The Chronicles of Darkness

by wizard12

Act 1: Chapter 1

Act I: A Storm Brews
Chapter I

Deep in the heart of the Royal Library lies
a section sealed from public eyes
A place that no pony may come to pry
Inside lay books of dark power, secrets and lies

Secrets too sensitive for the populous to know
A set of tomes detailing how an evil was laid low

No pony will know of the heroic deeds done,
nor the dark course that run
there they lay till times course is past:
and all things mortal have turned to dust...

--------- Canterlot Suburbs ---------

The day was warm, the sun shined happily in the sky and all things we peaceful. The idealistic town snoozed in the afternoon heat. The shops were closed for the day, they're trade done in the morning when the day had yet to warm up. However the shadows bore secrets...

His charcoal coloured coat blending into the summer shade, Cpt. Brightmare was distinguished only by his vivid orange and red mane. He wore a shirt of scaled bronze armour over the black coat bearing the sign of the Celestian Buro of Intelligence - known more casually as the Celestian Secret Service. Pursuing a lead on the recent 'Dark Cult' had lead to hard choices; three times had his team encountered casualties when raiding the suspect's location. Three times had the collateral damage been catastrophic. Three times He had eluded him... But not today.

He was cornered. A large building painted in gaudy colours stood in the middle of the square. A meticulous plan had been carved out, involving all 20 ponies under Brightmane's command, himself included, attacking the building from all four sides; thus trapping Him . Intel had provided a complete floor by floor plan of the building. It had ascertained the threat level, rating it possible risk of blade on blade contact. With surprise on his side Brightmane could rush in, secure Him and prevent Him from damaging any evidence or hurting his men.

A headset made of a brass band hung over his head. A resonance crystal linked to a receiver crystal made a long range communication device which every member of his team made use of. As of now there was to be no communication on them; crystal quiet, as Brightmane called it. Brightmane's second in command moved up next to him.

"All squads report they're in position. They're awaiting orders sir." Brightmane's second in command, Lt. Starbow whispered quietly. Starbow would be holding back with the corpsponies and crystal radio pony that made up Brightmane's command squad. They would provide logistical and medical support if needed.

It won't Brightmane thought to himself. The intel was clear. The suspect was in the house, along with several additional civilians. He had no firepower or defence systems in place leaving it down to Himself to defend himself in hand to hand combat where He wouldn't stand a chance against trained CBI stallions. He turned on the physic crystal link with a thought. There were civilians on the square but they were outside the predicted danger zone for the op. The only issue would be a grand total of one civilian inside, suspected to be a friend of their target. Brightmane drew a breath, this was it. All protocols had been cleared...

"Squads Red, Yellow and Blue this is Rainbow, op is live; I repeat the op is live!"
Like in a well rehearsed story, the four squads; Red, Yellow, Blue and Rainbow, arose like smoke from the hazy shade. Agents assigned to a supporting role, Corpsponies and agents armed with the most recent ranged weapon - the psylock - took up positions behind low walls and hedges, moving civilians who were too close away from the op zone.
Others, Brightmane included, rushed for the doors and windows that had been designated entrances. Despite Intel's assurances the stallions moved far apart from each other, a trick Brightmane picked up when the team had ran straight into mines and explosives laid out for them. Two of the team's Pegesi flew to the top story where they'd enter via a small window; they're bronze scaled armour glinting in the sunlight.

Brightmane came within five meters of the window he planned to jump through. Time slowed, or seemed to. Brightmane saw the window shatter, though not by the forces of his hooves punching through the frame, but by some invisible wave. Then he felt it, saw it, tasted it. A warm glow came from the shattering window; it looked so friendly. The glow rushed from the window to meet Brightmane, but it never reached him. The percussive blast of the explosion hit the stallion and threw him back. His world span, his mind reeled, his body exploded in agony and then everything went black....

