Meeting the Parents

by Spot Light

Bazantar Symphony

Time 6:30 am, June 27th

Vinyl had been tossing and turning trying to sleep, but she couldn't due to the sound of hoof-steps pacing back and forth. She opened her eyes and sat up, her mane plastered to her face. The gray earth pony wouldn't stop pacing, and had a nervous look on her face.

"Ugh... Octavia is that you? What are you doing up this early?"

Octavia stopped and looked at her mare friend, "Vinyl, I want to go to Canterlot today,"

"But why? We don't have to, we can always go tomorrow."

"That's the thing, If we go tomorrow I won't be able to show you around Canterlot."

"Octie is that it? Where are we going to stay?"

"Well, I have enough money to get us a room at the Canterlot Inn for one night. After that we should be able to spend the night at my parents."

"Wait why do we need a room at the Inn?"

"Because my father is the manager there, that is when he isn't preforming in front of a large crowd. Even he doesn't get to do many gigs. Unlike my mother who does it a full time job. And..."

"And Octavia, your starting to ramble, now please go back to sleep. If we take the train depending on the time of day we should be able to get there sometime in that afternoon."

"I wouldn't know; when I first came to Ponyville I didn't take the train, I took a truck."

"And how long did that take?"

"I think over a half a day,"

"You think?"

"I fell asleep on the ride over."

"We fall asleep on trips a lot don't we?" Vinyl rubbed her eyes, she now was wide awake, "Well looks like won't be getting back to sleep now,"

"Sorry Vinyl," Octavia let out a sigh, "Anyway another reason I want to go there is because remember our day out in Manehatten?"


"I want to do something like that in Canterlot."

"Oh, sweet heart why didn't you tell me? Oh wait let me guess, your mother?"

"No, you see, whenever she plans a formal party she spends the whole day before making shore everything, every little solitary detail is right. As strict as she is when her O.C.D. acts up it's very amusing."

"Relay? Well it's time to get up," Vinyl let out a loud yawn, "Would you like to go shower with me?"

"Only if we can leave today,"

"Ok fine,"


The shower lasted an hour, normally they would have been in there for 20 minutes but they fell asleep. How did they wake up?

"Looks like we both used up all the hot water this time," said Octavia leaving the shower followed by Vinyl. Their manes were glued to their necks from the heat. They shook out their coats, the ending result being that they were the only things dry in the bathroom.

"Um, Octavia?"

"Yes Vinyl?"

"I was wondering if we go up there we could do a duet you on cello and me with my turn tables."

"Well I was going to ask you the same thing, I had Derpy and Sparkler pick up our interments from the shop, they will meet us at the train station. Speaking of which we should get our things and go."

"What about breakfast?"

"They serve on the train."

"Oh, in that case I'll meet you in the living room before we go, I just need one last thing." Vinyl left the bathroom and headed down the hall to a closet. She checked to see if Octavia had followed her. She opened the door and pulled out a small box. "Octavia's life was depressing because of her mother, she needs to stand up to her and when she does I will ask the five work question."

"Vinyl you coming?"

She stuffed the box in her pocket. "Coming Octie,"


After a long boring train ride they made it to Canterlot, it was about 2:00 pm. Before they had left Derpy told them good luck with Octavia's mother. Once they stepped away from the Train Station, each pushing a cart with their interments, Vinyl saw her first glimpse of Canterlot. She couldn't believe how different from Ponyville it was. And even though this was her home town Octavia felt out of place.

"My Luna, I've forgotten," she said to herself. Vinyl nudged her.

"So where is this Inn that we will be staying?"

"Huh? Oh right, this way," As the two walked to the hotel, several locals stopped and starred at them from the side lines. Vinyl didn't turn her head, but behind her shades she looked with her eyes.

"Octavia," she whispered, "Everypony is starring at us, why?"

"Vinyl, if you lessen you can hear why," Octavia whispered back. Vinyl perked up her ears.

"Isn't that Viola's daughter?" whispered one pony.

"Why yes and who's that ruffian that's with her?" asked another. Vinyl did her best to hold herself back.

"And where are they going with that equipment?" asked a third.

"My guess would be the dump, after all that's where those carnival tools belong."

"SHUT UP BLUE BLOOD!" yelled Octavia. "If you all must know, we are going to see my father!" Everypony including Vinyl looked at her a moment and proceeded on their way.

"Octavia, what was that?" Vinyl asked with a stunned look.

"That was a typical response to something Prince Blue Blood would say." she answered, "Hey there's the Inn," Octavia pushed her cart and ran to the Inn with Vinyl trailing behind. They stopped in front of a large building marked "Bazantar's Bed & Breakfast," The two walked in. The place was bigger on the inside. It looked like your typical 5 Star Hotel, a fancy desk, two floors in the lobby, a chandelier hanging from the ceiling, and a few ponies checking in and out. Vinyl looked around with her head,

"Wow, talk about prim and proper." she stated, "Now what are we looking for?"

"My father," said Octavia,

"How are you going to find him? This place is six stories high."

"I know how, give me a sec, and wait here." Octavia walked up to the front desk, there stood a brown unicorn putting papers through a shredder. "Excuse me sir,"

The pony looked at her, "Can I help you miss?"

"Can I see Mr. Bazantar,"

"I'm sorry, he doesn't talk to the guests unless it's important."

Octavia then let down her hair and put a cute face on, "Please sir, this is important," she said in a seductive voice. Vinyl heard this and started fanning herself with her shades.

"That trick won't work on me miss. If you want a room please give me your name."

