
by -Hidden Identity-

Upset Balance

“What? No way!”

The five friends sat gaping at Rainbow Dash’s latest news.

“Yep, I’ve been accepted into the Wonderbolts.” She beamed. “I start tomorrow.”

“How did you get in?” Fluttershy asked, “I mean, there haven’t been any tryouts recently have there?”

“Ah reckon they just saw her perform at the wedding and had to have her.” Applejack replied.

“Well whatever it was, congratulations Rainbow.” Twilight smiled, “I know it’s your dream and all, but are you a bit nervous?”

“Heh, are you kidding? This is not only my dream, it’s a dream come true! I’m never nervous.”

“Darling, you may be a confident flier, but you are not a confident liar. It’s obvious that you are nervous and you have a right to be!” Rarity added, giving her friend an encouraging smile.

“You know what this calls for? A celebration!” came the predictable outburst from Pinkie. “I’ll get everything ready.”

“Sounds good, Pinkie.” Twilight confirmed. “On a different subject, how are you coming with those books I sent you?”

Rainbow’s smile grew false. She avoided Twilight’s friendly gaze as she attempted to coolly give her reply.

“Oh, ya know, I’m enjoying them. Really.”

“Good, I will send more when I have them.”

The group talked a while longer, sharing a few stories and making general conversation for the sake of community; but the evening grew late, and Luna’s magnificent moon began to wake and start the long journey across the darkened sky. It seemed like a lonely journey, as the stars did not seem to want to follow the moon in its travels. Rainbow took her leave and proceeded home, the icy breeze that is only accessible in the sky chilling her blue frame. She shivered and sped up, feeling the tiny ice crystals clinging to her feathered wings. She arrived at Cloudsdale cold and tired. It had been a long day; a more eventful and challenging day than she was used to. After all, it wasn’t every day a Pegasus pony engaged in magic, powerful magic at that.

She entered her cloud home and collapsed upon her bed. The gifted books lay unopened where she had dropped them; the interest wasn’t there currently. Why hadn’t she just asked Twilight why she had put the odd scroll in the saddlebag? Or if it was a mistake, then why not just give it back? Rainbow rolled over to gaze upon the artifact that lay upon her nightstand. Strange how she was able to invoke the scroll’s power, and convenient how there was a coupled scroll with specific directions as how to work the magic. Yesterday she was a Pegasus in pursuit of a dream; today she was a Pegasus who had everything she could have wanted. There was just one problem though, those few words that simply stated that the opposite must transpire. What was the opposite her actions though? She had commanded the scroll to allow her to join the Wonderbolts, and that she would be accepted. Did her actions mean that eventually some pony who was originally destined to join the legendary group would fail? That she had potentially destroyed the lifelong dream of some other pony who longed for a chance at greatness? There must be another way…another chance for somepony else; but she could not see it.

The time read that it was a mere fifteen minutes till the ghastly time. Rainbow solemnly forced herself to rise from her bed and unroll the wretched thing. The number was waiting, watching her both thank and hate the thing.

“Why didn’t I just tell Twilight what happened? Or maybe just ask her if she sent you accidentally?” she half-smiled, “I have to admit though, you are pretty awesome.”

Then use me.

Rainbow spun around, ready to face the intruder, but did not see anyone. She blinked. “Wha…? I must be more tired than I realize.”

She shook her head, and turned back to the task at hand: balancing this dreadful thing. It really wasn’t as awesome now that she was faced with the inevitable consequence of wielding such power. She wondered if this was how Princess Celestia felt at times, in control of the magic to hold the sun in her hooves. Her thoughts turned to her friends, and their reactions should she cause something terrible to happen. She thought of the foals who idolized her, and what had happened the last time she had allowed her personal gain to interfere with not only her friendship, but the safety of others.

Rainbow, you’re stalling.

Rainbow Dash was not frightened easily, and now was no exception. Again, she turned to the voice with the same results.

“I’m not afraid of you! Show yourself!” she yelled into the emptiness.

There is no need to fear me, Rainbow.

“Why are you hiding? Come out!”

I have, you just haven’t the will to see me.

“What? Sure I do!”

Then why can’t you see me?

Rainbow didn’t consider herself amazing at debate. She lacked a rebuttal to the challenging comment. She wasn’t about to give up though, winning was in her blood, no matter the challenge nor competition. Every contest, whether it concerned wit or strength, was all about what angle you approached it.

“So I can’t see you, ok. How do you know my name?” she quizzed the voice.

