Revelations of the Past

by Mr101

Chapter III - The Summoning

Revelations of the past
Chapter III: The Summoning.

Ink Quill shivered and his teeth were chattering, he sat inside a carriage wrapped up in a blanket sitting next to a couple of the other scribes that were accompanying him. He looked out of the window watching as the snow blew about in the wind like dancers before mumbling to himself and sneezing loudly followed by a sniffle. He had remained in silence for most of the trip to the Empire whilst the other scribes had been chatting away. It wasn’t from rudeness, he had sensed a strange magical energy the moment they had entered the borders of the Empire and Sombra’s Kingdom. He couldn’t place his hoof on it and it was bothering him so, it didn’t feel like dark magic but at the same time it didn’t feel like light magic either. He had given up trying to work out what it was after an hour or so, cursing the cold for his lack of an answer and sneezed again.

“How long till we bloody get there?” he grumbled.

“Nearly there sir about half an hour or so, look you can see the walls from here.” One of the scribes said pointing his hoof out of the window behind Ink Quill.

Ink Quill popped his head out of the window trying to ignore the bitter sting of the cold and couldn’t help but let out a gasp of awe at the sight, it was his first visit to the Empire and he couldn’t help but marvel at the sight before him. The walls of the city were of a beautiful blue crystal that shone as if the sky was clear and the sun shone brightly, behind it were several tall structures entirely made from natural forming crystals that seemed touched the skyline and in the dead centre of his vision. The Crystal Palace, even from his perspective he could tell that the building was huge, bigger than the others and far more impressive. Its white structure was as pure as the snow that fell around the city and just like the walls and buildings; it shone brightly and proudly amidst the gloom of the clouds above it.

Just ahead of the wall, they were nearing two natural formed purple crystals that stood tall in the ground. Between the two where three crystals floating in perfect balance with one another, as they passed under them Ink Quill could hear the soft humming that emanated from them. As a unicorn he could feel the magical power that radiated from them, it felt warm inside him despite the bitter winter wind blowing about him.

“The Crystal Empire…such a beautiful place.” He softly said to himself.

The carriage came to a stop at the gates and they were greeted by a pair of guards.

“Welcome to the Crystal Empire, please state your name and business.” The guard on the left calmly said.

“My name is Ink Quill; I am the head scribe of Equestria here on business for Princess Celestia and Luna regarding this scroll.” He levitated a scroll to the guard who scanned over it.

“Ah yes, the Emperor has been expecting you, you may proceed.” The guard saluted him before turning to the gates. “Open the gate!” he cried out.

Ink Quill heard somepony respond and the gates slowly creaked and opened up. He stared in awe at the engravings the gate had, it was depicting what he could gather was a brief history of the Empire. As it finally opened the carriage proceeded to enter the vast city. They headed down a fairly busy street which reminded Ink Quill a lot of Canterlot’s market street, the various shops and stalls that were set up where a welcoming site to him. He watched as the citizens, all crystal coated which was something he found amazing, went about their daily lives. Some even stopped to watch the carriage go by curious to its purpose, Ink Quill smiled when he saw a few fillies that were clearly out on a school trip watching and began waving frantically at the carriage. Ink Quill and the other scribes couldn’t help chuckling and waving back to them. The journey didn’t last long which surprised him given the sheer size he thought the city was.

The carriage came to a stop outside of the palace and Ink Quill and the other scribes got out and along with the two guards that came with them, were greeted by several guards who formed two lines opposite one another and saluted as Emperor Krustallos and Empress Amemond descended the stairs that led up to the main doors. Ink Quill and the other ponies with him all bowed to the royal figures who smiled down on them.

“Come now there’s no need to bow.” Krustallos chuckled.

Ink Quill smiled as he rose, he hadn’t met Krustallos before but was already beginning to like him. He reminded him slightly of Celestia and Luna; the royal pair led the group of ponies into the palace and through one of the many hallways. Ink Quill took in the beautiful architecture and artwork that adorned the walls of the hallway as they came into a large dining hall.

