Hope for Harmony

by fancivalunicorn

Unwelcome family

Marecus looked at the rustic giant that looked like the colt she saw many years ago
"Hi my name is Marecus Aurelius is your name Goliath." The stallion looked at her in silence and responded with a nod Marecus smiled and said "Its very nice to meet you, you might not recognize me but I'm you sister!" The stallion looked at the white pony with an intrigued but a little creeped out because of her stupid smile. Then he started to laugh and said
“All right y’all who here is yankin’ my chain-mail” he clopped around laughing “Miss Marecus I’m sorry but i was raised be by my big brother Mac”
Marecus franticly explained “No we were separated at birth our mother was killed by Twilight sparkle please…” as tears fall down her cheeks “You have to believe me!” Then goliath looked in to her eyes and said “Listen darlin’ I don’t know who sent you here, that joke ain’t funny no more I’m sorry I’m not your brother.” Marecus begged him to at least hear her out. Goliath replied "OK. I could use a good mare's tale…" he made himself comfortable and spoke sarcastically "Ok on you..sis." he snickered through his sentences.
Marcus went to explain Goliath's origin he's facial expression as soon as she mentioned the house moon and star she saw the angered clenched teeth of her brother. She justified this with "I'm sorry to say our mother was a unicorn." Goliath's face turned from rage to disbelief the way the mare in from to of him was talking it was like she was there. "Wait!" he said "If you were about the same age as me when all this happened how do you remember so much."
The mare looked at him with a reluctant face "Because …I was kinda there I saw everything happen i tried to warn her but nothing changed our father betrayed her Goliath there was nothing i can do." Tears reached his eyes and suddenly A memory of a grey unicorn pasted before his eyes Then he noticed the cutie mar on her flank. It looked like a golden shield with strange symbol on it then he realized that his not only match it went with his. Almost like a missing piece of a puzzle, he then got up and said "None of this is making any since but I'll tell you what. Big Mac he's been but in charge of this here little town lets see what he has to say about your story" and pushed her in the general direction of the building where Macintosh was staying.
Marecus,while walking to Bid Macintosh's quarter, actually had chance to finally look around at her surroundings the rustic also shanty looking town was overwhelmingly populated she wold have never genes that such a rundown old town who be able to hold this many ponies. The moon and stars where out and they light up the street, as she was kind of taking in the fact that she actually found her brother a shimmer of glee something that she hadn't had since childhood over came her. She stared to talk to Goliath some more " So what have you been doing all these years its looks like you've been going pretty well for yourself and if mother could see how strong you were."
Goliath smiled though he didn't believe her story in the slightest flattery didn't come often particularly being one of Big mac High ranking Clydesdales "Well thank you miss I'm very flattered and assuming that what your saying is true. How in the hay did you survive so long on your own in the Everfree forest"
Marecus laughter and corrected him "Oh no no I wasn't alone i lived with a tribe of zebra they cared for me and that actually how I got my cutiemark. They performed this strange ritual that how i saw mother and why i wanted to find you." But fore for she could say anymore Goliath stopped and looked at her with anger and confusion in his eyes once again.
"Listen I've been patient until now I know you aint eathborn What do you want!" Then a spark appeared on Marecus' forehead and her horn reappeared and then thats when Goliath lost it "You fillth you magic wielding garbage how could you do this."
Marecus franticly tried to explain "No Brother…I knew"
Goliaths voice horse with rage "Don't call me brother! I will give you five seconds to run before i paint this town red with your corpse and and use your horn as a tooth pick!"
He started to count but Marecus' horn just started to glow and a zap hit Goliath but nothing happened to him Marecus with Tears in her eyes ran away she couldn't risk teleport or else have the hole town on her. she hid in a an in a small alleyway between to of the biggest buildings in town. She was only safe for a couple of minuets before she felt a colt metal pipe on her head and the breathing of a big animal on her neck.
A voice from the darkness crawled out and said "Good evening darling you by the looks of your forehead seem to be lost."
Marecus trying to be coy Said to the figure which she couldn't see "Oh no you know just Site seeing I was just on my way home so if you'll excuse me." She started to walk alway but was stopped but the animal that was breathing down her neck.
The voice asked her "Were y'all going sweetheart its ok…" he looked a her with a deviant smile and said "… you know its been awhile since I seen a mare pretty as you before"
She knew what was about to happened but she was constantly thinking "Oh this is bad do i call him what is it didn't work ir do i risk teleportation and risk starting a riot in town." the Marecus said aloud "Oh I'm very flattered but I smile but be going"
The figure stepped out of the darkness to be a golden earth pony with red eyes and a blonde mane and in front of her she could make out the outline of a buffalo. Golden pony finally said "Oh you aint going anywhere, But first where are my manners I'm Hooves Du'oh and this is my trusty companion the buffalo Bill Quiet-lamb" Just ask the pony finished talking Marecus found her self on the ground with the golden pony over her and said "I only told you my name so you know what to scream."
Just as Hooves was about to do whatever foul deeds he had planed for Marecus the scream of of a buffalo was heard through out the town. A Clydesdale bucked the stallion of the screaming mare and Hooves Du'oh finals screamed "Who do you think you are!"
Goliath turned and smiled "I'm the juggernaut bitch!"