Oh, Rainbow…how could anything not know your name?

She was taken aback, but pleased. “Oh…well, of course. I should have realized. I am pretty great.”

I feel that you don’t give yourself enough credit.

“Well, humility is a form of greatness.”

Indeed. Truly you are superior to any other pony.

“Well, I don’t know about that.”

Oh, but isn’t it true?

Rainbow started to reply; yet something internal prevented this. Why was this thing suddenly praising her after condemnation? Time to end this.

“So…whatever you are, why did you ask me to use you?” She smiled to herself. If this thing didn’t want to be known, why ask a revealing question?

The voice went silent. At first Rainbow felt victorious, but the feeling faded quickly. There was something unnatural about the silence. It seemed that her victory in conversation with the phantom was either ill timed or false all together.

“Well?” she questioned the voice again.

Do you know what your downfall will be, pony?


Pride. Your downfall will be your pride. You adore the crowd, the glamour. You cringe at the success of others, no matter how high you may rise.

“That’s not true.”

Fool. You lie to yourself even when the absolute truth is presented to you. Your jealousy nearly cost the lives of innocent ponies. You were willing to change yourself just for some recognition.


But what of it? No matter how hard you try, you could never be as great as others, and you never will be.

“ENOUGH!” Rainbow shrieked.

There was no reply. The voice was gone, the insults with it. Rainbow felt the rage begin to leave her body, a fluid passing coupled with an equilibrium of enervation. Rainbow sighed, crawled into her bed, and within minutes had emerged within her own dreamland, seeing things only she would ever witness yet never remember. The time was twelve after ten.


To the west of Ponyville, activity had ceased and spirits were low. Vareen’s rebellion had come to an abrupt halt. There was no drive behind it anymore; just the few dedicated with nothing more to live for, and those who had planned the rebellion from the beginning. The initial suspicious were correct: the ponies of Equestria weren’t interested in overthrowing Celestia. Most hard feeling had past, as they are always bound to do eventually. The economy was suffering in the greater cities, but it was nothing a bit of indulging in luxury couldn’t fix. The drought was wearing off, and the crop failure was simply gone. The various rumors about creatures in the Everfree wandering from their shadowy and lonesome home wasn’t affecting them, the Everfree was far away, so why be bothered with a problem that didn’t concern them yet? Maybe their Princess had been hard at work fixing the various woes of her subjects, and now somepony else and his so called “uprising” was going to fix what didn’t need to be mended? There was no immediate threat to their way of life, so why attempt to change it?

Vareen sat in his makeshift office in an abandoned house within Trottingham. He rapped his hoof upon the table in thought as he waited for Ras to arrive. It was time to end this pointless pursuit, to move on and seek out other victories. Hadn’t life been easier back home? Why did he ever take up this mission? If Ras wanted Celestia overthrown, he should be the one to try and do it, not him. He stretched his wings and sighed. It was time to leave this and go back to follow other endeavors. He glanced up as the door opened. Ras entered with Flailer in tow.

“My friend,” Vareen began as they walked to his desk expectantly, “it is time to end this.”

Ras said nothing.

“This world, it is not so bad anymore. Your Princess seems to have adjusted her strategies to, how you say, make things better.”

Again, there was no reply.

“Besides, if we stop now, before they notice, we can simply go back and not have to worry.”

A sigh. Ras shook his head and glanced at Vareen though his grey eyes. “I didn’t expect it to come to this so early. I at least thought we would have gained a bit more ground before…” he trailed off, shaking his head.

“I…don’t understand.” Vareen replied.

“No sense in hiding it anymore, I suppose.” Ras shrugged, looking back at Flailer, who cocked his head slightly. “Vareen, you were never meant to rule Canterlot.”

Vareen smiled hesitantly. “I am afraid I still don’t get you.”

“There was no real rebellion.” Said Ras. “I just wanted to return to Canterlot, but I can’t without forcing my way.”

“You lied to me.” Vareen’s eyes narrowed. “I correct myself, you will not be safe.”

The Pegasus motioned to call his guards into the room, but didn’t get the chance, as Flailer attacked him before any words could escape. Ras watched the gruesome spectacle with an eerie calmness. It was strange how Flailer worked, no concern for style or painlessness. Ever since Ras had left the royal city he had been exposed to a life of loneliness and hardship, and the murder of another pony was not a foreign spectacle, yet Flailer performance was more brutal than most. He did have to admit that upon the audible crack of the bones within Vareen’s wings he did shudder a bit. Once or twice Vareen got a sliver of a cry out, but Ras was well aware that even if he had successfully called for his guards earlier it wouldn’t have had any benefit. Flailer had been rather quiet about those, at Ras’ request. Eventually what could technically be described, as Vareen’s corpse lay heaped in a corner as Flailer returned to Ras. The earth pony looked to his master for approval.
“Impressive,” Ras nodded, “why the part with his teeth?”