“We can discuss business during dinner, come you must be hungry.” Krustallos smiled as he and his wife took their seats.

Ink Quill and his companions took their respected seats and the meal soon began, servants walking around the table pouring re-fills and taking away plates. A small band was playing a variety of string and wind instruments quietly; Ink Quill enjoyed the sounds as it somehow complimented the meal.

“I must thank Celestia and Luna for taking this matter seriously, I know it seems odd to request help in a matter that may not seem like much.” Krustallos said.

“Not at all, we take any problems our allies and friends seriously.” Ink Quill smiled back. “And we will do our best to help you.”

Krustallos smiled as he wiped his mouth delicately with a napkin.

“That is good to hear Master Quill, now to the matter at hoof…” Krustallos began.

As the meal continued, Ink Quill and the other scribes sat in silence listening to Krustallos. He explained that although the rumours and reports saying Sombra was indeed building an army, that wasn’t what was bothering him so much, it was the fact in the ten years since Discords defeat he had seen less and less of Sombra or anypony from his kingdom save for a few merchants during the height of the trading seasons. He had sent envoys now and again to the kingdom and each had failed to gain an audience with the king, having to deal with his shady looking advisor Dream Weaver.
The other thing which had been bothering him as well as others was the change of magical energy coming from the kingdom, Ink Quill nodded. He told Krustallos he had noted the strange feeling that was coming from the north the moment they came within view of the kingdoms foremost outpost, he also told him of the other envoy that was heading to the Kingdom to which Krustallos nodded understanding Celestia and Luna’s reasons.

The meal came to a finish and Krustallos had a servant show the scribes and Ink Quill their respective rooms as well as telling them that as long as they were there, they had free access to the palace and its facilities. Thanking him Ink Quill retired to his room to write a letter to the two Princesses.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

Celestia and Luna were on their balcony once more enjoying another break from another court meeting; they had received a scroll bearing their seal prior to the meeting and had only just gotten a moment to read it. They had hoped its contents would bear good news to lighten their spirits; it did so and even more. The two Princesses were giggling over the contents of the scroll like a pair of fillies.

Dear Celestia and Luna,
By Starswirl’s beard it is bloody freezing! I knew the Empire was located in the north but how is it even possible to be THIS cold? I can’t feel my hooves and my teeth have only just stopped chattering.
Anyway enough about me complaining about the weather, our envoy arrived just over two hours ago and Emperor Krustallos and Empress Amemond welcomed us warmly and even had a little celebration for us. It was quite nice actually and oh the food they serve, I was expecting it to be cold or something but my goodness it was delicious. Kind of reminded me of my mother’s cooking…

ANYWAY getting off topic here, The Emperor kindly allowed me access to his archives as well as free roam of the palace and so far from what I have seen I can happily say that everything is perfect here. It kind of reminds me of Equestria, the ponies seem to be very content with their rulers and the land itself, despite a freezing cold, is prosperous. I’m going to be turning in early today I think, as much as I’d love to explore of the palace more today I do miss the warmth of a bed…

I will report more to you tomorrow.

You’re faithful Scribe.

Ink Quill.

“I wonder if Ink Quill hears himself sometimes.” Luna asked between giggles.

“He’d be too busy mumbling about the shape of potatoes or something to notice.” Celestia replied.

They both paused for a moment at Celestia’s remark before they both burst into a round of laughing; as the laughing died down they heard a knock on the glass door and returned to the meeting they had taken a break from still giggling softly to one another.

“Well it’s nice to hear the Emperor is doing fine and welcomed the envoy with a warm welcome.” Luna said taking her seat.

“Quite, let’s hope the other envoy reports back soon, and then we can put this business behind us knowing both kingdoms are fine.” Celestia replied.

The two smiled before turning their attention back to the slowly re-filling room of nobles, politicians and other ponies who had returned from the meetings break.

