Prince of Games

by Blitz Gamer

Chapter 3: Homecoming

(Note: the following takes place after the Crystal Empire, and 12 years after Blitz began his journey of self-discovery.)
Princess Celestia was relaxing in her study with a cup of tea, reading the latest letter from her apprentice when one of her guards entered the room.

"Your Majesty, there is a pony here who wishes to speak to you."

Celestia sighed, wondering if she would ever get a moment to herself.

"Did they give a name?", she asked the guard.

"No Ma'am, they just said that they had important information to share with you. We checked for weapons, he's clean."

"Alright, send him in."

As the guard left, Celestia wondered just who this mysterious visitor could be, and what information he had for her. Usually, there wasn't anything in her kingdom she didn't know about. Just then, the study door opened, and her guard walked in, escorting a pale blue stallion wearing a hooded black cloak that shrouded his face, and a pair of steel hooflets. She asked the cloaked figure,

"Who might you be under that cloak?"

The stallion chuckled.

"I'm hurt Celestia. Even after all this time, you surely must remember me."

He lowered his hood, and Celestia nearly spewed her tea across the study.

"After all," I said, a mischievous look in my eye, "It's not often you find a foal left on your doorstep."

"Now then, do I have a story for you..."

Twilight was reading the latest installment of The Adventures of Daring Do when she heard a knock on the library door.

"Now who could that be?" she mused to herself, " and why does everypony feel they have to knock, this IS a public library after all."

Nonetheless, she got up and went to the door. When she opened it however, her jaw hit the floor, literally.

"Hello there Twilight, long time no see", I said, trying to keep a straight face. I walked inside, looking around while Twilight tried to pry her jaw off of the floor. "I should have guessed you would make your home inside of a library." I turned around, only to get slapped across the face by a lavender hoof.

"OWWWW!" I said, rubbing my stinging right cheek. "What they hay was that for?"

"12 years! 12 years I spent waiting, wondering where you were, what had happened to you, if you were even alive. Do you know what your disappearance did to me, how hard it was for me to make friends with the trust issues that I had?"

"Twilight, you think I didn't worry about you? If I could have visited you, I would have. I'll tell you everything, but I don't want to repeat myself. I'll start once the other five are here."

"How do you know about the girls?"

"I'll explain everything when they get here, O.K.?"

"Alright," she said, sighing.

"Spike!" she yelled, hoping her draconian assistant was awake. The infant dragon, still half asleep, came downstairs.

"Yes Twilight?" he replied, stifling a yawn.

"Spike, I need you to write the girls, telling them to come over as soon as they can. There's an old friend of mine I want them to meet."

"Got it." he said, perking up. "I'll get to work on it right away." He raced upstairs to get started on the letters, but when he got to his desk, he stopped, confused. "I thought the girls and I were the first friends Twilight ever had, aside from her brother." he thought to himself. "Oh well, better get started on those letters." When he was finished, he woke up Twilight's pet owl.

"Owlowiscious, I need you to deliver these letters to the girls."


"You know, AJ, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash."


"I just told you. Oh wait, I forgot that's all you can say. Just Deliver the letters, alright?"

The owl nodded, thinking he had tormented Spike long enough. Once Spike finished tying the letters to his leg, he set off to deliver them.

While all of that was going on, downstairs Twilight was peppering me with questions about where I had been, all of which I answered with "I'll tell you once the others get here." Once she realized that I wasn't going to change my mind, she asked me if I wanted anything to drink.

"That depends," I replied, "Do you have any Mountain Dew?"

She looked at me, a confused expression on her face. "What's Mountain Dew?"

"Never mind, I'll just have a glass of apple juice."

"I think Applejack gave me a fresh jug yesterday. I'll be right back." While Twilight went to get refreshments, I looked around, getting a good look at her home. The thing that surprised me was all the pictures of Twilight with her 5 friends. I had thought that my disappearing act 12 years ago would have made it hard for her to trust other ponies enough to make friends. In a way I had been right, since she had spent most of her childhood friendless aside from her brother. Just then, Twilight came back, levitating two glasses of juice.

"Thank you."

I said as she one down in front of me. I picked up the glass and took a small sip, then chugged the entire thing.

