The Sacred Order

by Enigmatic Brony

Chapter 1: The Beginning

Chapter 1: In the beginning


It was a dark and stormy night when I first came to Ponyville. I had nowhere to go and was soaked from head to hoof from the pouring rain and chilled to the bone, through my travels I didn't usually require a rain coat as I would usually find shelter in abandoned mines or nearby caves for the night but today wasn't one of those days. As I was travelling I came to a inn it was small, the way I liked it no one to be a distraction from my work and the less people that knew I was here the better. It wasn't bad nor wasn't good but I had to make deal with what I got as long as it was a place to rest I should be fine. It was a nice room, a regular size straw bed with a manticore hide as a blanket, a small chest to store my equipment and a table and lamp on the left hand side of the room with a dinner menu on top. I ordered a hot meal of oats which I ate by the fire in the dining room. I was just kicked out of the last town I was in under the terms of being a half demon half pony freak; I was hoping that wouldn't happen again. I never make friends for I will outlive them all and watching everyone you love die is not a happy feeling.... So here I am again alone hunting a demon on my own I will set out in the Everfree forest tomorrow in search of a terrible demon who has been eating small animals near a nearby cottage just outside the Everfree forest. A young mare named Fluttershy has summoned me...Or her friend Twilight really anyways they agreed to pay me so I had a job but a demon just eating small animals seemed like it was trying to summon something else... A demigod maybe? That would be trouble the few times I fought a demigod I lost badly once I was chopped clean in half... But I decided not to think so dark and went to bed looking forward to my next job.
I awoke the next morning and sat down at a small table in the corner of the inn.
“What would you like to order sir” says a small white unicorn mare holding a notebook.
“Um….Could I have…Eggs and bacon please?” I say as I take a quick look through the breakfast menu
“Sure thing sir...Would you like something to drink sir?” ask the Waitress
“Just some water please” I smile
“Sure thing” Smiles the waitress before trotting of into the small kitchen
It took roughly only five minutes until my bacon and eggs were brought out ready for me to devour.
“Mhmm that looks delicious” I say looking at the deliciously freshly cooked eggs and bacon as there are being placed on the table in front of me
“There you go sir, Enjoy your breakfast” smiles the waitress as she pours me a glass of water
“Thank you” I say trying not to spit any egg at her
“No worries” giggles the waitress before trotting off
After I finished my Eggs and Bacon I headed back to my room grabbed my tooth brush walked into the bathroom and I brushed my teeth.
Not long after brushing my teeth, I headed out of the inn and began my journey towards Fluttershy’s cottage.
“Hello Is anybody home” I shout as I knock on the door
"He-hello..." says the timid shy yellow pony peeking her eyes just enough to be noticeable
"Good morning, your Fluttershy I presume?” I say looking at the shy yellow pony
“ye…yes” Stutters Fluttershy
“I'm Bronymon the one who is going to save your animals from said demon." I said.
Ever since I was 12 years of age I have had this strange power, some sort of magic or supernatural power as I am a Pegasi I shouldn't have the ability of magic. I have very little recognition of the event that took place but all I remember was awaking to my small town house in golfed in flames and me the lone survivor and ever since the incident I have had this strange power. Throughout the years I have learnt to control it, master it even. Through my teachings I have come to grips with the heavy burden of my powers, as I cannot die and seeing thoughs around you disappear is hard enough for anyone but to have a demon inside your eye raging a constant battle to remove itself…that’s a whole other level of insanity.
"Oh thanks goodness" she said "I was worried one of my little animals was going be to be taken again are you sure you can get him to stop?"
"What…Oh, I'm afraid he is a demon and will have to die" I said coldly rubbing my eyes with my fore hoof trying to regain my focus on the task at hand, “Tis the only way."
"Oh my gosh something bad has happened." Screamed an unsuspecting purple unicorn rushing our way
"What?" I ask, “What’s wrong Miss?”
"My name is Twilight Sparkle and that demon has taken Crystal into the Everfree forest" Says Twilight trying to regain her breath
"Oh my goodness I must hurry!!" I say before Rushing of towards the Everfree forest.
“Please be careful” shouts Twilight
“I always am” I smile

Running as fast as I can possibly run through the Everfree forest, I search the tree tops to the underground borrows for the missing mare but it was to no avail.
‘Hmm where did they go?’ I think to myself looking in all directions of the Everfree forest
I rush north in high hopes to find a small shimmer of hope or some kind of sigh to show that the mare was okay or were the demon had taken her but to my upmost surprise I was grabbed by someone from behind…

End of Chapter One