--------- The Half Moon Tavern, Cloudsdale port ---------

First-Mate Beeter Black took a hefty swig from the tankard of ale and slammed it down on the table top. The tavern was alive with laughter, conversation and music. Beeter was a bulky pony, strong muscles and a purplish-red coat, he'd joined the crew of an East Equestria Trading Company airship as a basic airman; now here he was, second in command on one of the most feared pirate blimps in the sky.
He'd joined up with the pirates when, on his first voyage no less, his ship had been attacked and boarded. The ship had had no guard and the airmen had given up without a fight and then were given a choice, join the pirates or become a hostage along with the ship.
Back the Beeter was eager for adventure, and it didn't really matter to him who was flying the ship as long as that person kept it flying. Better join these pirates than spend a few months sitting around waiting to be ransomed by the EETC or the government.

He soon learnt that the pirate gang were known as 'the gentlecolt pirates' for their habit of always taking a ship politely (well... polite compared to other pirates). Back then there had been little in the sky's that could hurt them. The Equestria military had little to no presence in the skies and the trading vessels made large, slow, juicy targets that had no protection what so ever.

A few years past, slowly the ships got guards: not a big issue, easily handled by a bit of brute strength. Then the Equestria military launched its first airship fleet: a little bit more dangerous but still nothing that the gentlecolts couldn't outrun or outfight. Now it seemed that the government had finally responded and it was cracking down hard on piracy. Military raids on pirate havens and ports, all pirates were to be fired on on sight, merchants travelled in convoys... Beeter sighed, perhaps now would be a good time to give up the pirate life. He'd been at it a good few years and had his share of loot - yet he still thirsted for adventure.

The tavern doors swung open and the place went silent. A remarkably well dressed stallion with a brilliant white coat strolled in. He wore a jacket of black satin, a gold rimmed monocle over his left eye and a velvet lined top hat on his head; at his flank hung a straight sabre - this gentlecolt was the rightly feared Captain Mormont, leader of the gentlecolt pirates and overall a very suave and pleasant guy (described by a hostage, not by Beeter or any of the crewmembers of The Good Sir...) Mormont made his way to Beeter's table, settling in on a stool opposite him.

"And how is my first-mate doing this fine day hmm...?" Mormont asked cheerily "enjoying our new hidey hole since our previous refuge was conveniently burnt down leaving us pirates no place to commune."

"I'm finding it fine captain..."

"Fine doesn't cut it, come now Beets; who would ever had thought it, us earth ponies up here in Cloudsdale! The very centre of Equestrian airborne might and here we are right under their noses! Oh does it not make your sides split!"

"I'm still recovering from the shock when I heard that Cloudsdale opened a port that had walk ways built for non-pegasi. You know what they're like with they're nationalism and all that; who could believe they'd let us 'humble earth bound ponies' step foot in their city."

"You can't have nationalism without capitalism can they? What better way to earn money than to act as the dock yard for the royal air fleet hmm...?" Mormont glanced around "I've caught wind of a rumour, a rather profitable rumour mayhaps hmm...?" he leaned in close to Beeter; Beeter did the same,

"Word on the wind is; the EETC has sanctioned a blockade on Misty Mount port on account for being a haven for our pirate breatherin. The same blockade is being supported by Her Majesty's Royal Air Fleet. No trade is getting through. "

"Just think of those poor ponies up in the port, what will they do without their exotic foods and expensive fabrics and other objects of their gluttonous desire! Oh what woe has befallen them, but should a ship run the blockade, mayhaps there'd be some coin in it hmmm...?"

"You want to run a royal blockade..." Beeter leaned back "Are you mad!" he hissed "we'll be torn to shreds by cannon fire before we get within the docks, or boarded by one of those new, super fast frigates that was launched in Canterlot not a few weeks ago!"

"Relax Beets, HM Royal Air Fleet wouldn't dare harm one of the EETC convoys that is only moving to assist the blockade hmmm...?" a smug smile appeared on Mormont's lips

"You devious devil, we pose as an EETC ship, sneak in at night, sell stuff, come out at day break, no one is none the wiser..." Beeter began smiling too: the adventure was on...

