PAYDAY : Wait A Minute...

by PBY_Jacko115

The Bain of Their Excistence

“Police and military officials litter the scene, after a whole floor of a government protected establishment was completely wiped out. Details are yet to be released, but the military suspects that the attack was not one of terrorism, as no evidence of such acts has shown up.” The reporter droned on to the camera as the environment buzzed around him. No one knew of the cause of the explosion, but one thing was certain; everyone on that floor was missing. No bodies, only blood and the faint smell of burnt metal. One man in a large black raincoat stood far back, a scarf and hat hiding the ski mask he wore.

His entire team, four people of excellent talent, just disappeared. Nothing just poofs off the radar like that, especially not an entire floor of military personnel. Walking forward, he passed discussing officers and private detectives. He could feel the weight of his B9-S pound against his chest as he walked, ready to pull it out should he become… Suspicious, per say. Finally arriving within the room that held the precious item he sent his team in for, he looked about the room.

Several people were taking notes of the area and many guards were strewn about the perimeter. He turned towards a wall of burnt and destroyed containers, a radiating smell of burnt metal coming from them. Looking around, the man approached the containers, his stomach beginning to disagree with him as soon as he was within touching distance.

‘Great, looks like they really fucked up. I should leave before the radiation starts killing me. I’ll be back, call in some favors that people owe me.’ With that thought, the man turned around and left, a red bombshell pin left behind on a crate.


“So, uh… You gonna keep staring at me demonically or…?” Dallas stated, getting tired of the staring match that was instigated between him and the ruler of this world, and yet, for reasons unknown, Hoxton and Wolf weren’t even helping. Not even a sound was peeped as he and the Alicorn stared at each other. Both eyes held wisdom within, but Dallas’ contained a certain degree of tiredness, the Alicorn’s holding anger and… what seemed a hint of fear.

“I’m Princess Celestia, co-ru-“ the Alicorn began to say but was cut off by a certain Swede yawning and stretching, mimicking the movement of a person’s mouth with his hand. Dallas took this interruption to quickly lean out the windows and hold up a middle finger, a stray magic bolt hitting the wood above. Quickly retreating back inside, he saw Wolf making a fool of himself in order to taunt the princess. Sighing, he took his sidearm and held it up towards Wolf’s head. The Swede caught the American raising his arm, his signature sidearm leveled at him, signaling him to stop his shenanigans.

“Sorry about that, but your Princess Celestia? Huh, what kind of name is Celestia? Got some kind of thing to do with the Sun?” Dallas semi-apologized for as he now question the origins of the Princess’ name. At this rate, it seemed that everyone was going to stay in the barn for a while.


“This is Liam Kelstrumn, I’d like to speak with Largitori Veritas. No, I’m not some kind of creepy spook… You feel like getting dropped from a helicopter? No? Then get your damned boss.” Bain had been trying to call one of his inside contacts for awhile, his subordinates giving him trouble, however. But finally, he’s been able to get his intentions fulfilled.

“So, the infamous Bain seeks my help again. You should really stop using fake names, I’m getting to old for this horseshit of trying to find out your real name.” A rather youthful voice came through, pride and confidence evident.

“Oh yeah? Too old? You’re four years younger than me. Four years! By the way, we should stop digressing.”

“Yeah, you’re right. So, what do ya want Bain?”

“I need muscle… And I need it now.”

“What kind of muscle? We’re tal-“

“Just… muscle. My regulars have went missing, and by missing I mean poof. You hear about that explosion in Oklahoma?”

“Yeah, prototype radiation containers caused the explosion and… I know what you’re up to.”

Silence spoke for Bain as the line remained silent.

“You really think that you’re going to get some of my guys killed, Bain?”

Again, silence reigned the robbers side of the phone. The information mole sighed and clacking could be heard through the speakers as he typed away on his computer.

“Sorry, but… These guys are pretty top notch. They just don’t ‘disappear’ either. I’d at least like to know what happened.” Bain spoke through the phone, his silence game ending.

“Alright fine,” the mole finally collapsed against Bain, “I owe you for that info mishap during the Garnet heist. I swear those codes were literally hours old.”

“Yeah, it’s fine. Just get your boys over to Death Valley, fuckin’ place is drier than my ex’s lips.” With that, Bain ended the conversation. Putting his head against the dashboard of the his helicopter, he sighed and brought his phone up again.

“*Ring ring…. Ring ring… Ring ring…* I’m sorry, the number you called is no lon-“ The automated tone didn’t finish as the connection was cut. Bain leaned back, cramped bones barely cracking as he somewhat stretched.


“Oh come on you piece of shit, just get into that final sweet spot, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-…… SHIT!!” Chains yelled as he missed the spot completely and the locks were completely reset. He had been there for the past hour or two, recent events still to yet reach the castle’s ears. He groaned of disdain, and once again restarted his quest to get the cuffs off him. For odd reasons, the guards have been ignoring his continued verbal assault to the cuffs, assuming that he couldn’t do anything against them other than make curses towards them that would make the drill sergeant at the training center blush.

“So… When is the next shift gonna start? I’d rather get home as fast as possible.” A guardspony asked towards his partner as two other guards walked by.

“Should be here in a few minutes. Why, got a place to be?” The second guard replied, a flat tone to his question.

“Yeah, the wife’s been pressuring me to take her out. Means well and all, but these shifts have got me up all night and day, so when I get home, the bed is the first one I greet.”

“Take it up with the princess. Assumin’ she ever simmers down, that prick that killed ol’ Sarge Barricade got her REAL riled up.”

“Yeah, something about a metal stick filling him full of holes. Heard the C.O. of the squad almost broke down.”

The conversation died as both guards took a solemn look and stared at the ground. However, the smooth silence was interrupted as a chink and a deep laughter filled the air.