The Prophesy

by LightningBolt0308

Chapter 1: Jason Wood

Chapter 1: Jason Wood

My name is Jason Wood, and I am only 12 years old, and I am a human, well used to be, I think. I sort of jumped right into this because I thought I would have fun and have my dreams come true. You know how sometimes you have a dream and the same thing happened in real life? I had imaginary friends, an imaginary world, and an imaginary life. My imaginary friends where ponies, I don't know why ponies, maybe because I always dreamed of flying up in the sky and clouds and I found out that a fictional creature called a pegasus is a horse with wings and I thought that I could one day find one and ride on it and wave it as a pet. I was only 4 when I found out about pegasi so that's probably why I had it be ponies. I already knew about unicorns. Ok, back to my imaginary friends, I had seven. Two are pegasi, two are unicorns, two are earth ponies, and one is a baby dragon. I'm writing this in my journal, which is pretty hard to do with hooves since I don't know how to use my magic yet, but I'll go into magic school in about a week. Princess Celestia said that I would catch up faster than all the other students, I don't know why though.A prophesy stated that a creature with only hair on its head and that new of the pony's world and had a life of sadness and wore the color blue and could make there eyes turn red just like that was the only being to defeat the destroyer of worlds. It in a nutshell is that a human who wares blue clothes all the time and was bullied their whole life was and when got really mad their eyes turned red is the only being that could destroy the Jabberwock, permanently. Everything in the prophesy fitted with me, I even have blue hair. It all started on a school day when I had a feeling that something was going on, that something like aliens had come. I never was like anyone else, I had visions, I had different interest in stuff, like singing, reading and writing (more than anyone in my whole school), I was a dare devil, and I loved to race. I always had a feeling I had special powers, but I never thought I would be able to... Well, I don't know. Well I should start off with that morning...

"Goodbye!" I yelled to my mom as I headed to the bus stop.

When I got to the bus stop a kid checked if my mom had went back inside. When she did he started to poke me.

"Hey dweeb!! Is this annoying? Isitisitisitisitisit?!" He asked as he repeatedly poked me.

"Yes it is! Can you PAH-LEASE stop!? You do this EVERY morning!!! So just STOP!!!" I yelled as I glared at him with red eyes.

"AH!! Y-your eyes, t-they turned, r-r-red again!" He stammered as he tried to hide in his shirt.

"Yeah right! Stop saying that just to try to make it sound like I'm evil!!! I'm sick and tired of you being a big, fat, JERK!!!!" I screamed at him with a very angry face.

"Stay away from me!" He pleaded as he ran away.

Later that day when I got in class my teacher presented two new students to the class. I didn't really care about looking at them because they were probably just more girls to tease me and annoy me. My teacher said "This is Jennifer, and this is Sierra." But after that the girl named Jennifer came up to me and asked me a question.

"Hey! What's up with that big frown? You gotta turn that frown upside down!" She said as she came up to me.

"Look, I don't feel like being happy right... You look just like Pinkie Pie! But I made her up." I stated.

"Don't listen to him. He's just a nerd with imaginary friends." A girl stated.

"Hey how com your being mean to him! What did he ever do to you!?" Sierra boomed with a serious face.

"Oh, great! The new kids are defending the retard." She stated with a sarcastic grin.

"I... Am... Not... A... RETARD!!!! I'm sick and tired of this crap!!" I yelled as my eyes turned red.

"Your eyes turned red! Perfect!" Jennifer said with a big smile.

"Wait... What? (Did i just talk to Rainbw Dash and Pinkie Pie? No, it cant be, it must be my imagination. But everyone else can see them. I must be dreaming)." I questioned myself while rubbing my head and my eyes turning back blue.

"We should talk, at recess." Sierra said as she walked away with Jennifer and then sat at their desks.


At recess I bolted to the swings. When I got there I hoped on and stated swinging. Then I saw the six girls walking towards me. They all looked like how my imaginary friends would look like if they where human. I stopped swinging and I waited for them to come over.