--------- Canterlot; the Royal Chamber of Council ---------

The young lord Dommers Bayes Hogrham waited nervously outside the council chambers awaiting the herald to call him in. No more than eight and ten years of age he had stepped into the council to fill his late uncle's spot after his untimely and sudden death. He was still recovering from the shock that had befallen him when a royal messenger, escorted by four pegesi of the Celestial royal guard, had informed him of his uncles demise and of his entitlement to the province of Hedrion.

The nervous colt was smartly in a crimson jacket that matched his brown coat and black mane. Under the jacket he wore a cream shirt with ruffs on the sleeves and at his waist he wore a sash of dark red silk. As he'd made his way to the royal palace he'd drawn some looks from the elite of Canterlot, who wore more traditional suits and gowns; whether they'd been looks of interest or disgust was a different matter that Bayes had yet to figure out. Still, it was high fashion back in Hedrion and personally it made him feel rather dashing and even slightly heroic, feelings that he would need if he was to survive his first day in court.

The herald came out from behind a purple curtain to show the new lord of Hedrion to his seat. The council chamber was a small room which was taken up but a fine, round table made of dark wood and surrounded by chairs carved from the same exotic wood, the cushions made from a fine velvet, each one coloured differently according to the lord or lady who sat there.

Bayes was surprised his seat was so near the head of the table, not four seats from where Celestia herself would sit. He'd asked the steward if the herald had been correct in directing him to the seat when he came round asking the council members for items to be added to the days agenda. "Don't you worry yourself young sir, everyone is nervous on their first day. The seats are arranged by alphabetical order by name of province."

"They know it's my first day... right?"

"They do indeed sir, just try not to be too jumpy."

Bayes nodded and the steward trotted off to talk to the other council members. A few more came in later but by the time the council was due to begin over two thirds of the chairs were empty. To Bayes left sat the lady of Malphon, Lady Amber, a far northern province, and across from him sat the Lord Commander and warden of the northern frontier, Lord Dester.

Amber wore gold and sapphire blue doublet with a pendant of gold inlaid with silver scroll work which hung from his neck. Dester wore gold breast plate with red, green and purple detail enamelled onto the metal. A glorious purple cape with gold lining hung across his back and a helmet, similar to that of the Celestial royal guard but finer, sat on the table.

The gathered lords and ladies whispered amongst themselves until a hush fell across the table and all eyes were drawn to the herald who stood by the curtain. "All rise for her most revered highness, princess Celestia , rightful ruler of Equestria and the lands of the east."

Bayes rose along with the rest and bowed his head as his ruler entered the chamber. She thanked the herald, who promptly blushed and bowed away, then took her seat in the large chair at the head of the table. The whole room seemed to have brightened by the glow of her mane and the young, crimson clad clot looked in awe - he'd never seen Celestia before. She motioned for the councillors to sit with a wave of her hoof, glanced around the room then looked at Dester to begin the council session.

Dester rose "My lady, might begin this session by inquiring as to whether miss Luna will be joining us today?"
"I'm afraid she is taken up by other business this day."

The stallion sighed "It's for the best I guess since the 'royal Canterlot voice' incident" all the councillors gave a slight chuckle, Celestia herself wore a wry smile. Bayes didn't understand but gave a nervous laugh all the same.

Before Dester could continue Amber spoke up; "for the benefit of our newest member perhaps we should resign from inside jokes? The poor colt's scared enough as it is!" a statement greeted with another round of chuckles which subsided soon after Celestia nodded her head in agreement of Amber's statement.

"I'm sorry Lord Bayes - the council can be a little silly when not many members are present." Celestia turned back to the Lord Commander "Dester, could we please get back to the matters of state... and try not to derail the council anymore than it already is?" she said in her soft yet powerful voice.

"Certainly, my lady" and thus the council went onto discuss matters of money, the blockade of Misty Mount Port and several trivial matters (most of which were mind numbingly boring, especially the one about what makes a Ponyville cider superior to an Appleloosen cider) . Bayes stayed quiet on most matters since he didn't understand much of 'politics'. "This brings us to the last matter on our agenda for today" Dester paced around the table as he announced this. "I've received a recent report that worries me if I'm to be honest."

