Revelations of the Past

by Mr101

Chapter VIII -True Intention

Revelations of the past
Chapter VIII: True Intention

By now the sounds of the battle had seemingly finished, against my protest and the guards Empress Amemond insisted she go and see what was going on. We gave in eventually and escorted her out of the caves and back onto the surface. When we arrived we saw that Princess Celestia and Luna had arrived with reinforcements and were beside Emperor Krustallos who was lying on the floor. Empress Amemond and I began to imagine the worse but before we could reach him, his body was engulfed in a bright light and a different voice spoke in its place. Princess Celestia immediately began to ready a spell at him but the voice spoke again and I felt a sense of serenity as it spoke. Whatever had taken over his body referred to himself as Varlos, the God of Magic.

Everypony was speechless at this statement, nopony said a word except for The Princess who asked the entity called Varlos if could return Krustallos’s body to him, to which he complied. That’s when we approached the Princesses and Emperor who immediately ran to his wife…

“The God of Magic?” Twilight said softly to herself.

“Indeed, that part confused me slightly as well.” Quill Pen said as he entered.

Twilight turned round and saw he was carrying a tray with a mug of what appeared to be tea and a sandwich; he placed it down on one of the nearby tables and smiled. Twilight forgot she hadn’t brought her lunch with her, and realised how hungry she was when her stomach rumbled. She blushed from embarrassment as Quill Pen let out a chuckle.

“S-sorry…I’m not sure how long I’ve been reading this.” She said.

“It’s nearly nine o’clock Twilight, I came up to see if you were feeling hungry.” He nodded towards the sandwich.
“Oh wow…didn’t think that much time had passed…”

“You’re welcome to stay in here for the night if you want to continue reading.” Quill Pen smiled at her. “I know how much you used to do late night studying.”

Twilight smiled back at him and nodded, she knew her brother and sister-in-law wouldn’t be back in Canterlot until the afternoon so she had plenty of time to finish off the tome and speak to Celestia regarding it.

“Thank you Quill Pen.” She said to him.

“I’ll be back with some sleeping gear for you in a moment.” He turned and left the room.

Twilight nodded and returned her attention to the tome, she carefully levitated the mug of tea to her lips and sipped gently before placing it back on the tray, she did the same with the sandwich making sure not to get any crumbs on the tome.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

The flames in the city had been put out; all that remained was smoke that slowly evaporated into the sky above the city. It has been an hour since the retreat of Sombra’s forces and the shock of the Elements failing had passed, now that the city was currently under control, the attention was quickly returned to the possessed body of Krustallos. Celestia was the first to speak.

“May…May you return Krustallo’s body to him?” She asked.

“Hmm? Oh yes my apologies, he should be fit as a fiddle.” Varlos replied.

There was a bright light as Krustallos was lifted a little into the air and he closed his eyes, everyone around him shielded their eyes from the light before it faded. Krustallos blinked looking around his surroundings with confusion.

“Where…am I?” He asked before realisation hit him. “What happened? Where’s Sombra’s army? Where’s that demon gone!?” He cried looking around.

“Please my love…calm down.” A soothing voice said.

The group turned around to see Amemond and Ink Quill along with an assortment of guards coming towards them, the Crystal Heart around her neck.

“Amemond…” Krustallos whispered before running over to her and embracing her tightly. “But how… he nearly killed me.” Krustallos looked up and asked Celestia.

Before she could answer, there was a bright light again that forced them to once more shield their eyes. When the light faded they were greeted by a creature that looked the same as the one they had fought, unlike the other though this one was slightly taller. It was slightly faded and was wearing completely grey robes that hid his arms and a grey cloak billowed behind him. From under his hood they could see two ancient blue eyes that looked like they held a vast amount of knowledge, the likes of which Celestia and the others would never see, his face was mostly covered by a large stone grey beard that came down to his waist line. A tattered old leather strap was slung over his left shoulder down to his right hip and hanging from it was a large battered tome. In his right hand he wielded an ancient looking wooden staff that was radiating with magical energy, he smiled to him as they stared open mouthed at him.