“Ok everypony, let us continue.” Celestia smiled.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

“My Lord King Sombra the great bids thee welcome.” Dark Light said as he saluted the descending scribe.

“Thank you Captain, I hope his majesty is faring well?” the scribe said as he adjusted his glasses.

“Quite so, I apologise for him being unable to welcome you personally. He is currently in court with several nobles over a domestic issue, he has however instructed me to give you a tour of the palace and show you to your quarters.” Dark Light replied.

“That is quite alright and completely understandable, and I thank you Captain.”

Dark Light and two other guards led the scribe and his companions into the Palace, the scribes began to chatter to one another marvelling at the architecture impressed with the Palace being built into the cliff. The scribe who had addressed Dark Light, Feather Scroll, was conversing with him.

“So, when will his majesty be able to meet with us?”

“Soon if all goes according to plan, the nobles can sometimes be quite troublesome.”

Feather Scroll nodded knowing full well how nobles could be, after the tour of the palace Dark Light had led the group to their rooms and bid them farewell. As the scribes entered their room and began to settle themselves Dark Light turned to the two guards that had accompanied him.

“Keep an eye on them, they are not allowed to enter the throne room or King Sombra’s vault.”

“Sir!” they both saluted in unison.

Dark Light nodded and left the two guards heading towards the throne room, a slight smirk adorning his face. As he entered the room he found that there were several guards guarding the entrances to the throne room, the windows had also been closed off with curtains and the room was kept alight by a few candles. In the centre of the throne room was Dream Weaver, he was levitating a paint brush that had been dipped in white paint and was etching out markings into the floor of the throne room. Dark Light watched him for a moment; Dream Weaver had already drawn a fairly large circle which had a second smaller one inside of that, in between the two circles was writing in a language Dark Light couldn’t understand. Surrounding the larger outer circle where several small circles that each had a candle situated in the middle of it, each one linked to the main outer circle by a jagged line.

Dream Weaver took a step back to scan over the book carefully to make sure he hadn’t missed anything before going back to marking out a strange symbol in the centre of the two circles, to Dark Light it looked like an upside triangle with three arrows pointing inward, as he watched Dream Weaver he noticed a bowl being levitated over by him and placed in the centre of the triangle. Dark Light’s eyes widened a bit as Dream Weaver took out a small dagger and cut his leg, levitating a small amount of blood into the small bowl in front of him before wrapping the cut in a bandage. Dark Light slowly turned away from the scene to face the throne and Sombra who was watching Dream Weaver with great interest before giving him a deep bow.

“The visitors are unaware of anything my Lord.”

“Good…good, I want you to remain here Captain when we do this. I want your soldiers ready for anything…and I mean anything.” Sombra replied.

“As you wish Sire.”

Dark Light left the room and headed briskly towards the barracks to get reinforcements leaving Dream Weaver and Sombra alone in the room, Dream Weaver hadn’t heard Dark Light entering rather he had been too busy sorting out everything he needed to make the summoning work. He had read that if even a single item or inscription was out of place then the results would be…dire.

He carefully finished placing a candle in what appeared to be a circle with three spikes sticking out at specific angels and levitated a book over to him, flipping through the pages squinting his eyes as he muttered to himself reading over the page. Nodding in satisfaction he turned round and bowed to Sombra.

“My Lord…it is ready.”

“Excellent Dream Weaver excellent.” Sombra replied as he got off his throne. “When the Captain returns…we shall begin.”

“My Lord, I want you to know I mean no disrespect when I say this and I only have your best interests in mind but. Are you absolutely positive you wish to do this?” Dream Weaver asked him.

“Yes dear advisor I do, I appreciate your concerns but we don’t have much of a choice either way. And who knows, today the Empire…tomorrow Equestria and then…the world.” He chuckled darkly.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

Luna had closed her eyes tightly during the meeting and had let out a loud wince of pain, the nobles and politicians stopped what they were doing and looked towards their ruler with looks of confusion and concern. Celestia draped one wing over Luna and then turned to the crowd.