Flailer shrugged as the pair exited the room. “So Ras?”

“Yes, Flailer?”

“How did you know he was going to give up?”

“I didn’t. It was just good timing for our purposes.”

“So what happens now? Was there really no rebellion? Are we not going to rule?”

“Slow yourself. There never was a true rebellion. The truth is that the Alicorns cannot be undone by their subjects. The royal family is too powerful for a simple mass of ponies to overthrow them. The princesses need to be challenged by someone, that is true but we don’t want to be the ones to do it. Besides, we don’t want to rule.”

“We don’t?”

“No, Flailer we don’t. Envision this, we can either be relaxing in Canterlot, being waited on hand and foot and only looking out for ourselves, or we can be in charge of an entire kingdom, be blamed for everything, have the woes and cares of everypony upon us, or we can enjoy the spoils of high society while those in power are ridiculed and resented, as they always are.”

Flailer seemed confused by this, but eventually the meaning of Ras’ words became clear. He smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I like that. So why aren’t we there already? What was the point of all this?”

“Fair question. Very simply, I can’t return to Canterlot without help. I used to live there, yet I caused my own destruction and was exiled from the city. I wished to return; yet I was forced to live in the filth of this kingdom. I longed for a way to return, so when Celestia fell during that conflict of hers and the whole of Equestria began to have doubts, I knew it was the perfect time to strike. We take over the city and cut off all communication to the outside world, true communication that is. I am free-”

“Who was watching you?” Flailer cut in.

“That’s not of your concern. In any case, I escaped my prison. Now the city is still cut off from communication, but once Vareen is found it will be active again, so we need to move if we are to redeem ourselves at Canterlot.”

“So who’s going to challenge the princesses? You said that somepony was, right?”

“Things are still in motion, my friend. Do not worry yourself with that for the present.”

They had arrived at the edge of the town. A long dirt road stretched off into the darkness. Ras stopped for a moment, his thoughts private. Flailer paused as well, observing the former, mimicking his actions. The two stood there for a long while; Ras deep in his own mind, and Flailer standing with nary a though passing through his own.


The sun rose over Equestria, as everypony expected. The fauna woke and began their daily tasks of survival. The ponies rose at varying times, as in accordance with their own tasks. It was still very early, and nopony expected the day to go any differently than expected. Expectations differ from pony to pony, yet each was within reason, based upon prior days and events. This was to be no different, and within that assumption nopony took caution or warning into account as they began another day of their ever-shrinking lives.

Twilight Sparkle was rearranging books within her library, Applejack and her family were busy tending their crop, Rarity continued to sleep, Fluttershy tended to the animals of the forest that had come to rely upon her for survival, Rainbow Dash, troubled by dreams of a most unnatural nature, continued to wander through the subconscious, and Pinkie Pie enjoyed her excitable personality. The forecast, set by the Pegasus ponies, called for a glorious day, bathed in pure sunlight for the enjoyment of everypony, with just enough of a cool breeze to make the relentless heat comfortable. In Canterlot, the ponies of high society felt safe and secure as their every whim was catered to. The royal guard patrolled the streets and managed their posts, keeping watch on the ponies that crossed their paths. Celestia herself sat high within her palace, reading her lengthy agenda for the day, prioritizing the various needs of her subjects, categorizing the bills set forth from the unicorns that took note of the sine qua non from every corner of her domain. Luna, attended by her own dark guard within her shadowy domain slept through the light of day, the requirements of her lofty position concluded for the time being.

“Twilight?” Spike called out as he replaced a book.

“Yes, Spike?”

“Why do you have so many books?”

Twilight giggled. “They’re not all mine Spike. Don’t forget that this is Ponyville’s library. Everypony considers it mine now, but technically these are all of Ponyville’s books.”

“Yeah, but you’re the only one who reads them.”

“Oh, Spike. There are plenty of ponies who like to read.”

“Not as much as you.”

“Maybe not, but I’m not the only pony who reads around here.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right, as usual. Has Rainbow finished those books you gave her yet?”

“I gave them to her about two days ago, how fast do you expect her to read?”