“Because Emperor Krustallos…the Princesses arrived to prevent him killing you, and I healed you up before you could pass into the void.” Varlos spoke calmly.

“W-who are you?” Krustallos gasped.

“He said his name was Varlos…the God of Magic.” Luna replied, her eyes never leaving Varlos.

“God of Magic?” Krustallos said.

“Indeed, but what are you waiting for Krustallos?”


“I believe you owe the Princesses a thanks for saving you.” Varlos said.

“U-uhm Y-yes, thank you Princesses.” Krustallos said as he bowed to the Princesses.

Amemond, Celestia and Luna resisted the urge to giggle themselves.


“Don’t you have something to say to me?” Varlos raised an eyebrow as he spoke.

Krustallos blinked for a moment unsure as to what Varlos meant; behind him Celestia and Luna were struggling to suppress their giggling. Amemond came up beside him and whispered to him.

“You need to thank him for healing you up dear…”

“OH! T-thank you Varlos.” He quickly said and bowed.

Varlos chuckled as he walked over and gave a pat to the Krustallos’s back.

“Not a problem my dear boy, now… I assume you all have questions to which I have the answers.” He raised a hand up as Celestia was about to ask him something. “But first I need to tell you I don’t have a lot of time…this plain is tricky to manifest into properly so I shall explain everything as best as I can.”

They all nodded and Celestia took a step forward.

“Could you please start with exactly what are you, and why are you here?”

“Very well, that is a fair request” He smiled. “To answer your question, I am as who I said. Varlos, the God of Magic and as to why I am here well, I’m here to help tilt the odds in your favour.”

“Tilt the odds?”

“Yes, you are surprised your Elements failed upon hitting Malaskaar-“

“Is that who the creature was? Malaskaar? How did they fail?” Luna interrupted him.

Indeed, he is a human mage from the land of Cyrium, a world that exists not in this dimensional plain. He didn’t arrive here by choice however, you see, he follows the deity J’skaar, the one who protected him against the Elements and is the Dark God of Magic and…sadly my younger sibling.”

The pony’s mouths fell open staring at him as he continued to talk.

“In the beginning of everything in our world there was only one God, Xerillien. He created life on Cyrium and choose several mortals to become Gods of various things such as nature, magic etc. I and my younger brother were chosen to represent all that was magic however, when I suggested granting the gift of Magic to the mortal races he disagreed. And when I and Xerillien did grant them the gift, my brother denounced our creator and fell into darkness. He sadly wasn’t the only God who fell into darkness as he was followed by several others."

He stopped as he looked upwards in thought and then sighed.

“After that, Xerillien disappeared and to this day we haven’t a clue where his is…but that’s a story for another time back to the matter at hand. Malaskaar was once a follower of mine who in a time of peril was forced to use a forbidden magic associated with J’skaar, Soul magic, and succumbed to his temptation and became a dark mage.”

He looked down again as he continued.

“Along with many others who followed the fallen Gods, he started a war amongst the other citizens of Cyrium which became known as The War of White pass as most of the fighting took place in a frozen bit of land known as the White Pass. My followers initially did not want to get involved within the conflict but were forced to by the Emperor of Altori due to Malaskaar being their responsibility, after ten years of fighting they pushed the army back and Malaskaar suddenly disappeared without a trace. They were unsure as to where he had gone but I knew otherwise, J’skaar had pulled him into the void.”

He looked to the ponies with a look of anger on his face.

“And as such, when this Sombra character somehow managed to summon the avatar of J’skaar from the void, he sent Malaskaar to do his bidding in your world. And this Sombra is being played for a fool.”

“What do you mean by that?” Celestia said being the only one to speak up during Varlos’s speaking.

