The Flutterheart Diaries

by lilinuyasha

XXXIV: The talk


Well, Anacrusis has stormed through every single book on being a brother we could find, and STILL isn’t satisfied.

“What if I forget something?”

“Anacrusis, we had the same worries trying to parent you. You turned out fine!”

“Well...yeah, that’s because you’re exceptional parents. I’m not even a year old yet!”

“I’m sure you’ll do fine. Just calm down and do what comes naturally.”

“But what if I forget something?”

“You’ll do fine. Come here, you.” I said, extending my arms, giving him a tight hug. I then gave him a pep talk before tickling him to make him forget. I’m glad he wants to be a big brother as much as he does. I feel strange he’s so worried about it, though. Hopefully he doesn’t become too OCD about it. I guess I’m praying for a little bit of carefreeness.

Praying for carefreeness,


“Do you just want me to handle it?” asked Trey, giving Fluttershy a sincere look of concern. Fluttershy looked up at him, her red, blurry eyes showing sadness. She shook her head.

“No...I feel like I need to be there...this is all my fault...”

“You keep saying that, but it isn’t. It could never be your fault! This was her decision.”

“I a mother...I should have warned her about those things...I should have-”

“’s not your fault. Nor will it ever be. We’re just going to have to talk to her about the dangers of drugs. Once she realizes how bad they are, I’m sure she’ll understand and change. Don’t blame yourself, neither of us expected this.” he said, giving her a tight, warm hug.

“I just...Why would she do this?”

“That’s what we’re about to find out.” he said, pushing Flutterwing’s door open. Fluttering was sprawled out across Sir Snugalot, a large wet spot from where she was drooling. Trey poked her with his hoof as she stirred to life, grabbing her head.

“Ung. I have a headache...” said Flutterwing, shaking.

“I bet. Horsenip does that to you.” said Trey, standing over her, letting his natural height advantage over her show his sense of parental authority.

“Horsenip?” she asked.

“Don’t you remember anything?” asked Fluttershy.

“Anything about what? Mommy, why are your eyes red?”

“She’s been crying.”

“Why? What happened?”

“Oh, dear...she doesn’t remember. Where did you get the horsenip?”

“What’s horsenip?”

“Flutterwing, don’t play dumb with me. Don’t make this any worse for your mother.”

“Flutterwing...please...tell us where you got it. We need to know...” said Fluttershy, trying to assert herself, though her body was shrunk into itself.

“I’m not supposed to tell...” said Flutterwing.

“Dammit, Flutterwing.” said Trey, facehoofing.

“TREYNGEL!” shouted Fluttershy, shocked at hearing Trey say such a thing. Flutterwing jumped in shock at her yelling.

“Sorry. Look, Flutterwing, horsenip isn’t good for you. It severely impairs your neurological system, makes you do stupid things, like gnawing on tables...if you don’t tell us where you got it, that other pony may be in danger.”

“What’s a noloneurocal system?”

“Neurological? Your brain. It really messes with your brain.”

“Flutterwing, we just want you to be safe...We want that other pony to be safe, too. Please, Flutterwing. You know it’s illegal to do horsenip, right?” said Fluttershy, looking her dead in the eyes. Flutterwing’s eyes grew as large as saucer plates.

“I’M SO SORRY! I DIDN’T KNOW! I DIDN’T KNOW IT WAS WRONG! PLEASE DON’T BE MAD AT ME!!! I’M SO SORRY, MOMMY AND DADDY!” she shouted, crying, throwing herself upon Fluttershy, hugging her tightly. “Please don’t hate me...”

“Never! We both love you very much. We just want you to be happy and healthy, and that’s why we need to know who you got it from. You understand?”

“Yes, Mommy...” she choked out, sniffing up tears as Fluttershy kept hugging her.

“Now, start from the beginning...” said Trey, bending down to her level.