Spike shrugged and resumed his work. It was a tedious chore, replacing everything that had once been in order, thrown into disarray either intentionally, or just that the chaos had been assembled through a lack of vision, turning a blind eye to the clutter and state of disarray until it needed to be dealt with, when it was a problem too large to ignore, and took dedication to even begin. Spike was just dusting off some lesser-known title when a shadow fell across the tattered cover, giving it an even more unloved appearance. His mind was preoccupied, however, and the shadow was unnoticed.

Clouds began to form above Ponyville, stretching out to the horizon and beyond to where reality stops and Uncreation begins. While those hard at work turned a blind eye to the change of events, the metamorphosis of the sky was not overlooked by all. Pegasai took to the sky to remove the sudden invasion of clouds. Other ponies shut themselves away, hoping that it would be the only change the day had to offer.

The sudden gloom was not limited to Ponyville, however. Canterlot suffered the unexpected interruption of sunlight as well. The royal guard took time to glance at the sky, to move from their posts to wonder. Within the palace chambers, Celestia stood looking out.

“Princess,” a voice called from behind her. The alicorn turned to welcome a member of her personal guard. She bade him inside. “My apologies for interrupting, but we’ve received a number of inquiries concerning the weather.”

“Why?” Celestia almost whispered ask she asked. It was not a pointed question, nor a question phrased as a response to the news.

“Princess…?” the guard replied slowly.

“Are my subjects truly this concerned about the weather?” she turned back to the window.

“It appears so, your highness.”

“There have been sudden changes in weather prior to this with little concern. Should there be any reason this instance draws so much attention?”

“I suspect it is just because it is a rare occurrence, your highness, and that the last time there was a sudden change in the weather Discord was released.”

“Your point is well taken, thank you.” Celestia replied, cutting the guard off. It was a troubling thought that some antagonist had arrived. Yet there was no threat against Equestria that she was aware of, and she was well aware of the threats against her rule. She had taken notice that the news coming from the greater of her cities had not changed recently, and as such had posted guards around the borders of the towns closest to the metropolises. There had been ponies sneaking about in the filth there, as there always were, yet no true threats to her, so there was no need to be concerned. She had constant watch on several individuals of disreputable company, and few had ever escaped her eyes.

“If I may, your highness.” The guard began again, “do you know what is happening?”

“I have my predictions.” There was nothing more to discuss. The guard bowed and showed himself out.

“Luna.” Celestia called out. The princess of the night appeared suddenly in the center of the room, swiftly crossing it to join her sister.

“What are your predictions, sister?” asked Luna, following the elder’s gaze.

“The clouds are moving in from the Everfree. Do you recall what I revealed to you after your return?”

“I do, and it continues to trouble us.” Luna replied gravely. “Is this a result?”

“Inevitably, as everything in Equestria is controlled by us save for the Everfree.”

“But sister, what power does it have here besides holding the forest? If its power has grown through the passing of time, surely it would have grown enough to strike prior to this, and more viciously.”

“The single breach has not grown in power since its arrival into our domain. This weather is spurred on by something else there, yet the breach allows it to be.” Celestia turned from the window and headed towards the door. Luna hesitated to follow, initially turning; yet looking back at the grey billowing rolls of cloud that rejected her sister’s command.

“Surely there is something we can do.” Luna called after Celestia.

“I already caused this, I fear that more action will result in graver consequences.

“The blame rests equally upon us, as it does you sister.”

“You know as well as I that that is not true.” Celestia gave a solemn look back at her younger sister before she left.

“Where are you going?”

“I need to check that something is still there.” Came Celestia’s voice from around the corner before the door closed.

The rain started to fall. The ominous clouds cried upon the confused land. Luna stared at the drops as they fell upon the window, each one a silent plea to enter. The same rain fell upon the homes of Ponyville, whispering to each ear. All across Equestria, the rain fell down to dampen the spirits of the happy, and to increase the misery of the sad.

“Where did this come from?” Twilight asked to nopony in particular, staring up from inside the library at the sky.

“Maybe the Pegasus ponies are playing a prank on us. It seems like something they would do.” Said Spike.

“Yeah, maybe. But it’s not just our town, there’s nothing but clouds as far as the eye can see.”

“Good point.”

“Maybe they just forgot to tell us about an early shower. These are done pretty quickly usually. What time is it anyway?”

Spike walked over to where he could see the clock. “Uh…ten after ten.”