"That, was the tastiest apple juice I have ever had the pleasure of drinking."

Twilight smiled.

"If you thought that was good, I can't wait to see what you think of their cider." Before I could reply, there was a knocking at the door.

"That must be the girls."

As Twilight got up and went to the door, I grabbed her glass of juice and chugged it. Can you blame me? The stuff was delicious. As Twilight's friends entered the room, They looked at me with suspicion. Rainbow Dash was the first to speak.

"Who the buck are you?" Before I could reply, Twilight spoke.

"Girls, I would like you to meet my oldest friend, Blitz Gamer."

"HUH!?" the girls asked in unison. Applejack was the first to speak.

"But I thought your brother was the only friend you had before you meet us Twi. Were you lying to us this whole time?"

"I never said that my brother was my only friend. I said that I didn't go out of my way to try and make friends."

Just then I spoke up. "That's my fault I'm afraid. Now that all of you are here, I'm going to tell you everything."

And so I told Twilight and her friends my story, starting with being left in a basket, and ending with leaving the citadel to start my journey.

"Any questions?" I asked, hoping to stop their wide eyed staring.
Rainbow was the first to come to her senses "Do you honestly expect us to believe that? That is the most ridiculous story I've ever heard!"

I smiled, a wicked gleam in my eye.

"Really? The most ridiculous story I've ever heard is the one where a draconaquis wielding the powers of chaos and disharmony is turned to stone by six mares using the power of friendship."

Rainbow just stared at me, open-mouthed.

"Now wait just a gosh-darn minute. You said you would tell us everything. You left out a good 12 years. What about your so called journey of self discovery. Aren't ya gonna tell us about that?"

Applejack was obviously doubting me. I turned to her, frowning hard.

"I'd rather not. I did things during those twelve years that still haunt me to this day. I don't want to give any of you my nightmares. But if it's proof you want, it's proof you'll get. Stand back."

They took my advice to heart and moved back a good 3 feet.

"Remember those beam claws I mentioned? Well let me give you a demonstration."

I stood on my hind legs and held out my forelegs. I yelled out, "Beam Claws, activate!" Immediately the twin sets of beams shot out of my hooflets, as they had done countless times before.

"Convinced yet Applejack?" I asked, shutting down the beams.

She nodded, unable to speak.

"Now then, before I came here, I paid a visit to Celestia, telling her everything I just told you. After all, a ruler has a right to know about the possible threats to her kingdom. Her guard was really embarrassed when I showed her my claws, having thought they were just an ordinary pair of hooflets. Anyway, once I finished informing Celestia of my responsibilities, I asked about you Twilight. She told me everything about you and your friends, including all of the threats you've faced. When I told her that I was looking for a base of operations, she recommended here in Ponyville. I already found a place to stay."

"Where might that be, oh noble stallion that you are?" Rarity asked, trying to flirt.

"I'm moving in with Vinyl Scratch, the DJ."

"Ooh-ooh, Vinyl told me she was getting a new roommate. At first I thought she was talking about her marefriend Octavia, but I never thought it would be you. Then again I just met you. That reminds me, I have to go do something."

After this rapid fire burst of talking, Pinkie Pie bounced out of the building.

"Uh, what just happened?" I asked, confused.

Twilight snickered. "You'll see."

"Uh, O.K. Anyway, I'm moving in with Vinyl because she's the only pony in town tech-savvy enough to help me set up my equipment. Plus, I really like Dubstep, so that's a plus."

Twilight was curious. "What kind of equipment are you talking about?"

"I have sensors that can tell me if there is a leak between this dimension and another."

"That makes sense. Does Vinyl know about what you do?"

"Yeah, she was pretty laid back about it. Now, before I go unpack, I used what Celestia told me about you and your friends to pick out some gifts."

"That's quite generous of you dear, so what did you get me, I mean us?"

I opened up my hammerspace saddlebag (my hammer bag) and pulled out a pair of golden horse shoes.

"For Rainbow Dash, a pair of lucky horseshoes. While wearing these, you can't get hurt from falling."

"Now that's what I call awesome!" Dash cried out as I hoofed over her gift.

Next I pulled out a bolt of silky orange-red cloth.