"Everything worries you Dester, it's your job to worry!" Amber cried out.
"That maybe so but hear me out. Celestia, this report show proof of the Mylorian military moving supplies and troops into the neutral mountain ranges, which under the Equestria-Mylorian Peace treaty is strictly forbidden." He took a break to look around the councillors "I know not one of us can sleep easy with Mylorian soldiers pretty much on our doorstep!"
"Dester, what you do not know is that those soldiers are conducting operations there at my own request." Celestia spoke showing no sign of concern on her face.

"So it is true you've been conducting military operations behind my back!" The Lord Commander pointed an accusing hoof at Celestia. "I cannot have this! For heaven's sake Celestia I am you Lord Commander and as such you should leave these things to me! You may be powerful and wise but by no means are you a military leader!"

Bayes looked around expecting shocked expressions in regard to the lord commander's outburst... but apparently it was common place. The Lord Commander went on to complain about how Celestia shouldn't be inviting their enemies closer and how lives were at risk and other things. The continuous shouting bothered Bayes, he'd expected the council to be civil! After a few more minutes of the Lord Commander ranting he intervened;

"Lord Commander would you quieten down. I'm sure miss Celestia has good reasons to keep her motives hidden from you." now that shocked the council; the new colt telling the Lord Commander to 'quieten down' would be the talk of the town as soon as the session had ended. Even Celestia raised an eyebrow at her newest Councillor. It seemed he'd gotten the room's attention.

"Perhaps a compromise. Miss Celestia can keep her motives a secret from you but you can move troops towards the northern border and evacuate surrounding towns in anticipation of an attack seeing as you seem most concerned with the lives of our fellow Equestrians."

Destron thought for a second "A good idea... if the Mylorian government wasn't as petty as it is. Doing so will simply anger them, they'll claim we're up to something and enforcing our border could start a whole war in itself!"

"The we don't garrison the troops there. What if we were to run a series of manoeuvres bringing ships from 2nd fleet in the west round counter-clockwise to 'represent forces attacking Canterlot from the west' and you can bring ships from the east to 'represent forces moving in defence of Equestria'. By the time such manoeuvres are complete the threat will have passed or made itself into a target and we can act accordingly at that time."

The council was silent "Destron?" Celestia asked

"It is a sound military plan; I suppose it would protect us from any possible Mylorian incursion originating from the North..." The Lord Commander sighed "yes, this will do."

"Then it is settled, Lord Commander you can see to this action being implemented and I'll see to it that the Mylorian government's suspicions are calmed. You therefore have your protection and I have my secrecy - the young lord is quite correct I do have my reasons for keeping it away from you and believe me that when the time comes I'll tell you all you need to know."

Celestia stood, the councillors rose just after. "Without any further business this session of the royal council is ended" and with that their radiant ruler left. The councillors soon did the same. The Lady Amber tapped Bayes on the shoulder;

"Walk with me..." she said simply. Since Bayes had really nowhere else to be - or any idea of where he should be - he complied with the young lady's wish...

--------- Mountain Foothills, Myloria ---------

Initiate Thorsten lay flat in the undergrowth. Around him were his cult brothers, each hidden in the dark. In his hooves he held a psylock, something he never thought a rag tag band of militant cultists would get their hands on but here it was.

And here they were; the foothills of the Myloria mountain range which separated Myloria from Equestria down south, recent pressures applied by the government of Equestria had causd those in the Mylorian parliament to step up their actions in fighting the cultists and thus a secret war had erupted.

Today would be a blow against the Mylorian forces in the mountains; Thorsten was part of a raiding party two score strong made up of a mixture of earth, unicorn and pegasus ponies. Their leader was Sister Babylon, a unicorn of strong magic prowess. Their target; a convoy of military supplies. Their target was rumbling up the road they had hid around; the guards looked tired, some even slept (it was the middle of the night...), a few ponies to his left was Babylon, a small glow began to surround from his horn, Thorsten tensed. He sighted his psylock... He held his breath......