There was a bright flash within the clouds, quickly followed by a long peal of thunder. Twilight exclaimed instantly, clasping a hoof to her head and sinking down, teeth clenching.

“Twilight?” Spike ran over to help the unicorn back up, but a knock resounded upon the door just as he reached her.

“I’m all right,” Twilight gasped, slowly rising. “See who’s at the door.”

Spike opened the door to see a wet, but happy Pinkie Pie half-smiling.

“Oh, hi Pinkie.” Spike stepped aside to let the pink pony enter; yet she stayed where she was.

“Hi Twilight, hi Spike. Are you two ready to go?” she asked.

Spike glanced back at Twilight, who shrugged before addressing her friend.

“Go where, Pinkie?”

“Oh, you know.”

“I’m afraid I don’t know.”

“Oh, well I guess I don’t either; but we have to go there now.”


“Because we should, you know how it is.”

Spike chuckled, but Twilight, glancing back at the clock, moved a bit closer to her friend, who back away in turn.

“Who all is going?”

“Don’t know. You were closest, so I thought I’d ask, but I really don’t have the time to check whether who else is. Everypony should though.”

“Well Pinkie, I think I am going to half to decline. I have a lot of work to do.”

Pinkie’s smile fell away suddenly. The face that replaced it was not one of sadness, but of hidden annoyance, as if Twilight was being irritable.

“Fine.” She said shortly, and left in a huff, the rain falling upon her. Spike closed the door slowly, watching her go.

“What was that about?” Twilight wondered aloud. “I’ve never seen Pinkie like that before. Sure she’s random, but that was something new altogether.”

“Twilight.” Said Spike.

“I wonder if we should have followed her, just to see where she was going.”


“I mean, why wouldn’t she tell anypony else what she was doing? That certainly isn’t like Pinkie.”

“Twilight!” Spike exclaimed.

The unicorn turned towards the baby dragon, who was looking out the window.

“What is it?” she asked, striding over. She didn’t need a response; there was no need as it was quite obvious ‘what’.

Ponies were all walking in one direction, their faces vacant, eyes glazed over, their relatives and friends talking to them as they moved forward. Occasionally it seemed that one of them would reply to the pleading of the ponies attempting to restrain or simply talk the latter into returning. Twilight had no words for the scenario. How many ponies were there? Fifty? A hundred? There was no telling.

“So why aren’t we affected?” Spike asked. Twilight did not reply.


“Ras!” Flailer yelled. “Ras!”

The onyx-colored unicorn simply materialized next to the earth pony, and held up a hoof to silence the other. Words were not necessary, as it was rather clear what the excitement was about. Ponies were simply moving in one fluid mass in a singular direction. It truly was a sight to behold, as there was nothing visible prompting them to behave in such a way. Ras silently analyzed the ponies who were moving: vacant expressions, glazed eyes, silent for the most part, and besides living the in the same town, many of them were unaffiliated with each other.

“You said we needed a way forward towards Canterlot, Ras. Is this it? Should we join?”

Ras mulled over the idea for a moment before dismissing it.

“No. You can be certain that this group will be watched very carefully, which would hinder our progression substantially. We’ve ensured that Canterlot is not watching this half of Equestria, but they will be watching this, which means as soon as their gaze is completely focused upon whatever is happening here we move. So I suppose in a way you are right, this is our way.”

“Why are they doing that?” Flailer asked, cocking his head to one side as he watched the mass of ponies move forward.

“I don’t know, Flailer.” Ras replied, shaking his head, “but as long as it doesn’t affect us directly I don’t care.”


Another knock resounded upon the door of the library. Twilight opened it to find none other than the Princess standing there before her, the constant stream of ponies still moving behind her.

“Twilight, thank goodness.” Celestia exclaimed upon seeing her pupil.

“Princess, what’s happening?” Twilight asked as Celestia moved inside the library. “Why are they acting like this?”

“Perhaps you should tell me.” Celestia’s expression turned from concern to something teetering on anger.

“Me? I don’t know.” Twilight spluttered at the unexpected question.

“You seem to be proclaiming your innocence rather quickly, my loyal student.” Said Celestia, putting an emphasis on ‘loyal’ that made Twilight cringe. “Where is it?”

“Where is what?”

“Don’t do this Twilight, we can still fix this if you just tell me where it is.”

“Where what is?” Twilight began glancing around for some clue as to what the Princess was talking about.

“I never would have guessed. My prized pupil lying when she has been found guilty.” Celestia shook her head, every word dripped disappointment.

