Sweetest Taste of Fate

by Draconian Soul

All My Fault

The lofty autumn breeze blew on the most anticipated afternoon of the month. Nightmare Night was coming in a few hours and the ponies of the city were gathering their costumes and stocking up on candy. Normally, Sugercube Corner would be open with many homemade candies and treats given out during the holiday. However, that night was a bit different. Cup and Carrot had a full set of orders to deliver and cater for the citizens of Fillydelphia, and they would not be back until late the next afternoon. They were making sure they had everything in order while Carrot frantically gathered everything they needed for the trip. As Cup listed the things they had to take, Carrot responded.



“Meringue pie?”


“Layered cupcakes?”

“Each layer crafted divinely and to perfection! Oh and the desserts are here too.”

“As much as I enjoy your flattery, we should probably hurry up and get these on the train before we miss it. Pound, come here.”

Pound was sitting in the living room eating a cup of peanuts before he heard his mother calling him. He set the cup down and headed into the shop. “Yes mam?”

“I want you to be on your best behavior while we’re gone. Don’t stay out too late, don’t eat your candy past 9, and when you go out trick or treating, never leave Pinkie ok?” Pound nodded. Upon receiving orders from his mother, he also received a note from his mother.

Pinkie Pie,
As much as we regret to have to do this, Pumpkin is being grounded for her misbehavior and cannot participate in Nightmare Night tonight. I know you were looking forward to taking them both, but please understand it was something we needed to do. We will allow her to eat a few pieces of candy that you get during the event, but nothing over 3 pieces. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Cup Cake

P.S.: Please don’t eat our supplies this time! It’s hard enough to keep up with one loose cannon let alone some pony that will go ballistic off of too much sugar.

“Make sure she gets this Pound,”

The golden gray Pegasus looked at the letter with slight sadness. As much as his sister irritated him, he still felt bad for her. This wouldn't be an easy thing for him to give Pinkie, but he was never one to say no to his parents. “I’ll make sure she gets it.”

Cup leaned down and gave Pound a kiss on the forehead. “Thank you. We should be back by tomorrow afternoon, and there is quiche and fruit salad in the kitchen for you two to eat when you are hungry. Honey! Let’s go!”

“In a minute!” Carrot called back. He went upstairs into Pumpkin’s room to see the little filly curled up on her bed staring at the wall. “Pumpkin, are you okay?”

She didn't respond. She didn't even turn around to see who it was. It was obvious that Pumpkin was ignoring him and hoping that he would go away. Regardless, Carrot sat by her on the bed and continued talking.

“Sweetie, I know you’re still upset about the punishment, but I want to let you know that you are still my little angel. You just have to learn how to behave yourself otherwise you’ll never have any privileges.” Pumpkin didn't move. Her eyes remained planted on the wall, even as her father gave her a kiss on the cheek, forcing her to see him slightly. “Remember this Pumpkin, I’ll always love you, and if you be good…” he looked around to make sure his wife wasn't around to hear, then began to whisper in Pumpkin’s ear, “I’ll sneak you back some of the remaining treats from the catering. Sounds good?”

Pumpkin’s ears perked up a bit. She always did like the snacks her father brought back, and the thought of having something sweet to cancel the bitterness she felt. For the first time in hours, she looked at Carrot and gave him a simplistic yet clear yes.

“Well, it’s a deal then,” Carrot smiled rubbing the top of the young filly’s mane, messing it up a bit.

“Honey, hurry up! We’re going to be late for the train!” Cup was growing impatient by her husband’s absence.

“Coming!” Carrot gave Pumpkin one more kiss before trotting down the stairs and patting Pounds mane. “Hold down the fort until Pinkie gets here Pound.”

Pound saluted his father, gaining a small smile from his parents. With the desserts secured and being transported to the train, the couple left Sugercube Corner, leaving only Pound and Pumpkin inside the house.

With Nightmare Night only a few hours away, and Pinkie coming at any moment, he thought it would be best to go ahead and get ready for the night. He put the note that was written on the counter and made his way upstairs. Once again, the only thing that was there was a very silent Pumpkin staring at the wall with no intention of leaving that spot.

“You know, you probably should go get something to eat,” Pound suggested to her sister, who hasn't moved since her punishment.

“Not hungry,” came a cold reply from Pumpkin.

“Well you could at least get up and stretch a bit or something. You've been in the bed all day.”

“What’s the point? I have nothing to do anyways.”