"Fine" Octavia said flatly, “It’s Octavia, Octavia Symphony,"

The Unicorn looked at her, "Wait are you Bazantar's daughter? Little Octavia?"

"Well Bronze Mane, it took you long enough,"

"Hold on, I'll get him for you," he pressed the intercom button, "Will Mr. Bazantar please come to the lobby, there is somepony looking for you."

A voice came from the nearby restaurant room "For crying out loud Bronze, I was right in here." Out walked a Sliver Earth Pony with a gold main, he had two Sixteenth Notes for a cutie mark and was well dressed in a tux and had a walrus mustache. He walked up to the desk, he didn't see Octavia at first. "Can't you see I was trying to get something to eat, I forgot my lunch today, and so I'm cranky. So what is so important?"

"Look to your right, Sir," replied Bronze. Bazantar did so and his eyes widened.

"Octavia? Is that you?" he was speechless.

She looked up at him, "Hello Dad." They stood there for a moment.

Bazantar broke the silence, "What are you standing there for, give your father a hug." She ran up to him and embraced her father. "It's been two years since I last saw you, I missed you,"

"I missed you too daddy," she replied. Vinyl watched from a distance, a tear fell from her eye.

The two pulled away, "So what brings you to Canterlot two days early, and where's this special somepony of yours, I'd like to meet him."

"Yeah about that..." Octavia stuttered, She went up and whispered into her father's ear, "It's not a him," He took a step back.

"Bronze, go on your break," He said calmly, Bronze Mane did just that and left the counter. "Octavia, you do know your mother apposes this kind of stuff right?"

"And what if she does? She can't do anything about it. But please don't tell her,"

"I won't, that's up to you; I'll support you, but it's up to you to break her icy heart." he finished calmly, "Anyway where is this mare, I want to meet her." he whip lashed into a cheery voice.

"I thought you'd never ask. Hey Vinyl, come over here." Vinyl trotted up to them, "Dad I'd like you to meet my mare friend Vinyl Scratch, Vinyl this is my father Bazantar." Bazantar held out his hoof and Vinyl shook it.

"Mr. Symphony..." began Vinyl.

"Please call me Bazantar,"

"Ok, Bazantar, it is indeed an honor to meet you,"

"Same here," He replied, "Hey why don't you two come with me to the restaurant room and we chat over some lunch."

"Dad, it's almost 3:00, it's dinner time," Octavia said flatly.

"So it is. The let's have an early dinner then." He corrected himself "After all Viola isn't too happy with me, and when she's mad there is a chance she did something to my food."

Vinyl got curious "What did you do?"

"It's what I didn't do. Apparently I must rotate every plate three times counter clock wise and once clock wise whenever I set the table." The three sat down at a table, and a waiter came up. "Three garden sandwiches Sir." the waiter took the order, walked away. "Sorry girls, but that's all I have enough to get right now."

"That's fine," they said in unison.

"So what brings you to Canterlot two days before the party?"

"Well, I want to give Vinyl the full Canterlot experience. That means staying in a fancy hotel and getting a tour of the place."

"I see, and that's why you came to see me isn't it?"

"That's right, hey are sandwiches are here," Octavia replied

"That was fast," Vinyl stated.

"That's the power of this hotel, we make sure everything gets to the guest quickly." Bazantar stated while hamming up. "So, how and when did you two meet?"

"The day I moved into my house actually,"

"Yeah, on her first day in Ponyville, she came to my record store and I gave her a record for free."

"At first I thought the record was broken,"

"What record?" he asked

"It is referred to as The Black & White Record." Vinyl replied, "Anyway in order to lessen to it, you have to be destined lovers, once we both lessened to it, we heard the most wonderful music we have ever heard."

"Wait, The Black & White Record? I thought it was a myth."

"No dad, it's real, I even brought it with me."

"I want you to show me tomorrow,"


The three had eaten their sandwiches, and left the restaurant. "Girls because I'm nice I have just the room picked out for you to stay the night."

"Where dad?"

"We have one room in the V.I.P. section open. Octavia why don't you go on ahead. Here's a pass,"

"Thanks, what about Vinyl?"

"I want to talk to her alone."

"About what sir?"

"Ok, dad, see you in a bit Vinyl," She headed for the elevator.

Bazantar looked around at a nearby pony in a red outfit, "Hey you, Bell Hop, can you take their luggage for them?"

"Right away sir?"

"What did you want to talk about?" Vinyl asked.

"Look, I need you and Octavia to come up with a temporally lie to tell my wife when she meets you. I would like it if you and her to get along so come to dinner tomorrow, both of you."

"Is that it sir?"

"No, where did you live before you met my daughter?"

"Well, my land lord was a jerk, so I lived in the back of my store. Octavia invited me to stay with her."

"What was wrong with your land lord?"

"He kept raising the rent each month, I did what I could to pay then I gave up."

"What ever happened to him?"

"He was caught cheating in Las Pegasus and is now in jail. Anything else?"

"Nope that would be all, you might want to go catch up to Octavia."

"Ok Mr. Bazantar, we'll see you tomorrow."

"You too,"

"Oh uh, Mr. Bazantar,"

"Yes Vinyl?"

"Could you not bring up that we are in Canterlot to your wife yet?"

"Don't worry I won't, now run along now." Vinyl headed for the elevator. "You know I don't care what my wife says," he said to himself, "Those two are meant for each other," he said with a smile. He looked and saw there was a line at the front desk. "Hey Bronze Mane get back to work!" he yelled.