Twilight started to cry, her head still throbbed from the earlier pain, and with Pinkie Pie’s odd behavior it was all too much for her. Celestia began to doubt her accusation, yet the evidence was overwhelming. Perhaps she had forgotten, perhaps she was just scared. Either way, as angry as Celestia was concerning the matter, she was not without love.

“Twilight,” she said, her voice soft. “I need the 1010 scroll back. Nopony has been to the House of Four Doors since your visit, and I certainly don’t have it. Please give it back to me.”

Twilight sniffed and attempted to halt the passage of tears. She glanced up at the Princess. “I’m sorry, I wanted to learn about it. Because if I was to protect it, I...I…” she sniffed again. “I don’t have it anymore.”

“What?” asked the Princess.

“I don’t have it anymore. I sent it back to Canterlot with a note apologizing for taking it.”

“Did you use it?”

“Yes, I removed the disease from Sweet Apple Acres; but I did balance it.” She hastily added.


“I sent the disease to the Mist. It seemed like the safest place.”

Celestia sighed and closed her eyes. Her student had meant well, and proven her capabilities again, even if the means in which she did were questionable. This was not the time for congratulations and celebrations, however.

“Did you use it any other time?”

“No, Princess.”

“What did you do with it?”

“I placed it in a saddlebag and prepared to send it out…” she stopped, the wheels turning. “Spike!”

Spike, who had been hiding around the corner, appeared. “Yes.”

“There were two saddlebags on the desk, one for Rainbow, one for Canterlot. Where did they go?”

“I thought they were both for Rainbow Dash, so I sent them off with her.”

It became very quiet. Celestia and Twilight both stared at Spike, who was very bewildered. The rain tapped on the windows, accompanied by the voices of ponies outside. Twilight’s jaw hung open in disbelief. Celestia was merely stone-faced. Spike, still very confused about what was happening, attempted to speak, but found himself unable to form the words necessary.

“Meet me at Canterlot, next to the Harmony Vault.” Said Celestia with little emotion. She turned and exited the library. Twilight and Spike looked at each other.

“Did I do something wrong?” Spike asked.

“No, but I did, and I’m afraid Rainbow is going to pay for it.”


Approximately an hour later found Twilight, alone, next to the vault that held the Elements of Harmony. She paced back and forth, both desiring the Princess to appear, and dreading it at the same time. She took a moment from her anxious worry to admire the door. It truly was a great feat of craftsmanship. The elegant strands of engraved gold, infused with magical properties, complimented by the bright gold frame, and silvery orbs placed within the door. Beyond it lay even greater treasures, the magnificent elements and the passage to the House of Four Doors. Strange how being near such a place, and able to rest a hoof upon a mastery of craftsmanship could also be a place of such dread. Twilight turned from the door and resumed her pacing. What was taking the Princess so long?

Her answer came swiftly. There was a bright flash, causing Twilight to cover her eyes. When her vision was restored she beheld a grim-looking Celestia, accompanied by a very forlorn Rainbow Dash. It was clear to the unicorn that her blue friend was terrified by the whole ordeal.

“I’m sorry, Twi.” The Pegasus started, “I just couldn’t help myself. When I saw the scroll, I first wondered why you sent it to me, but then I read how to use it…”

“You can tell her later. Let’s go.” Said Celestia.

The alicorn activated the door leading to the vault. Inside the jeweled box holding the elements glistened. The eternal light radiated from above, giving an everlasting illumination to the locked room, yet shedding no redeeming light upon their predicament. Rainbow, still clearly terrified, seemed not to notice the brilliance of the room, yet did notice the gaping blackness Celestia summoned from the opposite wall. The crushing blackness seemed eager for the three ponies to enter and risk their lives within its grasp.

“Twilight, inform Rainbow what is required of her to pass through the hall.” Celestia called out before departing herself into the corridor.

Twilight was at a loss for words. Rainbow was in no condition to travel through that thing, much less follow the guidelines that dictate a safe passage.

“Rainbow,” Twilight began, turning to the blue pony.

“Twilight, wha-what is that?” Rainbow asked, her voice cracking.

“I don’t know exactly, but we need to go in.”


“We will find out.” Said Twilight, but realized that the answer was not encouraging. She sighed and moved close to her friend. “It will be all right.”

Rainbow glanced up at her and tried at a smile, yet it fled her face. Twilight moved Rainbow closer towards the black hole.

“Don’t run, don’t slow. Don’t show any emotion and do not look to either side. Keep your eyes focused straight ahead, and do not stray from the path. Keep walking in a straight line.”

