Take to the Skies

by DamnToasty

Chapter 2: Clipped Wings

Take to the Skies

Chapter 2: Clipped Wings

Written and Edited by RobertBel98

Surprised by the sudden force I was jolted back, my body pressing against the rear of the seat. I turned forward only seeing the slight vapor trails momentarily teeming off the edges of the jet’s body. I looked down at the speedometer in front of me, the dial read Mach 1.82 about three fourths past the speed of sound. I grasped the controls in an attempt to steady the hurtling jet. I gripped the joy stick tighter, feeling the massive resistance of the air building around the craft. With all my strength I pulled at the controls leading it back to its primary location. The plane now centered continued to cut through the sky, gliding through the heavens smoothly.

Suddenly, something off in the distance caught my eye. Almost as if a bolt of lightning had shot by my port side an immense flash of multi-colored light reflected off the windshield followed by a booming wave of vibration that shook the surrounding area, and almost as if to voice its confirmation of my suspicion I heard a familiar pattern of pings emitting from the jet’s air radar. I looked down at the screen once again seeing the same mysterious mass from prior to the jump. Only this time it was coming at me a lot faster. ‘This thing is just not letting up!’ I thought to myself. The air radar continued to sound as the light reflecting from the Plexiglas intensified.

My reflexes kicked in as I reached for the throttle pushing it forward. The F-35 gradually increased in speed followed by another flurry of vapor emitting from the rear of the craft. I looked back down at the air radar, and to my surprise the distance between me and the creature seemed to be increasing. With each passing scan the small mass moved further and further away from my position until it was no longer in range.

A feeling of accomplishment surged through me. This was swiftly cut short as I began to think. ‘What the hell just happened?’
“I…was literally just chased down by a mythological flying horse that could break the sound barrier.” I laughed a bit at the sound of hearing it out loud, but my comical attitude quickly dissipated.

I took a deep breath closing my eyes as I did, I rubbed one side of my temples with a free hand in an attempt to relieve some of the lingering stress. I reopened my eyelids to be reintroduced to the same unfamiliar space that surrounded me. ‘I need to forget what just happened for now and get a hold of myself, think…logically.’ I took another deep breath realizing the near impossibility of my incentive. Like it or not I had just been dealt a shit hand and it is my responsibility to work my way through it.

I lowered my head accidentally getting a look at the fuel levels. They were dropping at an alarming rate. It completely escaped my mind the speed at which I was traveling. Quickly I yanked the throttle south hoping to alleviate the dropping measurements. As the jet slowed I looked back down. The small dial had returned to a normal pace, but was still dangerously close to bottom of the circumference. I came to a realization. I could not keep this up, as much as I would like to stay in the air and remain hidden to the strange world below I need to land this craft. It was either land on foreign soil voluntarily, or crash into it forcefully. The ultimatum made my choice easier as I reached for the control stick.

“Well, here we go!” I whispered to myself as I elegantly pulled the lever up sending the aircraft into a gentle dive.

I continued to press down as the plane proceeded its decent to the alien world. A slight puff of condensation covered the windshield as I passed through the cloud layer. The wall of condensation receded as I made my way through allowing me to finally catch a glimpse of the surface of the planet. As far as the eye could see were endless plains of jungle plant life, trees jutting out along surface accompanied by an occasional rock formation sticking out among the rest. Off in the distance an immense mountain towered over the land. It seemed to form a near perfect cone ending in a fine point at the peak. It was like something out of a fairytale, but that paled in comparison to what I saw next.

As I continued my descent my view of the large mountain range expanded giving way to a gilded city hanging off the edge of the slope. It could not be seen under my respirator but my mouth went agape at the astonishing sight. I shook my head regaining focus at the task at hand.

“Alright, I need to land somewhere where there is low population. I must remain hidden as long as possible before I can properly assess the populous.” My eyes revolved in all directions scrutinizing the land for an open space to rest my craft.
Then something caught my attention. Just west of the gargantuan city beheld what seemed to be a small town. Even further I saw what looked like some type of farmland. It might not be the best cover but there is no way I can land in the forest and I don’t want to risk setting this down near any heavily populated area, it was my best option.

I pushed the controls down as the surface neared bringing the jet to a horizontal angle. I pressed forward slightly turning to face the open fields in the distance. I reexamined the plain looking for a clear area away from any crops. Where there are crops there will be workers and I don’t want to draw any unwanted attention.

Just north a patch of barren farm land made its way into my line of sight. I gestured the joystick towards the patch of land and advanced. When I was right at the cusp of the temporary landing zone I reached to my left side grabbing the thruster directional controls. I motioned the stick down. The jet began to slow to a halt, panels all around the plane opened giving way to several fans as the rotors started to spin forming an upward thrust that balanced the craft.

I redirected my sight to the luminescent screen below me showing a camera view of the land beneath. A few quick adjustments had me centered above the LZ. Looking to my right I reached for a metallic grey panel littered with several switches and dials. With the simple motion of my index finger I heard three small canopy doors open below me, the landing gear folding out into their proper position. I raised my arm and once again grasped the throttle gently pushing it further down the guided rail. The jet in turn began its vertical descent to the surface below. As the craft touched down I was greeted by an expected shaking motion. The hydraulics kicked in bringing the plane to a soft landing.

I closed the remaining gap between the throttle and the base of the lever deactivating the engine. The rotating sound of the exhaust ports began to slow as the entire vehicle finally came to a calm silence. Soon after I reached over to the side of my helmet gently removing the several Velcro straps from their current position as the gray rubber mask fell to the right. I took a deep breath closing my eyes finally free of the pressure. As I reopened my eyes I stared out in front of me continuing to breathe slowly. I remained in my seat finally having my chance to rest.