Hope for Harmony

by fancivalunicorn

A mothers love

Eclipse looked at Solstice the silence in the hospital room so dreadful and death's eerie shadow was prevalent more so than the three babies in their mother's arms.
Eclipse finally broke the silence "You know what-"
"No!" Solstice finally spoke with an anger "How can you even process that thought through your head!"
Eclipse looked at her tears starting to form "We don't have a choice. At least we get to keep..."
"Twilight doesn't have to know! They will be safe, now get out! I don't want to see you right now!"
Eclipse walked out with his head hung low and tears falling from his eyes. Like the days have grown darker, so had the room. Solstice knew the law that any baby born under the house of Moon and Star must be terminated. She stay up with Bolt, Goliath, and Marcus the whole night. In the dying hours of the night there began a glow in the room, as flickers of light started to illuminate the darkness. A magical "zap" filled the room with noise, waking Solstice. A cloaked mare stood before her.
"I don't have much time. Listen, be wary of your husband, his duty binds him to a different loyalty."
Solstice began to speak but couldn't get a word out before the mysterious mare vanished.
Just then a massive knock on the door swung it off its hinges. Twilight entered the room Eclipse following, "You disappoint me Solstice. I knew of your insubordination before, but this… It's unforgivable." She walked around the room, face full of outrage and disbelief. "Hand them over and I will ease your sentence."
She looked down to the faces of her three children, then looked up at Twilight. Solstice said nothing but responded with a stare. Her horn started to glow but at the same time so did Eclipse's. Just before Solstice was able to fire off a spell, Eclipse formed an orb around Bolt and threw him out a window. Such a rage boiled within Solstice that even Twilight Sparkle herself jumped back in fear. Solstice let out and unearthly scream and "poof" she used a teleportation spell to exit the room. Waiting outside the hospital in the streets of Canterlot were the Moon and Star knights which she barreled through effortlessly. Solstice's speed was unrivaled even to this day. She stole a hot air balloon and escaped Canterlot. The chariots of Moon and Star were hot on their trail. The brisk night air struck the ballon and carried it away from it's destination: the Everfree Forest. It drifted towards New Ponyville, but was shot by Twilight and the balloon flew down. With another quick teleportation spell, Solstice and her infants escaped the plummet into Ghastly Gorge. Looking around, she saw the chariots getting closer. She knew it was only a matter of time before they caught up to her and killed them all, or worse. Desperately, she started to gallop towards New Ponyville, with Marcus and Goliath on her back.
"Stop right there you Unicorn scum!" In the morning, the sun rose and the gigantic silhouette of an Equestrian Juggernaut appeared on the hill. " What are you doing round these parts?"
Solstice quickly explained her situation as the chariots began their decent. Time was running out. She worked up enough strength to say "This is my son." She used her magic to gently lift Goliath, and place him on the ground. He was sill asleep. "I will not live to see him another day." Tears choking her words "Please, you must take him. Please!"
The stallion's green eyes turned from cold to having a sense of sorrow. He looked to the grey colt, then to his mother. He smiled and said "Eyup." A look of sadness and relief struck Solstice's face. She looked at Goliath and whispered " I love you so much little one," Tears were falling down her cheek. "Mama will always be with you. Remember that sweetheart." The stallion galloped away Goliath on his back.
"Solstice!" Twilight screamed as she raced through the sky. Solstice took Marecus and Galloped as fast as she could towards the Everfree forest. As she neared the edge of the forest, she started to feel safe. That was when Twilight cut off the entrance. "No more running my friend!" Twilight stood there and smiled with a blood lust in her eye.
"You Don't even know the meaning of the word anymore" Solstice stared down twilight with a passionate rage that is only reserved for bitter enemies.
Twilight laughed "How can that be when princess Celestia…."
Solstice's horn lit up "Don't speak of her! You are nothing like Celestia! Nothing!" She fired a bolt of lightning from her horn.
"So that is how this will end" Twilight's face grew solemn and she teleported it was almost instantaneous. But Solstice was able to doge the attack she put Marecus down and fired a beam from her horn. "Thats a nice trick from magic kindergarden but let me show you a new one." Her horn started to glow bright and then the glow of light turned into a glow of green fire and several skeletons of dead ponies rose from the ground.
Solstice looked at her and said "Celstia would be disappointed in you." The raised horses charged at her the more of them she had slain the more came to oppose her until she was overwhelmed. The skeletal ponies returned to the ground and all that was left was the blooded broken body of Solstice. Marcus crawling to her mother for comfort started to cry,but there was no mother to calm her.
Twilight left with her with the phase "I'll leave you to the timber wolves." Then somepony hearing the cries of the abandon filly pick Marcus Aurelis up into her hooves and said "Oh my what have we here. It is ok child no need to fear."
The pony and filly walked back into the Everfree forest. The corpse of the mother lay there at the edge of the forest restless and unknowing. There was a serenity in her face though that her filly is maybe not in the best of hooves but the hooves they needed to be in. What Twilight did that night number her and the royal families days it was only a matter of time.