“Maybe, but it’s not really productive not doing anything for so long. Even a simple movement and walk in the house could…”

“You’re not my parents! Stop acting like them!” Pumpkin turned sharply towards her brother giving him a look irritation.

“I was just giving a suggestion,” Pound defended himself.

“If I wanted your suggestion, I would have asked for it. Now shut up and leave me alone!”

“I just don’t get you,” Pound looked at her sister with slight annoyance at her attitude towards him. “You’re being a hostile baby towards me because you messed up and got in trouble.”

“Oh thanks for reminding me my oh so intelligent brother,” Pumpkin mocked, “I guess I learned my lesson. I’ll sit here and reflect on this all night while you and Pinkie go out having fun and eating bucking candy all night!”

“It’s not my fault that you got caught! So why are you getting mad at me for?!”

“Just leave me alone,” she turned back towards the wall sighing a bit. “You better have enough fun for the both of us. And if you don’t get enough candy for me, you’ll regret every waking moment for the rest of your life.”

Pound rolled his eyes at her threat. Though not idol in the slightest, the regret would probably amount to Pumpkin putting hot sauce on all of his favorite snacks.

“That’s it I’m done talking to you.” Pound rolled his eyes and began to leave the room.

“Where are you going?” a curious Pumpkin asked. “ Shouldn't you be getting ready to stuff yourself tonight?”

“As much as I would like to get started on that, I need to take care of some personal business first.”

“Personal business? Why are you being so secretive about it? What could you possibly be doing that’s so personal you can’t…”

“I’m going to the bathroom okay!” Pound finally blurted. “You happy now?”

Pumpkin’s gagging gave him his answer. “Uhh, I didn't want to know that you idiot!”

Pound walked out of the room and mumbled to himself, “then why did you ask jerk?”


A couple of silent hours passed inside of Sugercube Corner. The twins didn't say a word to each other and just went about their business, Pound reading a Daring Doo book and Pumpkin drinking a box of juice while lying on her bed. Their silence was brought to an abrupt end when they heard a door creak open. There wasn't a sound afterwards.

“Um, hello?” Pound called out, but with no answer returning.

“Hello!?” Still no reply. Pound was growing a little weary.

“I don’t think any pony can hear your low voice from all the way up here. Go down and see who it is!”

“But…what if it’s a thief down their? I mean…it’s not normal for any pony to walk inside unnoticed.” Pound’s voice was a bit shaky, legitimately nervous of what might be downstairs.

This upset Pumpkin. “Oh for the love of...even inside our own house you’re a little pansy! Fine, I’ll go down and see who it is.”

For the first time that day (she made Pound get her juice for her), she got off of her bed and went downstairs. Pound watched as she vanished from his vision and waited for some sort of reaction. The one he got wasn't one he wanted to hear.

“AAAAHHH!!” Pumpkin shrieked at the top of her lungs before being muffled.

Now Pound was worried. He broke into a cold sweat and began to trot in place frantically.

Oh Luna oh Luna! What am I gonna do? I can’t let her get hurt! I can’t! But that…whatever is down there…might…
Pound’s mind was racing. He wanted to find an easy solution, but none came to him and deep down he knew there was only one option.

She could be hurt! I can’t stand here and do nothing! Stop being a pansy and help her!

He darted downstairs to take care of the intruder. Oddly enough, he didn't find anypony inside the house. He grabbed a roller from the counter with his wings and slowly began to patrol the area.

“Who are you!? What do you want!?” Pound tried to sound tough, but his voice and tone displayed fear. He was constantly shaky and jumpy throughout his scouting of downstairs. After about a few minutes of searching, his vision was completely destroyed by two hooves over his eyes, sending him into a panic.

“No! Please let me go!” Pound was flailing around, kicking and screaming as the intruder bounded Pound so he couldn't move. After not being able to move, the unwanted visitor whispered in his ears.

“Guess who!”

The giggly tone in the intruder’s voice turned lowered Pound’s fear to nothing but embarrassment.


The bouncy mare let go of the victim at hand. “You guessed! Hey Pumpkin, he guessed it! Told you he would!”

“Fine I guess he did,” Pumpkin giggled coming from behind the counter. “But not without a bit of a struggle first! ‘No! Please No! I don’t want to be kidnapped!’”

Pumpkin and Pinkie fell on the floor laughing as Pound stood with his cheeks red in embarrassment.

“Yeah yeah, really funny! You almost gave me a heart attack by the way!” Pound exclaimed in indignation.

Pumpkin teased him more while sticking her tongue out at him, while Pinkie, although still giggling, decided to apologize.