“This meeting is adjourned until further notice.” She said in a serious tone.

The crowd all murmured replies of understanding and bowed before exiting, still concerned why the Princess had suddenly cried out in pain, as the room emptied leaving the two princesses alone with the guards.

“Please…leave us be.”

The guards bowed and then also took their leave leaving the two alone, Celestia turned to her sister and gave her a soft nuzzle.

“Lu-Lu…are you ok?” Celestia asked worriedly.

Luna whimpered and looked up at her sister her face etched in fear.

“Tia…I felt something…a great evil…”

“Whatever do you mean Lu-Lu?”

“I’m not sure…I just felt some dark presence make itself known to me, I could hear this voice in my head. It was deep and dark and powerful, full of hatred and malice and it…it just laughed.” She buried her face into Celestia’s neck. “It then said…This world will burn.”

Celestia looked at her sister with great concern, she was unsure why she hadn’t had the same feeling but knew her sister wouldn’t lie about something as serious as what she had said. But she needed to be one hundred percent certain Luna was being truly honest, she embraced her in a hug and softly stroked her mane before pulling her off her to look at her face to face.

“Lu-Lu…I need to make sure, are you positive you felt something and aren’t lying to me.”

“How could you even suggest that Tia? Why would I lie about something like this? I know I felt something and I know it’s real!” Luna replied angrily.

Celestia looked deep into her eyes and knew she was telling the truth and re embraced her gently.

“I’m sorry Lu-Lu, I had to make sure…”

“It’s ok Tia…I’m sorry I snapped at you.” Luna replied “That wasn’t the worst part though Tia…”

“What do you mean Lu-Lu?” Celestia replied.

Luna removed her ace from her neck to look at her sister face to face; Celestia saw the fear that was in Luna eyes.
“The presence I felt…It came from the north.”

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

The room was deathly silent, on the throne sat king Sombra and to his right was Dark Light. In the centre of the room only the candles that had been lit by Dream Weaver provided any source of light for the room, Dream Weaver himself was in the centre of the room hovering the book he had used to create the markings on the floor beside him, surrounding him were several heavily armoured guards all ready to confront anything if something wrong happened. Dream Weaver turned his head to Sombra who gave him a nod of approval before turning back to the book moving it in front of him.

“With this blood, given willingly by one who wishes to speak with the dark forces, I request your presence!” Dream Weaver began lighting his horn.

As his horn glowed the colour changed from his usual white aura to a dark red one just as the bowl began to slowly rattle making the blood slosh about; a wind crept into the room from nowhere and began to whistle around the bowl slowly lifting it up into the air, the guards took a step back slightly as the wind held the bowl in the air and began to spin it in a circle.

“Take this offering, take this offering as a sign of good will and reveal yourselves to us!”

The bowl began to rapidly spin as the wind suddenly blew out the candles that surrounded the circles leaving only dream Weaver’s glowing horn as the only light source in the room; the guards muttered to themselves quietly and looked around panicked but where silenced by Dark Light.

“Calm yourselves!” he barked at them.

They all stopped and turned the focus again to the dark centre trying to focus on the circle to see if there was anything inside of it, the room was silent once more as the wind that was blowing previously seemed to suddenly stop. Dream Weaver; bit his lip nervously before carrying on.

“Dark ones…hear my plea…on this day and at this time, please…reveal yourselves to us!”

As soon as the words had left his mouth a loud boom roared throughout the room as the candles suddenly exploded with light, huge jets of fire roaring up into the celling illuminating the whole room. Several guards fell to the floor in pure surprise, the bowl that had previously been in the centre had vanished; in its place was a small swirling ball of dark shadows. Dream Weavers eyes widened and he dropped the book taking a couple of steps back, Sombra on the other hand was grinning watching as the ball violently swirled faster and faster before taking on the form of what appeared to be a head of a strange creature. Two red eyes burst from the shadows in a loud roar that erupted from the shadow rattled the room as the flames died down to that of normal candle fire.


