Mason's Quest

by gplane1749

Chapter 5: First Assignment

Mason’s Quest

Chapter 5: First Assignment

“Ah it is good to see that you are awake Mason. Come have a seat at the table.” Sunny told Mason as he sleepily walked down the hall to the kitchen. Mason pulled out a chair plopped down into it. Seconds later a plate filled with breakfast and surrounded by a light blue aura appeared in front of him.

“Wow this looks great Sunny thanks.” Mason said as he hungrily ate toast and haycakes. “So what are we going to do today?” Mason asked the elder unicorn.

“Today is your first assignment. Late last night Princess Luna informed me that a huge discharge of magical energy was detected. One of Twilight Sparkle’s spell had unraveled. No one was hurt and the princess only told me incase I had sensed it and was worried.”

“What does that spell not working have to do with us?” Mason asked.

“Well at the same time that the spell backfired I felt Discord’s magic. I think he had something to do with why that spell went wrong. I need to increase the strength of the magical barriers around his stone body.”

“Wait can’t he hear us, should we move to a more private place? How would you do that anyway?”

“Do not worry I canceled the spell that lets him talk and hear us. As to how I am going to do it I need something to increase my spell casting strength. I need the Alicorn Amulet.”

“But isn’t that the thing that corrupted a unicorn so much that she sealed off an entire town?”

“Yes but I am much stinger and not as easily corrupted. Now I need you to go get the amulet. I have to stay here and keep an eye on discord.”

“How am I supposed to find the amulet? I don’t even know where it is.”

“I do. It is in the possession of Zecora the zebra. She lives in the Everfree Forest. Her home is not that deep into the forest and there is a path so you should be fine.”

“Yeah I remember that path. But what if she does not want to give up the amulet?”

“Here is an official order that I need this for the princess. You’re from Ponyville right?” A nod from Mason confirmed this. “I would also like it if you cold stop by Sweet Apple Acres and pick up two bottles of cider. I have already ordered in the name Sunny so you can just ask for the order.”

“Okay I can do that. My assignment is to go to Zecora’s home, get the amulet, then go to Sweet Apple Acres, and pick up your cider order. Right?”

“That is correct. I have a two way ticket to Ponyville and a bag of bits for hotel and the cider. The train leaves in fifteen minutes so you better get a move on.”

“Okay I will not need the money for the hotel room I still have friends in Ponyville that will let me crash at their place.” Mason grabbed his saddle bags and headed out the door.

“Keep the extra anyway you could still need it for something. You have two days. After that I send out the guards to look for you.” Sunny called after the light gray earth pony.

Mason trotted down the path into Canterlot. He quickly made is way to the train station. Mason climbed the stairs to the loading platform and hopped on to his train. The train to Ponyville was packed. Mason had to move to the last car to find an empty seat.

“Everypony must be going to Applosa to visit the reenactment of the Great Pie War. I should go next year if I do not have another assignment. I hope that Swift Wind will let me stay at his place. He was always pretty cool about it before but that was three years ago. He will be so glad that I got out of that treasure hunter group. He always told me that it would just lead to trouble.”

The train came to an unexpected stop. Mason did not remember any stops on the way to his hometown. Mason got up and looked out the window to see why the train had stopped. Outside was a tiny train station and a water tower. Behind the station was a small town. All of the buildings looked brand new.

Mason turned to the mare next to him and asked, “What’s this town? I have never heard of it before.”

“That is Stallonega. It is a boomtown. Copper was discovered there.” The mare answered.

“Thank you miss.” Mason sat back down in his seat. “Wow I was really out of the loop. A whole new town started up and I did not even know.”

The train jolted forward and resumed its passage to Ponyville and beyond. Mason tried to sleep the rest of the way to town but his mind kept wandering to the dangers he could face while in the forest.

Mason had always been frightened by the dark forest. It was nor necessarily the animals that frightened him the most though. He thought he would be able to beat or get away from most of the things in the forest except for the bigger things like timber wolves, hydras, and manticores. What really scared him was how wild the forest was. The entire forest of trying to out do one another. There was no dependence on ponies like the rest of Equestria. Even the weather was strange and moved on its own.

Mason was pulled out of his fitful daze by the sound of the train’s brakes squealing. He made his way up the isle and to the door of the train. When he stepped out the familiar sight of his hometown welcomed him. The gray stallion trotted off of the platform and on to main street to visit his old friend. He had a feeling that he could not shake. It was like some one was watching his every move.