“This world of yours…it is rich in a pure magic that is only rivalled by the creator himself, my guess is J’skaar also has noticed this and is most likely using Malaskaar to make sure he can claim your world and take the magic from it.”

“That doesn’t explain why he is using Sombra.” Luna frowned.

“J’skaar enjoys tormenting others, he most likely promised Sombra this world in return for something else, like you’re Elements. When Malaskaar has the elements he will return to the void and J’skaar will burn this world and everything on it and take the magic from it.”

All of the ponies stared at him in utter shock, the realisation that they were up against a God and his pawn hit them hard. The soldiers began to mutter amongst themselves slightly shaken, there was a long silence before Ink Quill stepped forward and asked the question on all of their minds.

“How…can we defeat a God?” He asked.

Varlos let out a small chuckle and then grinned.

“My dear boy…I’m going to help you, that’s how!”

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

“P-please my Lord, you n-need to calm down!” Dream Weaver squeaked.

“Calm down? CALM DOWN!?” Sombra roared.

Dream Weaver ducked as the table Sombra had been using to hold the map of the capital was thrown violently in his direction, the table ripped through the tents wall and crashed into the ground outside startling several soldiers nearby. Sombra roared again as he continued to pace, in his tent was himself, Dream Weaver, two soldiers who were very nervous, a nurse and Malaskaar who was being attended by the nurse.

“He’s right your highness you need to calm down, planning anything with your mind in the state it’s in is foolish.” Malaskaar calmly said.

Malaskaar moved his head to the right just as a chair shot past him startling the nurse and like the table ripped through the tent and outside, Malaskaar let out a chuckle as Sombra continued to pace.

“Don’t you DARE tell me to calm down Malaskaar! This is your fault!” Sombra shouted at him.

Malaskaar simply scoffed as he gave a quick thank you to the nurse who quickly left, he turned his gaze back to Sombra and rose up.

“I hardly see how it was my fault, had I gone with your plan in the first place our Lord J’skaar would have been…less then pleased.”

“To Tartarus with you and to Tartarus with-”

Sombra was interrupted as a hand suddenly wrapped around his neck and lifted him into the air, he let out a startled choke as the two soldiers ran to his aide, they were stopped as shadows wrapped around them and held them in place. Malaskaar looked Sombra directly in his eyes; Sombra saw they had turned completely black.

“Be careful mortal…You are beginning to try my patience.” Malaskaar spoke, but with a booming voice spoke one Sombra recognised.

“Y-yes Lord J’skaar.” He choked.

Malaskaar dropped Sombra and released the grip on his soldiers; he smirked at the sight of Dream Weaver shaking with fear and continued.

“Good…Good…I don’t have much time so listen close Sombra, my servant was forced to use my favour to protect himself from a fairly powerful magic, I want you to capture this power and give it to me. I have plans for it elsewhere…also it appears my…actions have attracted some unwanted attention.”

“What do you mean by unwanted attention?” Sombra asked him.

“You shall see soon enough, I must go now…I will cast my favour on you in the hopes you succeed and get me what I want, oh and Sombra…should you fail…I will drag your soul into the darkest and deepest parts of Oblivion for all eternity…don’t disappoint me again.”

As he finished, Malaskaar’s eyes returned to his normal brown colour, he panted a little bit as Sombra walked over to his makeshift throne before stopping.

“We move in one hour’s time.”

“I-is that wise my lord?” Dream Weaver began. “It will take our forces two hours just to reach the capital.”

“We need to move now, otherwise the Equestrian and Crystal forces will have a chance to recover and fortify themselves.” Sombra replied.

“But who will lead the army? Captain Dark Light is dead.” Dream Weaver asked.