The voice roared thought the room entering into the ears of everyone present and shaking them to the core, all the guards save Dark Light trembled at the mighty voice. Dream Weaver fell to his rump shaking with fear as the shadow glared at him angrily only to see Sombra step in front of him undeterred.

“I am King Sombra and you will treat with me.”

The shadow growled at him before laughing, the laugh even worse than his voice shaking the room once more sending fear into the hearts of all those around it excluding Sombra. Even Dark Light was feeling intimidated by the monstrosity in the room unable to take his eyes of it.


There was a pause as Sombra remained in his stance glaring back at the shadow unable to give a response the shadow answered for him.


Everyone’s eyes widened in surprise and fear, Sombra took a step back. He was expecting to have a great warrior or some form of creature to appear before him but not a God, he regained his stand and growled back at him.

“I, King Sombra of the Mountain Kingdoms, have summoned you here to request your assistance in battle!”


Sombra paused for a moment before a smirk etched on his face and he took another step towards the shadow letting out a dark laugh.

“Because I want to claim this world and everything on it, I want to look out over the land knowing its mine and nopony could ever take it from me.” Sombra started before looking directly into the God’s eyes. “I want to spread my dark magic to all four corners of this world and bring it to its knees.”

Everyone in the room was silent as Sombra seemed to have a stare off with the God, neither one of them breaking their gaze. J’skaar began to slowly chuckle before letting out a roaring dark laugh that echoed around the room.


“What do you mean you can’t assist me?! What kind of a God are you!” Sombra shouted angrily at him.

J’skaar saw the look of anger and disappointment upon Sombra’s face and began to laugh again much to the irritation of Sombra.


“What do you mean something as good?” Sombra asked.


Sombra paused again as he looked up at the swirling shadow for a moment, he wasn’t too sure about the offer this God was seemingly offering him. But his desire to see the Empire and indeed the entire world under his rule was to strong, he let a grin form on his face and he nodded to J’skaar.

“I, King Sombra, do hereby swear my allegiance to you J’skaar.” Sombra bowed to him.


The wind picked up again swirling around the shadows deforming it back to the original ball of shadows from before, the candles burst into flames once more as the room roared and shook violently. The shadow congealed on the floor slowly forming into something, it let out a roar of pain as the shadows began to solidify, Sombra’s smile was broken when a light invaded the room and he saw the scribes from Equestria standing in the now open doorway a look of horror on their faces, the guards that were meant to of been guarding the door hadn’t noticed them as they were to transfixed on the shadow in the room. Sombra looked directly at the head of the scribes who looked back with a look of disbelief.

“What have you done King Sombra?!” Feather Scroll shouted as he and the other scribes approached him.

“SEIZE THEM!” Sombra roared.

The guards snapped out of their trance like states and surrounded the scribes, before they could do anything though, a shadow shot out and grabbed Feather Scroll by his neck hoisting him up into the air and strangling him. A sickening crunch was heard as his neck snapped an his body was thrown across the room slamming into the wall and falling into a heap, the other scribes cried out in panic and tried to flee the room only to have the shadow surround and trapping them. It lifted into the air holding the scribes in a ball. Their panicked cries where muffled as the ball began to get smaller and smaller until several crunches were heard and the screams stopped, the ball retracted back to where it originated in the centre of the room leaving no trace of the scribes.

Everyone turned their attention to the centre of the room to see a bipedal creature standing there, draped in black robes and a hood that concealed the majority of its face. All that could be seen was a sick twisted grin as the shadow formed back into what appeared to be a hoof with five digits on it; it took a few steps forwards past the shaken guards and stood in front of Sombra.

“My Lord and Master J’skaar has sent me to aid you, mighty King Sombra…I am yours to command.” The creature spoke with a strangely calm and mature voice.

“What is your name?” Sombra replied.

The creature grinned before kneeling down on one knee and bowing to him.

“I…am Malaskaar, Dark Mage and loyal servant of J’skaar, the solution to your problems...”