“Oh noes! Can’t have Poundy mad at me tonight when we’re supposed to have fun!” She patted Pound’s head rapidly.

Pinkie was always full of energy and quite often bouncy, even when there was nothing to really be excited about. The twins often wondered if maybe Pinkie’s blood was just made of pure sugar. In fact, Pound asked at one point, but was only given one of her Pinkie Pie answers.

Gasp! My bloods made of sugar!? Well that would explain why I’m always so bouncy and eccentric except for early mornings when I’m still groggy and sleepy but that doesn't take to long for me to get out of that, though for sugar my blood doesn't taste sweet…I once scratched myself and put my hoof in my mouth and it oddly didn't taste like sugar at all! It tasted metalish in a way, or maybe sugar is metal that they sweetened…or maybe…

She went on and on and on about the subject, causing Pound to drop it entirely and concluding that whatever she was made of, it certainly didn't follow logic.

“Oh, and speaking of tonight, you two should get in costume! We got to get out there early if we’re going to get all the good candy!”

Pumpkin cringed a bit. Her sadness returned to her when she realized that she would have to explain why she couldn't go. And if there’s one thing Pumpkin didn't like, it was making Pinkie sad.

“Well, Pinkie, you see…”

“Pumpkin was being lazy today, so she didn't really get her outfit together and ready completely yet.” Pound interrupted causing Pumpkin to look at him in shock.

“Not ready!? How can you not be ready, you were even more excited for this night than I was!” Pinkie added. “We got to get your costume ready asap! This is priority!!”

“Uh, Pinkie, we still have about 2 hours before the event starts.”

“But if we don’t get done early, we won’t be able to get any of the good candy! I refuse to let any pony rob me of my well-earned candy!” With a new objective, Pinkie darted towards the stairs, immediately rushing back to ask Pumpkin something.

“Where do you keep the costume at again?”

“In the closet on the right by the bedroom,” she answered still in shock of what her brother has done.

“Okey Dokey then! Be back in a jiffy!” Pinkie vanished again, and a puzzled Pumpkin turned towards her brother.

“Yo Pound, why did you do that?” she questioned.

“Do what? All I did was tell her that you needed some extra help to get ready faster. You know how impatient she is, especially when treats are on the line.”

“But…I’m grounded and…the note…and…”

“Oh yeah the note,” Pound scratched the back of his head and continued to explain, “well, turns out I forgot I still had it with me on my way to the bathroom, and upon flushing, I realized the note was spiraling down as well. So, with no note, I figured what’s the point of telling her?”

Pumpkin felt extremely warm inside. If she had a sense of vulnerability, she would have hugged him then and there. However, she would never give her brother that sense of satisfaction or at least not that deep.

“Well, that was kind of cool of you I guess,” she thanked the best way she wanted to. “Though I have to say, you’re either gaining some confidence or turning into a fool. You do know Mom will grill you out for this right?”

Pound already knew this was a fact. He was never the one to get on Cup’s bad side but when he did manage, like sneaking snacks at late night or getting caught up in one of Pumpkin’s silly schemes, she would send fear he never would wish on even the worst of criminals. And here he was, risking facing that just so his sister can enjoy herself for a night.

“Against better judgment and logic, I decided to ignore the fact that I will be…punished,” Pound squeaked out the last word and shivered a bit. Even if he desired to turn back, which he often told himself he wanted to, they were too far in to just not go with it.

“Well, again thanks! Yes, I’m going to get to go to Nightmare Night!”

“Hold on before you get too excited though,” Pound stated. “I’m not doing all this for free you know.”

“Oh, so there’s a catch huh? Guess I can’t blame you on that one. So what’s the deal.”

“Well there are two things. The first is you have to stop being cruel to me and insulting me every chance you get.”

“Fair enough I guess. What’s the other thing you want from me?”

Pound began to smile a bit and walked towards his sister, “Well, the next thing is while we’re out trick or treating, you have to give me all of your Mocha Bombs.”

Pumpkin jumped back when hearing Pound’s request as if she was being asked to do the impossible.

“No way!” Pumpkin refused, “I’m not letting you have those. They’re my favorite!”

“Well they are also mine as well! Last year you went into my stash and ate them all, leaving only those liquorice hard candies.”

“Well you let them sit there for half a year so I assumed you didn't want them! I refuse to give you my favorite candy!” Pumpkin folded her hooves and resisted with great opposition.