“Can I talk?”

“No. Here we go.”

Twilight moved smoothly and swiftly into the gloom, immediately and silently consumed by the shadow. Though it was silent within the tunnel, she somehow felt the presence of the other near her. The feeling was slowly fading, however, instead replaced by an intense loneliness. It had not been as such with Celestia. She had known of the presence of the Princess the entire time, and though frightened, felt reassured through the mere knowledge of the other. Here Rainbow’s presence was quickly whisking away. Just as the feeling of having been abandoned was close to consuming her entirely, she broke out into the massive dome that held the strange obelisks, which protected the magic the rulers of Equestria deemed too dangerous to be released into the world, much less even let a mere knowledge of it be allowed. Rainbow appeared at her side not long after her own entry. The Pegasus’ face was paled, yet no emotion shown upon it. Upon seeing the trial had passed, she collapsed.

“Rainbow!” Twilight exclaimed, kneeling down.

“You were gone.” Rainbow mumbled. “You remember how we said we were all connected?”

It was an unexpected question. “Yes,” Twilight replied slowly. “How we were friends before we had even met.”

“We weren’t in there. I didn’t have friends, or anypony. Nopony knew me, nopony cared whether I lived or died.”

“I was feeling the same.” Twilight admitted.

“Where are we, anyway?” Rainbow asked suddenly. Seeing her friend had quickly rejuvenated the Pegasus.

“The House of Four Doors.” Came a voice from across the room.

Twilight and Rainbow looked over to see Celestia standing before the greatest of the obelisks. The top had already been shattered, and the 1010 scroll replaced in its rightful place.

“Rainbow Dash, you may now tell Twilight what you did.” Said Celestia sternly.

Rainbow gulped and looked at her friend.

“I didn’t want to hurt anypony, especially my friends. You know this.” Rainbow began qualifying. “I love you guys.”

“I know, Rainbow.” Twilight nodded.

“It has always been my dream to join the Wonderbolts. I think I’m a great flyer, and after winning the competition, performing a sonic rainboom for your brother and Princess Cadance, and using my wings to help Ponyville in many ways, I thought that I maybe could finally be accepted.” She hung her head. “But I doubted myself. I felt that I couldn’t do it. That I wasn’t good enough. Rarity was right, I was nervous, more than nervous; I was terrified.”

She looked at the 1010 scroll, resting within the obelisk, waiting to be resealed and once again locked away from creation and those who might use it.

“Then I saw the scroll, and how to use it. Luckily for me it was just before the right time, so I simply followed the instructions and not long after I received a letter from Spitfire confirming my acceptance into the group. It was a dream come true, so I didn’t tell you what I had done, or asked why. I simply accepted.”

“It sounds like you did everything right, Rainbow. How is this your fault?” asked Twilight.

“In my excitement I did not think about what could happen. I thought I knew what was happening and thought I could control it. I always can. I always have.” Said Rainbow sadly. Twilight smiled in memory. Still bold, still brave, as Rainbow Dash always was. Rainbow took a breath and continued. “But when the time came to rebalance it I was distracted.”

“Distracted? How?”

“I kept hearing a voice. I think it was just my conscious tormenting me. It kept telling me how great I was and then belittling me. When I was done arguing I simply fell asleep, and then all this started happening.”

“Wait, so you didn’t rebalance it?” Twilight exclaimed.

Rainbow merely shook her head. Twilight attempted to form words, but found none that were correct. Celestia walked over to the pair.

“But…wouldn’t the balance just be removing me from the group, or even having it disband? How could I have caused this?” Rainbow asked the unicorn.

“Rainbow used the 1010 spell to allow her to join a group. One pony joins another small group; the balancing would have been minimal. Twilight, do you remember what I told you about what the scroll does should the balance not be reset?”

“Reset itself. Overcompensate for the unbalance.” Twilight replied gravely, the stories of genocide and mass destruction from Equestria’s lesser-known history flooding back to her.

“Yes. Rainbow joined a group, and you are correct that the balance would be having ponies leave a group.” Celestia told the blue pony. “However, the passing of time increases the unbalance, causing the spell to take drastic measures in order to be certain that the balance is completely reset. No mistakes. So, one pony joins, many ponies leave.”

“How many?” Twilight inquired.

“We won’t know for certain until they have all left and a census is taken, but I would guess about one tenth of Equestia’s population has left.”

“Where did they go?”