A great, magical ball of bright light shot into the air from Babylon 's horn, so bright it could've rivalled the sun in daylight. The shocked convoy guards shielded their gaze from the burning light - blinded by the sudden explosion of light in the dark night. From both sides of the road the cultists gave fire. Thorsten let his thoughts activate the psylock; the amplification crystal that made up the important part of a psylock glowed and Thorsten was bathed in a green, swirling light for a split second. Then the weapon discharged. The shock of the recoil as the weapon jumped in reaction to the powerful psychic energies that left it's barrel at mind blowing speeds.

So distracted by this Thorsten forgot to look to see where the shot went. He'd never fired a psylock before; the raiders had been handed them by a masked pegasus and told simply to will it to fire. Some of the more technologically savvy ponies had told him that it worked by taking a small part of the physic energy that all ponies had and amplifying it to a huge power via the crystal then discharging it through a focussing lens making the physic beam vaguely accurate. At least in theory. Most of the raiders shots seemed to be missing. Those bolts that did seemed to hit came from the unicorns, who didn't use psylocks as they already could unleash their physic energy in a similar way - magic. Thorsten then realised that this weapon made him almost equal to them, it was a strange feeling. He'd been raised to see unicorns as superior, as was the Mylorian culture. They formed the ruling classes in his country. He was but a simple earth pony; he could not fly like the pegasi or use magic like the unicorns but by the seven gods would he fight these unbelievers all the same.

And fight he did; thought after thought flowed from him and the psylock cracked and cracked until the crystal fizzled after about eight shots. Ejecting the spent crystal and loading a new one Thorsten readied himself to fire again, rearing up to squat on his hind legs, but when he aimed he found the fight was done.

Thorsten wandered down from his bush towards the carnage of the convoy. The Mylorian soldier-ponies had surrendered quickly after seeing their officer get hit. Babylon seemed happy with this; she always reasoned the more they took captive the more they could convince of the errors of their previous, heretical ways: and if anyone didn't realise their mistake could always be used for a sacrifice should such a ceremony be required. The carts bearing food, weapons and other useful supplies were mostly intact. A few were burned by unicorn magic bolts and the wood on others was dented and pitted with small holes where psylock blasts had impacted but apart from these minor cosmetic damages the carts were surprisingly intact.

Despite wanting to inspect their work, Thorsten kept his distance; he had no wish to see a dead stallion, especially on he could've shot. Sister Babylon was coming in Thorsten's direction surveying the ambush site. Despite fighting almost an equal number of better trained, better equipped soldiers the cultists had suffered only a few casualties, losing maybe five or six of their number. It was a small number but still... the fighting had only been raging for about a month and already the dead were mounting up.

"Do not worry over the killing young initiate." Babylon appeared at Thorsten's side; Babylon 's uncanny knack at understanding and knowing what anypony was thinking disturbed Thorsten. It was almost as if he could read people's minds. "Take solace in the scriptures of Wrath "For the sins of the Righteous shall be washed away in the heretic's blood"".

"And what of our dead?" Thorsten asked, semi-knowing the answer but humouring his leader knowing he already had a reply ready.

"The glorious dead shall serve our masters forever, now come initiate, there is business to discuss." Babylon started to walk off, Thorsten trailing behind wondering what 'business there was that involved him. He'd only joined the cult less than two months ago following in his parents footsteps. It wouldn't be anything important, he assured himself. Nothing important...

An authors note:
Dear Audience (whom ever you may be...)
Firstly I hope you enjoyed the story... if you didn't I guess you wouldn't have read this far down. Either way I would really appreciate some feed back. Were the characters all right? The names aren't too stupid? The dialogue interesting or not? How about those descriptive passages? Were those OK? And most importantly of all - is it pony enough? I've never written for pony's before. I've written for hero's and villain's and background characters - hell I even wrote for Satan once (he's actually a nice guy, just misunderstood) but not for pony's.
So farewell and thanks for reading!