“First off, I was saving them, something you never could do past the first day. Second, this isn't up for debate. I’m risking enough as it is to let you have fun, so I want a decent reward for it. But, if you don’t want to go I can always tell Pinkie…”

“NO!” Pumpkin blurted out a little louder than she intended, causing the pink mare upstairs to respond even louder.

“No!? You really don’t think I should use a hockey mask tonight!!? Aww, but last time they had a scream out of it!”

The twins were slightly confused, but brushed it off quickly and returned to the topic at hand.

“Okay fine, you can have the Mocha Bombs, too,” Pumpkin groaned as Pound let a victorious yes leak out of his lips. “I hope you choke on it too.”


Luna’s radiant moon lit up the streets of Ponyville, and under its gaze were hundreds of civilians enjoying the night of fun and fright. All the ponies were dressed up in a variety of costumes and going around enjoying the night that was ahead. In the midst of the commotion there were three eager ponies all walking together. Pumpkin was dressed in a giant pumpkin with a tiara on her head, Pound was dressed as his favorite fictional character Sherclop Holmes, and Pinkie was dressed as a giant rubber chicken, talking at them all throughout the walk.

“…and then on my way here I ended up seeing Jacky! She seems to be taking being in charge of the farm really well, though she had to leave it to Apple Bloom while she was out selling her apples to support it but you know how she is. Always on the go recently!”

Pumpkin was listening intently to the hyperactive pink bomb hopping by the twins. “Sweet! Did you see any others? Did ya?”

“Hmm…nope nopony else! I did see advertisements for Sweetie Belle all over and a letter from Rarity saying she’s super excited to see her in show! The other’s I haven’t heard from but I’m sure they’ll show up eventu….oh look, CARAMEL APPLES!”

The sight of a delectable treat sent Pinkie dashing towards the stand leaving the two young siblings to keep each other company.

“Well, seeing how Pinkie might be busy for a while, want to check out some of the stands and booths?” Pound suggested.

“Eh, why not,” Pumpkin and Pound trotted along the strip, seeing ponies of all types enjoying themselves. There were booths where the town could bob for apples, face paint, and even stick their hands in fake gore to dig for goodies. Of course, Pumpkin decided to participate, digging both of her hooves into the green goop and swirling around looking. After some time was spent, the twins decided to simply walk around and take a brief break.

“You are getting way too excited over that fake eyeball you found,” Pound stated disgustingly before Pumpkin gave him a mischievous smile.

“Oh, you don’t like it much?” she teased pulling the eyeball outside of the container and squeezing it between her hooves. “You don’t like how squishy it is?”

“Okay, stop that!” Pound nearly gagged watching Pumpkin constantly squeezed and mashed the watery looking eyeball. “You’re creeping me out a bit.”

“Well isn’t that the point of Nightmare Night, to be creepy?”

“Doesn’t mean you have to go overboard with it.”

“Quit being such a baby!” Pumpkin huffed as they walked past many of the booths. “Can’t wait to go to that haunted house with Pinkie! Heard it was scary! Like, pulse poundingly scary!”

Pound gulped knowing that Pumpkin would drag him in there. “It..it can’t be all that bad.”

“Pfft! Not all that bad he says!” Pumpkin eccentrically began to explain everything she heard. “It’s the scariest haunted amusement in all of Equestria! Chainsaw psychos…”

Oh Luna!

“…zombie’s gnawing at the victims’ skull…”

Oh Luna oh Luna!

“And even a disfigured pony who feeds on children!”

"Oh good Celestia Pumpkin! What’s with you and these creepy obsession with morbid stuff!"

This was the giddiest Pumpkin has been in a long time. The thrill of being scared senseless by nasty ghoulish monsters made her grin from ear to ear. “It’s going to be great!”

“You certainly won’t be disappointed Pumpkin.” The familiar minty Two Bit was sitting behind one of his booths with bottles of cider on the table top. He seemed to be proud of himself, as he stroked his fake long white beard he had for the night.

“Hey Two Twit! Chose to dress as a lame scientist tonight I see?” Pumpkin taunted causing the minty colt to stare sharply at her.

“I swear one of these days I’m gonna…” He decided it would be best to just let it go and instead turned his attention to her brother. “I want to ask you something Pound. How is life like knowing that you live with this menace to society?”


“Not that easy to be honest but I manage,” Pound responded making Pumpkin double take.


“I’m just being truthful,” Pound responded. Two Bit couldn't hold back his giggling to the disdain of Pumpkin.

“Ha ha ha, let it all out while you can. Anyway, has anypony stopped by for your ‘ciders’ so to speak?”

