Hope for Harmony

by fancivalunicorn

Chaos in the north tower

Twenty years after the death of her mother Marecus spent her life under the apprenticeship of Zecora. She learn the basic of the schools of magic and alchemy, the fire of revenge grew in her heart, though constantly on her mind was the thought of who killed her mother and what happened to her father. Being a filly durning the battle between Twilight and Solstice she remembered nothing of her mother or father.
During her time with Zecora's zebra tribes she excelled in a great many things so much so the that even Lady Fluttershy took and interest in the young Mare. One of her many talents which proved use full was her mastery of the art of Teleportation. She could do this in such proficiency that it was almost instantaneous, she actually could do so with out looking where she was going which served a helpful skill on the battlefield . Along with her skill in magic was her silver tongue she could out negotiate even the most shifty and persuasive of house White Gold ponies.
One rainy afternoon she walked over to he master Zecora's house she said she had a surprise for Marecus. Zecora smiled and said " Ah my student best of any, it is time for you to meet your destiny."
Marecus stared into her etchers eyes with wonder and puzzlement "I'm sorry teacher but what do you mean exactly"
Zecora mixing a brew laughed and said " This brew will bring you your cutiemark, but only after a spiritual lark." it was tradition for the tribes of the zebra to go in a spiritual journey to find there cutiemark, Zecora began to poor a strange liquid into a bowl. "Drink this and you will see, it will bring you a personal prophecy." Marecus drank the glowing green liquid. Trying not to vomit she swallowed. She began to feel drowsy and pasted out.
She found her self floating in a void "Hello?" she said hoping to solaced any type of response. No one answer then she saw her mother, She stood the same as the day she died and began to speak.
"Marecus…my daughter how you have grown." Marecus looked in disbelief "You must reunite the houses, restore harmony to Equestria and avenge my death they have fore seen this don't worry you will meet then when you are ready."
Marcus feeling compelled to speak "Who killed you mother." The Grey mare said "My killer will find you in due time for the time being you must find your brother Goliath whom lives among the earth-ponies of house Earthborn. Go to him he will be the first of many allies you must make."
Maercus Aurelius woke up in a cot in Zecora's be the cricket's chirps filed the night air and the fire provide comfort for the now cold mare.
Zecora looked with eyes wide open and asked "Could it be, is that a cutiemark I see." Marecus looked at her flank to revel one third of a shield with a sun inscibed and not knowing its meaning . She looked at her cutiemark baffled then spoke.
"Zecora,I saw my mother in the vision she said i had to find my brother do you know anything about that?"
The zebra pondered this for some time before speaking pacing back and forth then looked at Marecus and said "I don't know my dear, when first we met it was just you alone I fear." Zecora looked at the disappointed mare be for to comfort her she said "My dear don't worry you head, what there anything else your mother said."
Marecus thought long and hard to think about the vision " She said something about him being with the earth ponies of house Eathborn."
Zecora spoke with some reluctance " You must beware the ponies of house Earthborn, they do many cruel things to Unicorns." Marcus looked at her mentor angrily
"Then how am i suppose to find him?" she asked with a puzzled and fluster tone
The zebra laughter at her youth "My dear marcus so rash you are, the whereabouts of your brother are not far." She noticed that she was still confused in this. Zecora continued "There is an ally to our house you may not have heard, The dragonicus Discord. With him you must speak, if your destiny you seek."
She gleamed with excitement she ask "How could i find him?" She franticly looked for guidance from her mentor this Zecora spoke" To find him is not that hard. In fact he is in our back yard. To the ruin castle you must go, tell him of your plight and he will help this I know."
After gathering a few supplies and bidding her master farewell Marecus stared her journey from the zebra tribes she use to call home to the the ruins of the royal castle. After many days of traveling she could see her destination the pillars of the ruined castle stood tall over the tree's of the forrest. The animal of the forest have grown more gentle since Lady Fluttershy had spread her influence, these day it was more likely to be afraid of the ponies lurking in the woods than the animals. The forest in front and back of her grew ever darker and thicker, then after an eternity of traveling there its stood before the gargantuan ruins of the royal castle, where the element of harmony changed Nightmare moon back to the princes of the night. There was a spooky feeling about the place it didn't seem to fit right to the natural balance of thing. After teleporting across the gap were a bridge would sat she walked up to the castle and open the ancient door to the main hall. The place looked abandoned,but tranquil there was some kinda of peaceful presents about it. Marecus walked up to the North tower but knew she was getting close upon opening the door it was like entering a whole new world. The room seemed to spin and the door was no were to be found it was complete and utter chaos in the north tower. Marcus found her self unable to move and the room stop spinning. There would be no time in her life where she would feel more fear. Trying to get an answer from the being responsible she said with a fearful voice"Is any pony here" she paused mustering up some courage "show your self!"
Just then an ominous voice spoke and the room turned black as the night "Who enters my domain?"