Pinkamena's Awakening: A Promise Unforgotten

by Kingsley

Eternal Sleep vs. Pinkamena: Between Two Souls

Chapter 4: Eternal Sleep vs. Pinkamena: Between Two Souls

"A rude awakening, huh?" Eternal Sleep said, gearing herself up. "Well then show me what you can do!"

Eternal Sleep bolted towards Pinkamena with unprecedented speeds, her hoof about to punch Pinkamena dead in the face, but was stopped when she hit something in front of her face.

"A barrier?" Eternal Sleep said, trying to muster more strength to break through it.

"Obviously, it's only necessary for things like this," Pinkamena said, still having not moved a muscle. "Don't bother trying, nothing can get through my shield."

"Heh... Well this is your first time meeting me, isn't it?" Eternal Sleep asked.

Pinkamena stood there straightfaced, when all of a sudden she started to notice cracks in the air before her. "She's getting through!?" Pinkamena thought, jumping away from Eternal Sleep, who shattered her barrier in mere seconds.

"Anything else?" Eternal Sleep asked, rushing Pinkamena immediately after. "I know this isn't all you can do!"

"If you so choose to see my true strength that badly, then I promise not to disappoint..." Pinkamena said.

Pinkamena vanished as Eternal Sleep was about to deliver another blow and then reappeared right behind her.

"How did you-" Eternal Sleep said, interrupted by Pinkamena, who had punched her straight in the gut and released massive amounts of electricity through her body, causing her to be launched to other side of the room against the wall.

"If you still want to give up you can," Pinkamena said.

Eternal Sleep dug herself out of the rubble and charged at Pinkamena. "I'm just getting started!" Eternal Sleep yelled, running towards Pinkamena and vanishing right in front of her.

"Copying my tricks, are you?" Pinkamena asked, scanning the room carefully.

"Not entirely," Eternal Sleep said, rising from Pinkamena's shadow and constricting her. "I can change my body into... Just about anything, y'know? It really comes in handy for situations like this."

Eternal Sleep threw Pinkamena up in the air, and followed up with a straight blow to the back upwards, "Oh and as Death itself, I carry a little something with me." Eternal Sleep's mouth glowed brightly, and a long scythe formed in between her teeth. As she griped it tightly, she brought it slashing down on Pinkamena, piercing her stomach and sending her crashing down to the floor.

"That... Actually really hurt..." Pinkamena said, lying on the floor as blood flowed out of her body.

Eternal Sleep walked up next to her, thinking about delivering the final blow. "I'm not sure if I should kill you exactly... You are using that body only as a vessel after all..."

"Heh... You shouldn't hesitate about this things like this," Pinkamena said, pointing at Eternal Sleep's stomach. "You'll regret you're decision."

Eternal Sleep gave Pinkamena a questioned look, but suddenly she found herself unable to move, paralyzed where she stood. "What... What did you do!?" Eternal Sleep asked.

"I left a seal on your stomach from the time I punched you before, I knew you wouldn't notice," Pinkamena said, getting up slowly.

"You're... Still too injured to do anything to me!" Eternal Sleep said.

"Not exactly... Take a look," Pinkamena said, pointing at her pierced stomach. Red streaks of electricity were flowing through her wound, and it started to close up as if nothing ever happened.

"Regeneration!?" Eternal Sleep said. "Even I can't do that! How can someone like you possess a power like that?"

"Like I said, I'm a lot different from you Eternal Sleep," Pinkamena said, placing her hood under her chin. "In many ways."

Pinkamena stuck her hoof up in the air and created a black hole, sucking Eternal Sleep inside of it and Pinkamena following her inside, closing itself and taking the form of a pulsing ball teeming with electrical sparks. Eternal Sleep was floating in the void as Pinkamena could move at hypersonic speed within the area. She delivered several blows over and over again to the incapacitated pony, her black coat becoming drenched with her own blood.

"I never imagined you were..." Eternal Sleep said.

"I think it's time we finish this," Pinkamena said, leaving the void and returning back outside.

Pinkamena raised her hoof and clenched it tighter and tighter, the ball getting smaller with every action. "Bloody Prison..."
Pinkamena created a fist and brought her hoof slamming down to the ground, the ball convulsed and exploded with spikes shooting outwards, the sound of Eternal Sleeps screams could be heard even in the void, and her body fell to the ground after it was over.

"Now do you see? The difference in our power?" Pinkamena asked, looking at Eternal Sleep's mangled body.

Eternal Sleep rose up immediately and delivered an unfathomable punch to Pinkamena's face, sending her flying back. Eternal Sleep's eyes were glowing white, she appeared in front on Pinkamena again, punching her multiple times, each blow was absolute torment, as if she was being impaled with every hit. Eternal Sleep brought her scythe out mid-fight and slashed away at Pinkamena's body, not giving it a chance to regenerate, and launching her up against the ceiling.

After Pinkamena's beating, Eternal Sleep's eyes returned to normal, and she collapsed onto the ground, breathing heavily and trying to keep her mind off of the excruciating pain.

"It's one surprise after another with you..." Pinkamena said, crawling on the ground towards Eternal Sleep's body, leaving a trail of blood behind her as she did.

"I'll... Finish you off right here and now..." Eternal Sleep hissed, as she creeped weakly towards Pinkamena.

As they were about to deliver the final blows, Twilight intervened.

"It's time for this stupid fight of yours to end!" Twilight exclaimed, as she appeared in a flash of light. "Pinkamena, I think you've proved yourself to Eternal Sleep."

"Why did you interfere!?" Pinkamena exclaimed. "I was about to finish her off..."

"This wasn't supposed to be a battle to the death y'know, we do need her after all if you have any chance of being free." Twilight said.

Twilight grabbed Pinkamena's frail and decrepit body and absconded back to Celestia and Lilith. "Was there a need for you push your body this far?" Twilight asked despondently.

"She was... A lot tougher than I expected her to be," Pinkamena said. "If anything I didn't push myself hard enough..."

Celestia rushed over to Eternal Sleep's body, worried for her injuries, "Eternal Sleep! Are you alright!?"

"Yes... I'm fine," Eternal Sleep said, slowly getting up and walking towards Pinkamena, even in the amount of pain she was in. "You... Are indeed nothing like I've ever faced before."

"Is that a compliment?" Pinkamena asked, as she snickered and raised a hoof to her. "Well, you weren't so bad yourself."

Eternal Sleep smiled at Pinkamena and shook hooves with her. "Well, I suppose I can allow you to roam as you will... But I'll still be keeping an eye on you, don't forget that."

"Nag, nag, nag," Pinkamena said, lying down on the ground.

"Hey Twilight, is there anything else you want us to do?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Actually, you guys can go back to Ponyville. I appreciate you coming out here, but right now I think it'd be best if you head back," Twilight said. "I promise I'll figure out how to free Pinkamena!"

"Well if you say so Twilight, let us know if you need anything else," Applejack said, walking out the castle doors with the others.

"Now Twilight, I'll be glad to assist you with whatever help you may need," Eternal Sleep said.

"That's great! I can't thank you enough!" Twilight squeed.

"Just..." Eternal Sleep muttered. "Let me and Pinkamena rest for a bit first..."

"I'd be surprised if you didn't," Twilight laughed.


Outskirts of Ponyville

"Finally! I made it!" The Brown Pony said. "I've head great things about this place! Hopefully... I'll be able to make tons of new friends!"

The Brown Pony squeed and jumped with delight as she trotted her way down the path into the town.