Two Bit spoke enthusiastically. “Excellent actually! I actually had some pay me a bit for the bottle. Sure I’m probably going to get busted and get in trouble but…”

Pound was thrown back by Two Bit’s response. “What do you mean get in trouble?”

Two Bit fiddled his hooves playfully, “Weeeellll….”


On the other side of the street, there were ponies lined up to bob for apples. One of these ponies was the pinto colored Pipsqueak dressed in a pirate outfit getting ready play the game.

“Pippy!” His Lavender marefriend Dinky came running towards him wrapping her hooves around and giving him a big hug. “Guess what I got you!”

“By the content in your right hand, I would have to guess cider,” Pipsqueak deduced.

“Correct! You said you were thirsty so I went and bought you something to drink.” She handed the bottle to Pipsqueak with a smile on her face.

“Thanks Dinky! Guess I could use a tad bit to drink.” He uncorked the top of the bottle, raised it to his lips, and sipped down the cold refreshing beverage. It had a pungent taste but he didn't find it too odd.

“Alrighty then! Let’s get bobbing!” The crowd stood and watched as Pipsqueak planted his face into the watery barrel. Dinky was the most enthusiastic of the group, watching eagerly to see if he could do it.

“Wow, you can hold your breath for a long time Pippy! I guess you’re looking for the biggest one possible.” Dinky remained happy and calm until about twenty seconds in, when she realized he wasn’t moving.


The only thing that answered her was the bubbles rising to the surface of the barrel.

“PIPPY!” Dinky ran towards the barrel and pulled his heavy limp body out with the aid of other worried civilians. “Oh no oh no oh no!! What’s wrong with him!? Wake up!”

On the verge of tears Dinky asked one of the other ponies to help her figure out what was wrong with Pipsqueak. Uncertainty soon faded when they heard Pipsqueak snoring.

“Um, young lady, it seems to me that he is in fact sleeping,” stated one of the horses watching. The worries left, but Dinky still remained concerned.

“Goodness Pippy! You just had to start a show did you? If you were tired you should have just said something.” The still unconscious Pipsqueak didn't answer. “Could one of you guys help me take this sleepyhead home?" The costumed civilians decided to lift Dinky a hand, and used a wheelbarrow to transport the sleeping pirate home.


“You know what, I don’t even care,” Pound sighed knowing that whatever he was talking about wasn't any good. “Anyways, we should probably try and find Pinkie.”

Pumpkin nodded in agreement. “True. The sooner we find her, the sooner we can go to the…”

“THERE YOU ARE!” Seemingly out of nowhere Pinkie pounce the children and gave a smile stretching all throughout her face. “You won’t believe the stash I got! After getting some apples I found this one pony with a pile of candy he was just giving away and all I had to do was drink a container of sugar without stopping and I did it and I got it and now I can’t stop moving and….wowwy what’s that!!”

She looked towards the tabletop where Two Bit was and saw a group of cider bottles.

“Ooh! Drinks! Can I have some?”

Pumpkin frantically tried to stop Pinkie. “No wait! Do not…”

“Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaankk Yooooooooou!!” She was too hyper to listen to Pumpkin and ended up downing a whole case of Two Bits cider, causing the three children to stare in awe.

“Ahh, that was refreshing! And you know that kind of calmed me down. I think I might…be…re…” Within moments Pinkie collapsed on the ground snoring loudly. Pumpkin’s face went to rage as she turned towards Two Bit and grabbed him by the fake beard.

“Why did you let her drink them you idiot!” snarled the furious filly, causing the now nervous Two Bit to gulp.

“I didn't! She…she just took them and guzzled it down without stopping!”

Pound was panicking a bit as well tracing back and forth. “I don’t think the question should be why she drank it! It should be what was in that drink in the first place!”

Pumpkin was still glaring at Two Bit and refused to let go of him as he tried to explain what was in the cider. “Um..it’s mixed with some of the nocturnal flowers that would knock you out for maybe around ten minutes. She drank a whole set, so she’s going to be out for probably an hour or so.”

“AN HOUR!?” Pumpkin threw Two Bit on the ground and held her head in frustration.

“What are you so mad at me for!?” Two Bit finally retaliated still planted on the ground. “You had no problem with it until she got knocked out!”