"For Rarity, a bolt of ember-silk cloth, one of the softest fabrics ever to exist."

Upon feeling the fabric, Rarity fainted. Thankfully, Twilight was ready for this and moved a pile of cushions into position behind her friend.

"I'm guessing she does that a lot."

"You have no idea." She said, deadpanning.

"Okay, moving on. For AJ I have an apple of solid gold, retrieved from a land known as Minecraft."

"Well gollly, if that ain't beautiful." She moved to take a bite out of it. "Don't eat it!"

"Why not?"

"A golden apple is capable of healing nearly any wound. Save it for an emergency."


"Now for Fluttershy I have something special. You take care of animals, right Fluttershy?"


"Well, I have an egg I want you to care for." I pulled out a large egg, with pink, white, and purple bands.

"This egg will hatch into a Happiny, a type of creature known as a Pokemon. Pokemon come from their own gaming world, and not much is known about them. I'll tell you all about them later, but for now, just know that I have a feeling you'll do really well with Happiny."

She didn't speak, just blushed and put the egg in her saddle bag.

"I was going to give Pinkie a magical disco ball, but I guess I'll have to wait til I see her again. But for you Twilight, I have a master level spell-book The Illustrious Tome of the Magical Arts"

I pulled a large leather bound book out of my hammer bag and hoofed it over. Her eyes twinkled with joy.

"Be careful with that."

"Blitz, I don't know what to say."

"Just say you forgive me for not saying goodbye."

"Of course I forgive you. I always forgave you."

"You really mean that? I mean, you did just slap me."

"Cross my hooves, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

She made the familiar gesture of a Pinkie Promise. I laughed.

"Now I have something for you. Girls, go put away your gifts, and meet me at Sugar Cube Corner."

They all nodded in agreement, then went to put away what I had given them.

"What's at Sugar Cube Corner" I asked, confused.

Twilight, with the same gleam in her eye that I had worn earlier, told me: "You'll see."

When we got to SCC, it was about 6:00 P.M. the place was dark, with nopony in sight.

"Are you sure this place is open?" I asked, feeling wary.

"As sure as can be. Come on, let's go in." As I opened the front door, the lights flashed on.


I jumped a good 3 feet. Celestia had "forgotten" to mention that Pinkie Pie always threw a surprise welcome party for new arrivals.

"I surprised you pretty good, huh Blitz?" she said, bouncing up and down.

After I told her that yes, she had indeed surprised me, I gave her a Disco Ball from MySims Kingdom.

"Wow Blitz, this is great, I can't wait to set it up."

Rarity, however, wasn't as excited.

"Now Pinkie, why don't you.."
Was as far as she got when a puff of pink smoke appeared over a table, out of which emerged a large, green present, the tag reading "To: Blitz"
I went over to it, wondering who sent it. I could tell it hadn't come from the game realms, so I decided to open it. When I lifted the lid, out popped thousands of spring snakes.

"Whoever sent this, they have one big sense of humor."

I then noticed writing at the bottom of the box. It read:

Hello Blitz Gamer, I hope you liked my joke-in-a-box. Looking forward to meeting you in person. Yours truly, an anonymous friend.

Before I could think about this message, Pinkie started yelling. "My tail is twitching, my tail is twitching!" Having been briefed on Pinkie sense by the princess, I ducked under a table, as did everyone else. Just then, a large explosion shook the cafe. When the ground settled, everypony got up and headed for the door. A crater had been made in the center of town square, and as the dust cleared, you could start to make out a figure in the center of it. A figure with insect wings, and was full of holes.

"Oh no," Twilight cried. "Why is she here? HOW is she here?"

"Twilight, do you know who that is?" I asked, wondering what she was talking about.

"Unfortunately, I do. Blitz, did Celestia tell you about what happened at my brother's wedding?"

"Yeah, she said that, wait, you don't mean?"

"I'm afraid so." The dust had finally settled. Standing in the middle of the crater was the queen of the changelings herself, Chrysalis. She spoke, her insectoid voice echoing across town.

"Citizens of Ponyville, you have the honor of being the first town wiped of the map in retribution for my suffering. Surrender now, or forfeit your lives."