“They headed into the Everfree. We don’t know why, but I’m also guessing it has something to do with the fact that 1010’s magic exists within the farthest reaches thanks to Twilight.”

Rainbow turned to now look upon Twilight with surprised eyes. The latter hastily attempted to redeem herself and justify her actions.

“But…no, I-I was trying to help. Sure…surely you can’t blame me.”

“Your decisions, your lack of judgment and weakness of willpower, caused this. If you had left the spell where it had been kept, up till the day I showed you, then none of this would have happened.” Accused Celestia, glaring down at the spluttering unicorn, “I do not know what presence 1010 now holds within the Mist. You can be certain, however, that it will not be contained. The creatures of the Everfree are drawn to power, as it is the greatest that rules the others. Why my subjects would travel there is unknown to me presently. Once we have regained order throughout Equestria I will send ponies out to follow and report.”

“The ponies who left,” interjected Rainbow, “any of our friends?”

“I know Pinkie left, I do not know about the others.” Twilight answered solemnly.

“What?” Rainbow began to retreat into the room, staring in disbelief at Twilight, “No…I couldn’t have. I don’t hurt anypony, especially my friends.”

“It was an accident.”

“No! I-how could I have been so foolish?” Rainbow bellowed.

She continued to back up, distancing herself from the pair. Muttering in disbelief, keeping her gaze locked, accompanied by small turns of the head. She continued the unnerving course of action until she found herself backed into one of the many obelisks. Distracted, Rainbow broke her line of sight and turned to now read the sign placed upon the dark stone monument. It read: Amaranthine.

“Fitting, how you should back into a new type of magic you will become very familiar with.” Celestia muttered.

Rainbow was not familiar with the word written upon the plaque, and backed away from the thing, yet upon hearing Celestia’s quiet announcement cast her eyes about, yearning for an exit.

“There is no way out, Rainbow.” Celestia’s vision was cold and unyielding. “You must face your punishment.”

“Let me help,” Rainbow replied, now retreating in a singular direction.

“You will be.” Celestia calmly informed her, “You will ensure that this never happens again.”

Rainbow sprinted to the far wall, preparing to rise into the air. There she still had some control. Yet her wings became bound, complicating her movements and causing her to trip. She cranked her neck around to see Celestia shatter the Amaranthine obelisk. Inside lay a golden rose, lined with a very fine gold, and a stem of purest emerald green. Thorns coated the stem, each one curved towards the ground, as if yearning to escape the flower. Twilight stood dumfounded and helpless as she watched the Princess raise the flower from the obelisk and remove a single flawless petal from the head. Another quickly rose to replace the petal. Celestia replaced the Amaranthine and strode towards the struggling Dash.

“This is a petal of an Amaranthine flower,” Celestia informed the pony calmly, inspecting the fragment of plant, “the Amaranthine is an eternal life. It will never die, never wither, never loose its way, nor its petals. As such, it causes immortality in ponies as well. It causes them to never age, never grow sick or old. They do not gain any other strength from it, yet as the flower cannot move, and is bound to a single place for all eternity, the petals of the Amaranthine can bind a pony to a single place, such as this room for instance.”

Rainbow increased her struggle against the magical restraints as she watched the alicorn slowly approach her. The petal floated in front of her, close to the ever-flowing mane.

“You see, you are the element of Loyalty, correct? Well then, you now have the opportunity to be more loyal than anypony for eternity. I had trusted Twilight with protection of the 1010 scroll, yet it seems its tantalizing allure proved too much for even her. You will guard the House of Four Doors until either the world ends or something destroys you.”

“No!” Rainbow cried, struggling. Yet it was all folly, as even her great strength could not usurp the magic of the immortal.

Celestia had reached the Pegasus, cold and indifferent. Twilight had begun to approach them, but to this she paid no attention. She summoned her magic and held Rainbow still, then placed the petal upon her forehead. For a moment nothing happened, then the petal simply sunk into her head, causing Rainbow to go very quiet, very still. Celestia released her magic, yet Rainbow did not rise.

“Why did you do that?” Twilight demanded of the Princess. “What’s happened to you?”

“I did what was necessary, my student. Be glad it was not you.”

Celestia called upon a perfect memory of a hallway within her palace. The image formulated before them rapidly, coming together to become a reality. Twilight looked towards the still very calm and quiet Rainbow Dash, who still refused to move, and began to move towards her. Celestia extended a wing around her student and forcefully cast her through the image and into the hallway, following quickly. Twilight rose quickly in the Canterlot passage to find Celestia moving away from her, silently weeping.