“Well probably because I wanted to go to the freakin haunted house!!” Pumpkin lashed out before putting her hooves on her face. “I can’t get in without a legal guardian…”

“A haunted house!?” Pound exclaimed getting annoyed with Pumpkin. “Pinkie is lying unconscious on the cold hard ground on the account of you and your friend’s carelessness and all you care about is a stupid haunted house!?” A horrid thought began to flow through his head and dread and anxiousness filled his body. “Why did I ever destroy that letter and let you out of the house. Now I’m gonna be in deeper trouble than I’m already going to be in.”

“So, how are you going to fix this huh?” Pumpkin demanded towards Two Bit, whose brow began to lower much to Pumpkin’s surprise.

“How am I going to fix it!? Don’t pin this all on me! You’re just as responsible for this as me. Come to think of it, why the heck should I help you with your unconscious pink bomb here!! You handle it yourselves!”

Tension was beginning to rise between the two delinquents as Pound was still worried about how they were going to explain how Pinkie got knocked out.

“Could you two quit arguing for a moment and help me figure out what to do with her?”

“Oh sure, you two have fun with that!” Two Bit snorted. “I’m done here for the night. I just pray your sister isn't as much of a pain in the flank to you as she always is to me!” With that, Two Bit storms off leaving a flustered Pumpkin to deal a weak retaliation.

“Well…you’re just an immature twit anyways! And don’t think about coming over to my house again for something. You’re the reason I got busted in the first place!!!”

Completely spent from all the yelling she just did, the orange filly sat on the ground and let out an exasperated sigh.
“You two argue like an old married couple by the way,” Pound quipped trying to lighten the mood a bit.

“Shut up.”

“So what are we going to do about Pinkie now? We can’t just leave her out here.”

Pumpkin put her hooves on her chin and pondered on the issue at hand. “I think I have an idea.”


“So basically your plan was to leave Pinkie on a bench where everypony can see her and walk off and try to convince somepony to pose as a legal guardian so you can get into a stupid haunted house?” Pound questioned his sister as they walked towards their destination.

“Hey Einstein, I didn't hear you coming up with any ideas!” Pumpkin hissed. “Besides, if I can’t get into this haunted house, you practically broke Mom’s rules for no reason other to get me candy, something you could have just asked the residence to do.”

Pound unfortunately couldn't argue with her logic. If she didn't come out and do what she wanted to that night, his sacrifice would have been in vain.

“Okay, so what are you going to do, grab some random pony off the street and claim that they’re our guardians?”
“I was thinking more on the line of your two friends up there,” pointed Pumpkin.

Surely enough, Storm Chaser dressed as a Shadowbolt and Jubilee dressed as royalty were standing beside each other making conversations. The line for the haunted house was short, which did not help Pound’s courage any. It also didn't help that the walls were decorated with sculpted severed heads and the sounds of ghoulish howls and laughing.

“Look all I’m saying is that dresses generally makes you look fat in general,” Storm Chaser debated. “Plus you kinda look like one of those frou-frou girls ponies can’t stand to be around!”

“Yeah, well I’m not standing here tearing apart your stupid latex Shadowbolt outfit that barely fits you!” teased Jubilee sticking her tongue out at him.

“It’s vintage! And you just insulted me right there!”

“Huh, guess I did huh?”

“Hey!! Latex guy and girly girl!!” Pumpkin shouted to the two ponies as Pound facehooved at her outburst.

“Uh wha…Oh hey it’s Champ and his little sister!” shouted out Storm Chaser. “And it’s vintage by the way.”

“Yeah yeah,” Pumpkin dismissed, “Can you two help us?”

“With what exactly?” asked Jubilee curiously.

“Well Pumpkin over hear and her friend ended up letting Pinkie drink some kind of cider with nocturnal flowers in them…”

“Totally Two Twit’s fault.”

“Right….and now we need somepony who is willing to pose as our guardians until we get done with the night…um…if you’re cool with that that is.”

Jubilee scratched her mane and looked into Pound’s hopeful eyes. “Well, I don’t know. I mean, it’s not like we’re your parents so we would have to…”

“Aw stop pussyfooting and just say yes already!” Storm Chaser interrupted. “We’re almost at the front of the line anyways.”
Jubilee gave Storm a stern look before sighing and looking back at the kids. “Alright fine. But not a word of this to anypony understand?”

Pumpkin smiled widely while Pound just lightly replied, “Trust me, after tonight there will be many things that will go unspoken.”

The line inched up rapidly and they came closer to their destination. Pound looked at the grotesque architecture of the building and heard the screams of terrified ponies inside. His stomach began to churn and twist into a painful sensation that made him feel discomfort. Normally he would be quick to run away, but his crush was standing right there, with Pumpkin around no less. He couldn't risk looking like a wimp in front of Jubilee when Pumpkin could use that to haunt him for life. It was their turn to enter, and they showed their tickets and began to step inside. Unfortunately for them, the security was an observant one.

