The Pony Chronicles: Derpy

by thatguyfromkfc


It's strange. The humans know so much about us yet we don't know anything about them. It's also strange how they aren't very different to us. They live in houses, eat food, love, hate, cry. Their world isn't different to ours. They have houses and buildings. They have jobs and people who deliver mail but there is one thing Equestria has that their world is missing. And that thing is harmony. There are wars there. Lots of them. In places called Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya... Yet no one notices. They just go on with their lives. It's odd. We aren't much different to them yet at the same time we are. I don't know how to explain it. The only difference is that our world is filled with peace and theirs isn't. I know that at some point we will have a war. There is no changing that. Every planet has wars. But before that time comes... I've got adventures to go on.

There's a pony who calls himself 'The Doctor' I've been on an adventure with him before. He invited me to travel with him. I said yes. I mean... what would you rather do, have a boring life in Ponyville with a boring job or go anywhere in time and space? He promised to take me to a planet called 'Clom' tommorow. The next time you'll hear from me will be while I'm on my adventures.

-Ditzy Doo
Authors Notes: Sequel coming soon featuring Derpy and The Doctor's adventures. And them a third one depicting the war.