Sombra looked away slightly, the Captains death hit him a little harder then he originally thought. To him and Dream Weaver, Dark Light had died from his severe wounds he had suffered in battle with Fleet Wing. When Malaskaar had brought back his body Sombra was furious that he had been slain but was thankful he had brought the body back, what Sombra and Dream Weaver didn’t know was how he actually died.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

Dark Light groaned in pain as he opened his eyes slowly, he winced as he felt the dull throbbing where his wing used to be. He looked up to see he was lying in the snow a fair good distance from the capital, he could see the army retreating in the distance and turned round and saw Malaskaar sitting on a rock with his eyes closed.

“What…what happened?” Dark Light asked.

There was a short silence before Malaskaar answered him.

“You had your wing cut off fighting that Pegasus you call Fleet Wing…” Malaskaar replied, Dark Light could hear the venom in his voice.

“I…see, why am I still alive then…surely I would of died from the blood loss?” He asked.

Dark Light then noticed the nub where his wing was had dried blood covering it; he was puzzled at the sight.

“Because I healed you up…” Malaskaar grunted as he stood up. “I don’t want you to miss this…”

Dark Light felt his neck tighten as Malaskaar grabbed him roughly by the neck and slammed him into the rock; Dark Light cried out in pain and looked at the mage with confusion and anger.

“What are you doing?!” He barked at him.

“You honestly think I care about you, or about Sombra?” Malaskaar chuckled darkly.

“W-what?” Dark Light stuttered.

“You think J’skaar will just allow your kind to remain in this world? A world rich in pure magic?”

Dark Light’s eyes widened as Malaskaar continued.

“Once he is finished toying with Sombra, he is going to raze this world and take its magic.”

“You c-can’t do this!” Dark Light cried.

His answer was the tightening of his throat, Malaskaar’s face was etched with anger but what scared Dark Light more were his eyes, they were black.

“I can do whatever I want mortal; you interrupted the sacrifice to me…for that you will take its place, and once I am done toying with your King…this world will burn.”

The voice was deeper and darker; Dark Light recognised it as the voice of J’skaar. Before he could say anything he felt a sharp pain from his neck and Malaskaar quickly pulled his hand back, what came after was unimaginable pain. Dark Light felt like his insides had been ripped out of his body and was still alive, he watched as a blue energy was gripped in Malaskaar’s hand in the basic shape of a pony, the world began to fade as Dark Light passed into the void.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

“I will lead the army.” Sombra said.

“My Lord?” Dream Weaver asked.

“You heard my Dream Weaver…I will show the Emperor and the Princesses I am not a coward hiding behind his armies, Malaskaar are you ready to battle?”

“I’m afraid not my Lord…I nearly used up all of my power in the first attack and need time to rest.”

Sombra growled and cursed himself internally; he turned to one of the soldiers.

“Go tell the soldiers to be ready to move by first light.”

“Yes my lord.” He replied and left.

“You better not fail this time Malaskaar…I doubt our Lord will be happy if you-“

“We…fail.” Malaskaar interrupted. “I won’t be the only one who will incur his wrath.”

Sombra let out a low growl as Malaskaar left the tent; he sat on his throne as Dream Weaver walked up beside him.

“Something the matter my Lord?” He asked him.

“Every time Malaskaar speaks…I can’t shake something is off about him, like I shouldn’t turn my back on him.”

“In what way my Lord?”

“I…don’t know how to explain it, it’s almost as if.” Sombra stopped to think for a moment before sighing. “It’s nothing forget it, head back to the Kingdom Dream Weaver. I’m counting on you to keep managing things whilst I am gone.”
“Of course my Lord.” Dream Weaver bowed before leaving the tent.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

Everyone was silent, only the wind blowing around the remaining columns of the palace could be heard. They were all watching as Ink Quill finished scribbling out with chalk inscriptions in the centre of the columns, he was being careful to draw them out exactly as Varlos has had said.

“I will lend you one of my followers, one who wishes to redeem himself for what he believes is his fault. He will tell you what he wishes to be redeemed of if he so wishes, he is expecting your summoning. This is the best I can do I’m afraid, I wish you all the best of luck and may the creator be with you.”