“Hey wait a minute, aren't you the Cake’s kids?” one of the security ponies inquired tugging at the two siblings with his hooves.

“Well, yeah…” Pumpkin began, “but we have these two as guardians see?”

She pointed at Storm Chaser and Jubilee hoping that the colt would buy it without any questions.

“I don’t remember seeing these two with you young ones before!” Unfortunately, the security was a little too smart to simply buy Pumpkin’s statement.

“That’s because they’re our niece and nephews!” Storm Chaser lied, causing Jubilee’s face to turn sour and Pound and Pumpkin to facehoof simultaneously. “We don’t get a lot of time to spend time with them so we decided to take them out for a night of thrills!”

“It’s hard for me to believe that you two are the uncle and aunt to these children.”

“Well, that’s just something that you’re going to have to trust us on and let us be now isn't it?!”

“Actually son, I can go into Ponyville’s records and find out if you are related to these kids, and if I find out you’re lying I can easily have you kicked from any activity in Ponyville for trying to take underage kids to this!”

The promising threat of the security guard caused Storm Chaser to come clean. “Ok fine! Man, thought that might work.”

“Well your first mistake was saying that we were their aunt and uncle idiot!” Jubilee responded lightly slapping Storm Chaser on the cheek. “Sorry kids. If Storm here wasn't so stupid we might have been able to…”

“No it’s fine! I’m fine with it!” Pound’s response came off awkward and shaky. It was obvious he wasn't looking forward to going inside and was quite relieved that he didn't have to go in.

“Well, we’ll catch up with you later!” Storm Chaser said before he and Jubilee headed inside the house. The security pony directed Pumpkin and Pound outside and encouraged them to find something else to do.


The only thing that was left to do really was to go home, and with a heavy heart, Pumpkin started trotting towards their home.

“This sucks,” she whined with Pound trailing behind her. “I’m grounded for over a year, Pinkie’s knocked out on some bench, and I can’t even go to a stupid haunted house! Plus you have all my Mocha Bombs. This Nightmare Night sucks!”

“Well, it wasn't that bad,” Pound tried to cheer Pumpkin up, obviously with no success. “I mean, it’s not like the haunted house is really necessary to have a good time tonight.”

“Yes it was! It was the icing on the cake. Now the cake tastes of disappointment.”

“Well I’m sorry Pumpkin, but there isn't really anything we can do about it! By the time Pinkie wakes up, the night will already be over!”

A disgusted look brushed across Pumpkin’s face. “Yeah I know. But I can’t go home without some kind of thrill otherwise this would be pointless. It’s like the only way to get any scares is to…”

Pumpkin paused for a moment and a hopeful grin formed on her face. Pound was starting to get slightly suspicious.

“Um, Pumpkin? What are you thinking?”

“I just had an idea on how to make this night completely worth it! I don’t know why I didn't consider it as an option before. And we’re walking right by the place, so we might as well go to the Everfree and…”

“Are you out of your mind?!” Pound screamed not allowing Pumpkin to finish. “Do you know what’s out there at this time of night?!”

“Do you?” Pumpkin sassed back.

“Well…um…no. But that doesn't make it less dangerous!”

“No one is making you go. You can go home and be the little coward you are if you want to.”

“It’s not about me being scared! It’s about you doing something potentially suicidal and dangerous! What would Mom and Dad think if they knew you did this?”

Pumpkin’s face contorted to an unfamiliar form of anger. “Mom this!! Dad that!! If I actually gave a buck I wouldn't have snuck out in the first place! Come to think of it, it was because of them I’m in trouble!”

“They are not to blame! If you didn't sneak off in the first place you wouldn't have been in the situation you were in!”

Pumpkin rolled her eyes and walked towards the Everfree, causing Pound to grow more concerned.

“Pumpkin, stop! Go in there and I’ll…”

“You’ll do what!? Tell on me? I guess you can also explain what I’m doing out here in the first place or why Pinkie was lying unconscious on the ground!” Pumpkin walked even deeper into the thick woods and briefly cocked her head towards Pound. “If you want me to come back, then you’re gonna have to get me!”

With that, she ran off, leaving a flustered Pound trying to chase after her. Not inches in, he began to freeze in panic. His charging chase towards Pumpkin slowed to a snail’s pace as he inched his way further into the forest.

