What the Buck is Equestria?

by fluffle22puff

Chapter 1

You wake up to pure darkness. You slowly crack open your eyes, only to shut them again. The pain is excruciating.

"Ooooh!He's awake!"a high-pitched voice squeals. You groan and lift your hand to your head. Then you realize it's not a hand, but a hoof. After a brief moment of panic. But being a calm person in general the panic subsides and you decide to deal with the matter later. Cracking open your eyes, you see a group of multicolored ponies standing in front of you, looking down at you with fascination.

"Where am I?" You groan. "What happened?"

"Hmmmmm," the purple one says, as if pondering something. "Looks like it didn't work. Lets send the poor stallion back."
"Of course. I am SURE his very special some pony is worried about him." This comment comes from the white one. Your eyes feel like lead weights, and with the assumption that you are dreaming, you drift off to Sleep.

* * *

As you sleep, the ponies watch, trying to decide what to do with you.

"It's not working," Twilight Sparkle said. "He wont go back." Twilight Sparkle is a purple unicorn with a dark purple mane with a violet stripe down the middle.

"Oh dear," Rarity sighed. "His family must be SOooO worried." Rarity is a white unicorn with a curled, dark purple mane. "Of all things this is the WORST!POSSIBLE!THING!"

"M-maybe he'll, um, like it here?"Fluttershy stuttered. A shy, yellow, Pegasus, she hides behind her long pink bangs as she speaks.

"Ay dunno, sugar cube." Applejack said in her southern drawl. "He's got his special some pony back in wherever he came from, right?" She is a strong pony, with a blond, ponytailed mane and an orange coat.

"I bet he's from Manehattan" Pinkie Pie squealed. "Look at his fancy clothes! They're almost as good as Rarity's!" She seems to be a hyper pink pony with a puffed up fluffy pink mane.

"If he's from Manehattan, we better ship him straight back there!" Rainbow Dash yelled, slapping one hoof against the other. She is a blue pony with a rainbow striped

"I don't know where he is from, but we have to send him back. Pinkie, go purchase seven tickets to Manehattan. We can leave when he wakes up."

* * *

You wake up with a moan. A soft blanket has been placed on your body, and a small purple dragon sleeps soundly beside you. "Excuse me," you say, nudging him awake. "Can you tell me where I am?" The dragons head snaps up, and he rubs his eyes tiredly.

"Huh? What?" He sits up, blinking frantically. "Oh my gosh! I fell asleep! Twilight will be so mad at me!" He curls up, hugging his knees to his chest.

"Um, who is Twilight?" You ask. "And where is this?"

"Oh, Twilight is just the most the amazing pony in the world! Except for Rarity of course." He blushes crimson. "You're in the Ponyville library, where Twilight and I live."

"Uh huh." You mutter. Ponies. The guy must be crazy. But, he is a dragon. You look down at your hooves. Wait. HOOVES?! You stare down at your body in wonder, and find that you have become a pony. You have a blue fur, and a white mane. You are wearing your favorite jacket from home, a black jacket with red stripes down the side.

"This is crazy," you shake your head and sit up. It is time to explore this so called "Ponyville".