Varlos’s words still echoed in their heads even after his shade had disappeared, he had granted the Princesses a spell to summon a follower of his to their world to help them fight against Malaskaar and Sombra. Ink Quill was trusted by Varlos with a page that contained the summoning spell with instructions on how to draw out the circle needed for the ritual, satisfied he had done it correctly he turned to the Princesses and nodded.

“Tia…should we really do this?” Luna asked nervously.

“I don’t think we have much of a choice Lu-Lu…we don’t have the power to stop a God or his servant, we must put our faith in Varlos and hope that this follower will help us.” Celestia replied.

Luna reluctantly nodded her head in agreement and took a step back, behind them was Krustallos and several soldiers ready for anything and behind that was Amemond still holding the crystal heart, she had refused to leave her husband’s side once more and he reluctantly allowed her to stay.

“Is everypony ready?” Celestia asked as she eyed everyone in attendance.

She was replied with a row of nodding heads and weapons being readied in case something went wrong, she closed her eyes along with Luna and their horns began to glow brightly. They began to mutter under their breaths in a different language to that of Equestrian, they weren’t entirely sure what the words meant as Varlos implanted the spell into their minds so they wouldn’t have a problem making a mistake in the summoning.

Their horns shone brighter and brighter and a windswept around them blowing everyone’s manes about as it began to concentrate into a ball around their horns, the circle and inscriptions began to glow as well and engulfed the entire area in a large bright light that blinded everyone temporarily. The sound of wind rushing past at great speed filled their ears before a sound that sounded like a wall being blown apart echoed around them, as quickly as the bright light shone it suddenly disappeared, the Princesses horns dimmed down and they opened their eyes panting heavily.

They all looked to the centre of the circle to see a bipedal creature on one knee looking down, no one moved and there was a long pause before Luna spoke up.

“Did…did it work?” She asked.

“Yes, yes it did. I understand you need my help?” The creature replied as it slowly stood up.

“Yes…who are you?” Luna replied.

“My name is Turil Tailclaw, devoted follower of Varlos and I am here to…”

Turil stopped as he stood up and removed his hood revealing his face, like Malaskaar he looked fairly young and had short brown hair with a matching short beard, his eyes were an emerald green and he was wearing dark green robes that were very similar to Malaskaar’s save for a few things. On his belt were two pouches and on his chest a single strap, he looked at the ponies in front of him and blinked a couple of times.

“…Help you, I’m sorry but where are you? I can see your mounts but-“

“We are NOT mounts!” Luna cried blushing at what she thought was an insult; Celestia tried her best not to giggle.

Turil stared at her with his mouth agape, he was expecting the people to summon him to be well…people, not horses. He blinked again and grinned.

“Talking horses…that’s new, then again the Templars have those pegasi mounts who can talk…and I suppose there are the dragons as well. “Turil continued to mutter to himself. “Can’t say I haven’t seen stranger, given the Kinrai and the Dunwor…this could be very interesting.”

Celestia couldn’t help but smile watching Turil mutter to himself and stroking his beard, Turil seemed to be quite entertaining and she couldn’t sense any evil within him unlike Malaskaar. She also found it amusing he managed to annoy Luna that quickly.

“What are you talking about? And it’s ponies.” Celestia asked him.

“It’s nothing, now…Varlos said I was needed here but he didn’t really say why.”

“We need help defeating Sombra and his servant Malaskaar; we will gladly pay you-“Celestia was interrupted by Turil raising his hand up.

“Did you say Malaskaar?” His voice was cold.

“Yes…will you help us?” Luna said softly concerned at his sudden change in tone.

There was a long pause before Turil replied again, he walked over to Celestia and Luna who were now side by side and placed a hand on each of them and looked at the pair with a soft smile on his face.

“I will gladly die for your world to stop that monster for what he has done to my home…and to yours…”