“Pumpkin…this isn't funny!” Pound called out still shaking and sweating profusely. “Please just come back! Seriously, you’re going to worry the others!”

He kept calling out but with no answer. Pound’s journeyed deeper into the forest in hopes to run across his sister, but all he heard were the rustling of the leaves and soft sounds from the creatures inside. He was becoming more and more terrified by the second.

“AAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!” A scream pierced the skies and Pound’s eyes widened. It was Pumpkin.

“Pumpkin! If you’re joking it’s not funny!” Pound ran towards the source of the sound and as he got closer and closer, something became apparent.

This was no joke. Those were blood curdling screams polluting the air. Along with those screams was another disturbing sound. It was the sound of growling and howling.

“Pumpkin! If you’re alright say something! PUMPKIN!!”

No answer, but the howls kept growing. Pound was getting closer, and he didn't like what he was hearing, but he had to help his sister the best way he could.

The voice became louder and crisper, and more threatening. As Pound got closer, he noticed where the sounds were coming from. Timberwolves were in the area, grouping together and looking at something. Scared senseless, Pound hid inside a nearby bush to avoid exposure and waited for them to leave, too frightened to scream. He was fortunate enough to not arouse attention from the timberwolves, and after ten agonizing minutes, they finally fled.

While he was happy that the wolves had left, something was worrying him. There was no more screaming or pleading. Everything had turned silent.

“Pumpkin?” Pound weakly squeaked. No answer. Pound inched towards the area where the wolves gathered. When he got there, he found something from Pumpkin…but he soon regretted finding it.

Lying on the ground was her torn ribbon, which was now painted in crimson blood. The worse of his fears had come true, and before he knew it, streams of tears started to flow down his face.


Tired and now dead inside, Pound made his way outside of the Everfree Forest and headed towards were he last saw Pinkie. However, it seemed like the pink mare had the same idea.

“Pound! Thank goodness you’re alright! I couldn't find you or Pumpkin and I was lying on some bench for some reason! Where’s Pumpkin and…wait. What’s that in your mouth? And why are you crying?”

Pound let the ribbon slowly drop to the ground. As Pinkie got a better look at it, she quickly pieced everything together. It was her turn to shed tears, and unlike the flowing river of tears that could be mended with laughter, these tears were tears of brokenness. The two began to walk home, dreading how they would explain this to Carrot and Cup.


The next afternoon, Cup and Carrot departed from their train and happily trotted towards Sugercube Corner.

“Well I’ll say that was a successful night dear!” a very elated Cup Cake stated to her husband.

“I would agree,” smiled Carrot holding a small plate on his back. “Though I’m curious, is it the reception that’s making you happy or something else we did?”

“I’ll let you figure that out yourself hon,” purred Cup making Carrot’s cheeks slightly blush. “So, why in fact didn't you let me eat any of those yummy treats in that plate again?”

“Oh just saving them for a special somepony!” Carrot answered.

“Oh, so I’m not special to you anymore?”

“You know that’s not what I mean.”

“Then who are they for? You’re either giving them to another mare or sneaking them for Pumpkin. And I know the first one isn't optional after last night so that kind of narrows it down huh?”

Carrot let out a small laugh. “Alright, you got me! I’m giving them to Pumpkin. I know, I’m pathetic when it comes down to this whole punishment thing.”

“Yes you are,” Cup stated before kissing her husband, “and I wouldn't have it any other way. Though she’s only allowed one got it!”

“Yes mam!”

They eventually made it to Sugercube Corner, noticing how quiet it was. The couple just assumed that they were tired from the excitement of last night and walked in, noticing a very somber and flat haired Pinkie. She looked like she had been through tartarus.

“Pinkie? Are you okay?” Cup asked worriedly. “Where are the kids?”

“I’m sorry,” was all Pinkie could mutter out. “I’m sorry.”

“Pinkie, you’re scaring me. What’s wrong?”

Cup and Carrot started to become startled by Pinkie’s unstable behavior. She was rocking with tears in her eyes constantly muttering getting louder and louder.

“I’m sorry. So sorry. Sorry sorry SORRY SORRY!!” She then ran towards Cup and planted her face into her chest bawling loudly.

Pound was lying on his bed, staring at the empty bed on the other side of him. He didn't have the energy to get up to greet his parents, nor did he have the energy to cry anymore. He just kept replaying the events over and over in his head. He knew the news reached his parents as soon as he heard their cries of disbelief and sorrow. They had lost their only daughter, and it was his fault. Or at least that’s what he made himself believe.