
by Soviet Power Supreme


The train slowed as it reached its final stop. Steam rose from engine and a low hiss rang through the must air of the station. The cabin doors opened and ponies, unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies alike, began to bustle out in a mad rush. The place they were in was named ponyville, a very fitting name for a village full of ponies, a small village near the outskirts of equestria. With thatched cottages and dirt paths, it wasnt the most culturally advanced place in equestria, though it was home to the elements of harmony.

Of all the trains passengers, one sat there, waiting patiently for all others to pass and his name was Silent Night. He was a black pegasus with a black mane that had a single silver streak going through its centre while his left eye was covered by his mane and his right eye had a scar going across it. His eyes were gold.

Silent Night finally got off his seat, picked up the book he was reading 'How to Kill by Dark Light' and a small saddle bag, and made for the nearest door to him. The suns rays violently assaulted his eyes for several seconds as he was too used to the darkness. He stepped out and began to trot to the exit of the station when a pink face, with an unnaturally large smile plastered on, launched itself into his.
"Please just get out of my way" asked Silent,in a strong stalliongrad accent, before pushing past her and walking out of the station. As he wondered around the streets, he asked a large, red earth pony for directions to the nearest café which happened to be right in front of him. A sign that read 'Sugarcube Corner' hung above the door and the building and the surrounding area smelt delectably of cakes and other sweet treats. He went up to the counter and ordered a latte. Five minutes later when he had paid for the hot beverage, he sat down on one of the sofas near the back of the room, places his latte on a small side table that was next to the sofa, took out his book and began reading.

Just then two ponies, an earth pony and a unicorn, walked in. One was the pink pony from earlier.
"Yeah twilight, he was really mean and pushed right past me!"
"This pony sounds like a mean one from your description pinkie. But you havent said what he looked like yet." But just then pinkie gasped
"Twilight! Thats him over there!" And pinkies left hoof was raised in the direction of Silent Night, who was blissfully unaware and still sipping his latte while finishing the twenty eighth chapter of his book.
"Im sure he's not that bad pinkie pie, i'll go talk to him. Ok?" Pinkie nodded and twilight went over to Silent's table.
"Yes?" Silent didnt even look up from his book
"Well...I just wanted to welcome you to ponyville"
"Look if i wanted to be welcomed, i would have joined the welcome greetings club, so please go away." And at that, twilight slumped off back to pinkie pie.
"You were right pinkie, he is mean."
"I told ya!"
"All right, lets just try to avoid him"

After several hours of reading, he finished the seventy third chapter of his book. He left some bits on the table for the one who collected his latte glass. He walked to the town centre to ask for time with the mayor. He had to wait half an hour but finally got in.
"So mr. Silent, what brings you to ponyville?" Wondered the mayor while pouring a glass of cider.
"Well...i came to get away from the busy city life of stalliongrad and to start a new in the country."
"I see, why did you request to see me if i may ask"
"I was wondering if there was any houses or cottages that were up for sale."
"Well your in luck. We've go a cottage next to the sports field and race track for only two thousand three hundred and fifty bits."
"Sounds reasonable... here is the cost of the cottage." Silent handed over two thousand three hundred and fifty bits to the mayor, signed the paperwork needed and set off to his new home.

He reached his home after ten minutes of buying it. It was a nice cottage, very small compared to most yet it was better that an apartment. He emptied his saddle bags and put his things he designated them for. He promised himself he would go out and buy some furniture. He spent an hour or so putting his things away and then he decided to go out to have a look at the sports field outside when he noticed a large congregation of people and so he went to see what was going on.

"Did you really do a sonic rainboom?"
"Of coarse i did! Im rainbow dash, the fastest flier in all of equestria." Silent spoke up
"Ha!" Everypony turned to see where the sarcastic laugh had come from, to see Silent Night looking at one of his raise hoofs
"And who are you?" Asked rainbow dash angrily
"Oh...me? Well... im the pony who performed the thunder boom, its like a sonic rainboom but im the only one who's ever done it. But you wouldnt know that because i dont like to brag. Because if you brag and then get proved wrong, its a whole lot worse."
"Your point is...?"
"I challenge you to a race." Silent thought to himself what are you doing? You haven't even been here a day and your already challenging somepony to a race
"Challenge accepted" smirked rainbow confidently.

Rainbow and Silent lined up on the starting track. A unicorn stood in front of them with a flag held high.
"First one to do three laps wins, got it" Silent nodded and prepared his wings.
"Three, two, one." The unicorn dropped the flag "Go!" They both set off with tremendous speed, neck and neck with one another but Silent began to pull ahead. First lap done. Rainbow caught up but began to look tired. Second lap done. Silent was now ahead by at least two meters now and rainbow was losing ground and as soon as Silent Night reached the finish line, a thunder boom went off, sending a grey streak of energy soar through the sky in a circular angle. He landed with a slight skid and had begun to dust himself down when rainbow dash had crossed the finish line.
"That... was... uncalled... for..." panted rainbow dash to Silent
"Your a good sport" everypony present, including rainbow dash, began to cheer his name as he began to walk off.
When he was gone somepony asked aloud
"What was his name?" And that sentence started murmurs in the crowd and rainbow just muttered to herself "wow"

Silent lay on the cold, wooden floor of his bedroom as he had no bed. He relived the memories of the past day before drifting into an uncomfortable sleep.