"H-how come you six look just like my imaginary friends?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes.

"Because your imaginary friends are real. And we are them." Twilight said.

"We need to talk. We're from a different universe." Applejack stated.

"An old enemy of the One Horned sages is going to return. A creature called the Jabberwock. The Jabberwock is a evil creature that destroys worlds for amusement. Long ago the one horned sages locked the Jabberwock away. Just one year ago it escaped, but the sages knew it would, so they created a stone carving in the castle in the Everfree Forest to show how to lock it away, but it would only lock it away for three years." Twilight said.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked.

"Because a prophesy said that you are the only one that can destroy it." Twilight said seriously.

"What!? Why me?! How could I kill it, I'm only 12 years old! And look, I have super skinny arms, I probably wouldn't be able to pick up a sword!" I said as I showed them my arms.

"That's why we came now. The Jabberwock will be free in two years. We came so we could bring you to Equestria so you could start training." Twilight said.

"Dang, I reccen you need to work on a farm for at least two months to make them arms, umm, buff." Applejack stated.

"I don't think they're that skinny." Fluttershy said shyly.

"You know what you would look simply dashing in, a tuxedo." Rarity suggested.

"Rarity! We need to focus on the issue at hoof!" Twilight boomed.

"We'll this is gonna be a interesting birthday. Opps!" I accidentally stated.

"It's your birthday?! No wonder your so sad. You need, a PARTY!!" Pinkie blasted.

"Oh, no" Twilight said as she did a face hoof.

"When do we go?" I asked.

"What?" Twilight asked.

"When do we go to Equstria?" I asked, again.

"Oh, whenever you're ready." Twilight answered with a smile.

"Oh, I forgot to ask, can you use magic?" I asked Twilight.

"Yes, why?" Twilight asked me.

"We'll, you could teleport us to my house, and I can tell my parents." I answered with a puppy dog face.

"Only because all the universes are in danger, Ill let you skip school!" Twilight boomed as she teleported all of them to his house.


"Wait, Twilight. How did you know where my house is?!. I asked with a scared glare.

"Princess Celestia. Duh! Twilight said while rolling her eyes.

"Mom, I have some friends I want you to meet!" I said while knocking on the door.

"Jason what are you... Oh my word. Jason, this better not be a trick!" My mom yelled at me.

"Twilight, can you make my shoe levitate?" I asked as I took off my shoe.

"Sure thing. Hey, suprisingly not stinky." Twilight said while levitating my shoe.

"Oh... My... Gosh... I must be dreaming!" My mom said while slapping herself. "I-I'm not d-dreaming!"

"Mom, can i go with them to Equestria, please!?!?!?" I squealed to her.

"Ok, just because your imaginary friends are real! Wow, never thought i'd say that before! But you have to visit!" My mom said with a strait face.

"Of corse I will! How about every month I come and stay for two days. Is that good?" I asked with a smile.

"Five days." My mom said rejecting staying for two days.

"Ok. Goodbye mom. I'll see you in a month!" I said to my mom.

"Wait! Why do you have to go anyway?!" My mom asked.

"To save Equstria of corse!" I said right before Twilight casted a spell which brought us to Equestria.


You know how you feel when something bad happens and you wake up in a hospital or someone els's house? Well i had that feeling but ten times as much confusion.

"(I can't move any of my muscles! What's going on?! I can't even open my eyes!)" I said to myself in my head. "(I think I can feel my muscles coming back! I can open my eyes!) wh-where am I? I asked myself not thinking of getting a reply.

"What?!"??? ?????? Said.

"Who said that?!" I asked while looking for the pony.

"What?!" ??? ?????? Said.

"Oh... My... Gosh!!! Your the Doctor!!!" I boomed with a giant smile.

"What?!" The Doctor said loudly.

"Cool I have wings! I'm a pegasus now! I yelled as I looked at my hooves and back. "Just to make sure- OH MY GOSH IM A ALICORN!!!!!!!!" I EXPODED.

"WAAAAAHHHHT!!!!" The Doctor Screamed.