Darkwing froze as the figure in the mansion in front of him came closer to the window. It was as tall as a 4 hoof 3 inch tree, casting a menacing shadow across the yard. Darkwing was frozen in place, afraid to move. However, he knew that if he didn’t he’d be spotted. The figure drew closer. His time was limited.

“As tall as a...4 hoof tree?” asked Twilight, confused. “You have some of the strangest similes I’ve ever seen.”

“I want it to be a kind of comedy relief.” said Anacrusis, frustrated.

“What kind of story are you going for, anyway?”

“That’s just it. I want it to seem like action and suspense, but at the last minute, change the reader’s expectations by switching genres. I think you’d like it, given the amount of books in said genre by your bed.”

Twilight blushed. “Oh. Well, I’m sure I will. Generally, action stories don’t have a lot of comedy relief. Why not leave that out until you change the genre?”

“Hm...That might work.”

“I thought so. I’m going to make some tea. Would you like some?”

“Yes, please!”

“You just continue working on that and I’ll be back in a minute.”

“Alrighty then.” said Anacrusis, continuing his story.

Darkwing quietly slipped into the shadows, attempting to scamper in his fear of being caught. The figure opened the window, the full bodied grace of Starstruck shining in the darkness.

“Who’s there?” she called. Darkwing stayed silent. Partially out of fear, the other out of sheer awe of her beauty this night. “Hello?”

The wind carried her scent, her mane flowing in the breeze. Darkwing gently sniffed the air, her fresh scent wafting about his nostrils, tempting him to come to her.

She looked side to side, searching in the darkness for movement. She shook her head and closed the window, turning the light off again. Darkwing hesitated for a minute, before slinking off towards the front door, leaves softly crunching under his hooves.

“Not bad.” said Twilight. “I think you might have given away the genre change. Just continue this and I’m sure Leatherbound would be happy to publish this.”

“Are we done already?” asked Anacrusis, checking the clock.

“We’ve been here for two hours! Besides, I have a date tonight. Why not meet up with Cherry tonight?” asked Twilight, nudging him a little.

“Yeah, I might need to get out of the house tonight.”

“Oh. What’s wrong?”


“Oh. I’m guessing Trey and Fluttershy aren’t happy with her?”

“Not at all.”

“Well, I don’t judge them if it makes them feel any better.”

“It might. Needless to say, they’re busy with her, so I’m headed home alone this afternoon. Have fun on your date!”

“Thank you! Oh, this is for you.” said Twilight, levitating some quills and ink in Anacrusis’ saddlebags. “I figured we’re getting near the holiday season, so that’s from me to you.”

“Oh. Wow. I wasn’t expecting that.”

“Something wrong?” asked Twilight, afraid her gift wasn’t good enough.

“No...I just don’t have anything for you...yet.” said Anacrusis, sadly. He put down his saddlebags and gave Twilight a tight, surprise hug. Twilight flinched, surprised by this, but bent down and returned the favor. Anacrusis broke off the hug, staring sincerely into her eyes. “I hope that will do for now.”

Twilight blushed. “Oh...yes. Yes, of course!” she smiled, glad that her dark coat could hide blushing. “Now, you’d best hurry along. I’m expecting a few minutes. Tell Cherry I said hello!”

“You got it. See ya tomorrow!” he smiled, stepping out the door.

“He gives great hugs...” Twilight said to herself, shaking her head. “Must run in the family.”


“So do you want to talk to her parents?” asked Fluttershy.

“Yeah. I probably should. You stay here with Flutterwing.” said Trey, watching Flutterwing hug Fluttershy tightly, apologizing repeatedly. “You know we still love you, right?” Flutterwing nodded. “Good. We just want you to be safe. I’ll be back in a bit.”

Anacrusis opened the door, seeing his father step outside Flutterwing’s room.

“Oh, how’d it go tonight?” asked Trey.

“Not bad at all. I’m almost done with the story.”

“Good. I’m about to go out. Dinner will be ready after I get home.”

