a hell of a creepy spectacle. But they were here, none the less. It was like a dream… come true. The animals… they were still here… they hadn’t left. But for some reason… everything still seemed… wrong… somehow… they were… ghostly… as if… not really … there.

But they were there. She should be happy... but she was unnoticed. Everything just moved around her, they didn’t even notice she was there. But she was. She tried moving to them but they were just… not there. They were within reach but … not there. It didn’t make any sense. Was this some kinda sick joke?! She desperately swung her hoofs through the animals like mist. It just went through, making the images break up. She jumped and screamed at them. They just ignored her. Kept moving around her. Getting further and further away with each desperate attempt to touch or communicate with them. Crying out in pure pain and mind blowing frustration, she… gave up.

The lifeless… just carried on living around her.