“Alright. I was wondering if I could actually go see a movie with Cherry?”

“I’m headed over that way, I don’t see why not. Trot with me.” he said, giving him a smile. The two trotted out the door.

“So, whatcha wanna go see?”

“I don’t know what’s out. Maybe a scary movie.”

“Gonna hold her hoof through the entire thing?”

“Hopefully.” he bashfully admitted.

“Here’s 20 bits. That should be enough for popcorn, too. Have fun!” said Trey, giving him a small pouch. He stopped at a doorway as Anacrusis continued on to Derpy’s house. Trey politely knocked on the door. A tall, dark figure answered, giving him a curious glance.

“Oh, Trey, it’s you. Can I do somethin’ for ya?”

“I just needed to talk to you about your daughter...”

“Uh oh. Is this about the horsenip?”

“Oh, you heard?”

“You’re like...the third parent I’ve had come talk to me this evening.”

“Oh, dear. Well, I guess you already know, then. I won’t give you an earful about it.”

“Thanks, Trey. That means a lot.” he said, starting to close the door. Trey noticed a baking pan half filled with brownie mix, and a small plastic bag filled with green hay right next to it.

“It’ problem.” said Trey, turning around. He shook his head and trotted back home, as the door closed behind him.


Anacrusis knocked on the front door, standing on the homemade “Welkom” mat. He curiously looked at the artwork, seeing a crude drawing of Derpy and Cherry standing on their hind legs, almost as if ready to give hugs to whoever’s leg was on the mat.

“I got it!”

“Watch out!” he heard from inside the house. A sudden, loud THUD jerked him back to reality as he heard Derpy groan from inside the house.

“Are you alright, mom?”

“Once we finish those muffins, I will be.”

“You go check on them. I’ll see who’s at the door.” said Cherry, opening it to reveal Anacrusis.

“Oh, hey, Annie. I was starting to think you forgot!”

“Forgot about what?”

“Our anniversary...duh!”

“, of course not! I was just seeing if you wanted to go to the movies...and dinner. For our anniversary.” he said, sweating. ‘20 bits isn’t going to be enough.’ he thought.

“Oh, silly! Our anniversary isn’t for another 17 days!” said Cherry, giving him a smirk.

“Oh...right.” he said, letting out a huge sigh of relief. “So...movies?”

“Sure! Let me finish helping mom with the muffins and we’ll head off. What are we gonna see?”

“That new scary movie.”

“Invasion of the Sombranites? Cool! Am I gonna have to hold your hoof through the entire thing?”

“I was gonna hold your hoof...” Anacrusis said, lowering his head, scuffing the ground with one hoof.

“’re so cute.” she said, bending down to give him a kiss. Anacrusis’ ears perked up as his cheeks flared. “And that’s why I love you. Come on in, they’re almost done.”

Anacrusis smiled and stepped inside, closing the door behind him.


“How was the movie?” asked Trey, giving a friendly smile. Anacrusis stared at his dad, panting.

“Why couldn’t we have gone to a chick flick or something?”

Trey laughed, giving his son a hug.

“That was the scariest thing I’ve ever seen. Don’t let me go to a scary movie ever again.” he said, clinging to Trey for dear life.

“Oh, you’re home!” said Fluttershy, trotting up behind him. Anacrusis yelped, scampering off to his room. Fluttershy jumped, cringing into herself. “Was it something I said?”

“No, he just got back from a scary movie with Cherry.”

“Did she have to hold his hoof the entire time?”

“I’m guessing so.” he said, giving Fluttershy a hug. “How’s Flutterwing?”

“She feels really bad about the entire thing. She’s definitely learned her lesson. I still grounded her for a few weeks, though.”

“That’s good.” said Trey, yawning. “Let’s get to bed.”

“You’re cute when you’re tired.” she said, giving him a quick nose nuzzle, before heading off to their bedroom. Trey trotted behind her, cuddling up next to her for the night, glad that she was in happier spirits.