The Odd Life Of ScrewBall

by Mr.RealityTheBrony

Chapter 5

Screwballs eyes slowly opened only to be shut again by the light streaming through the window. She laid in bed, thinking about the night before. Her happiness from when she was invited to move in with the Apple Family, was still fresh. She slowly got up as the rooster crowed a little while later. She groaned as she sat up in the tough bed. She was surprised to find that Scootaloo was not in the bed with her. While Screwball walked downstairs, she heard the sound of talking coming from the kitchen. When she walked in, she was surprised to find everyone all up and ready. Applebloom was the first to notice her.

"Hey there Screwball" Applebloom said " How'd ya sleep?"

"I slept okay, Why are you guys up so early?" Screwball said " I thought that I was early"

" We all woke up an hour ago" Scootaloo said with her mouth full of cereal " Applejack wanted us to get some chores done, Hey Screwball, school starts in like 30 minutes, you should get ready.

Screwball ran up the stairs as Scootaloo finished her sentence. She had totally forgot that it was Monday, and she wasn't even ready yet! It only took her a few minutes to find all the things to get ready, Applejack yelled to her a few moments later to tell her that it was time to go. In only a few minutes, Screwball was ready to go to school with her friends, on the way they stopped to pick up Sweetiebelle from the boutique. Applebloom soon filled her in on the situation that Scootaloo and Screwball were in, and how it was fixed. After the story, they all realized that they were right in front of the school yard ,and they all realized that the other were fillies staring at them. Screwball assumed it was because of what she did the week before to those colts. Screwball tried to find the colts but was unlucky.

"They must still be in the hospital" She thought " I bet everyone thinks i'm a freak still"

This thought was soon diminished as everypony stood in a circle around Screwball and began asking her questions.

"Did you really stop a robber from stealing from the boutique?'" One asked.

" How did you beat up all those colts? Were you scared?" Another asked.

Screwball was immediately frightened from all the prying questions and squeezed her way from the crowd, back to her friends. Before she could apologize, the school bell rang, indicating that school had begun. Everypony made their way into the classroom and sat down in their seats. Screwball was disappointed to find that their were no seats next to her friends and she had to sit down in her old street at the back of the room. As class went on the rest of the day, she had a fairly normal time, other than a surprise pop quiz on the Elements Of Harmony ( Which Screwball knew all about) And a odd stack of papers on Miss Cherilee desk, it was a good day. After lunch, Cherilee announced that they were all going to have a field trip on Wednesday, Screwball was especially happy to go on a trip with her friends. The field trip also explained the papers on Cherilee desk. Which were details of the field trip, Screwball only glanced over the paper and noticed that she needed a parents signature.

After class, Screwball asked Cherilee if she would be able to get a signature from a legal guardian, And Cherilee said yes. Screwball was happy to hear this and happily made her way home with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. The girls played for a few hours. Until Sweetiebelle was picked up by her mom and dad. As the rest of the girls went home, they talked about how excited they were about the field trip. At the farm, Applejack told the girls that she was legally their guardians now since she had filled out the paperwork that afternoon.. Screwball was the first to give Applejack a huge hug. It was the closest she had come to hugging a mom in a long time.

After the girls gave their thanks to Big Macintosh and Applejack, by giving them hugs and promising to make sweets for them later. They started their chores for the day. Screwball soon found out that she was pretty good at bucking apples. After the chores they had a big dinner of apple treats, such as pies and fritters. Screwball noticed that Scootaloo's wings were looking better now that she had some nourishment. As the girls got ready for bed, Screwball suddenly remembered that she had to see her dad tonight. She had missed the day before and she couldn't afford to miss another one.


Screwball sneaked through the house at the middle of the night, careful not to awaken any of the sleepers in the house. As she came through the front door, She immediately ran to her fathers statue, not noticing that there was a shadowy figure in one of the windows of the house.

She soon approached her fathers statue and slowed to a trot. She could almost feel her fathers anger, even though he was trapped in a statue.

" Where have you been" Discord bellowed " I've been worried sick, what were you thinking?"

" I'm sorry daddy, I've been.... busy" Screwball blushed

" Doing what?" Discord said "Trying to make me die of fright?"

Screwball once again apologized for her foolishness and they continued with her lesson. It was on how to make a bunny grossly disfigured. After the lesson, they talked about her day at school and the matter of the field trip came up.

" Where is the trip going to be my dear?" Discord said " I find that the Gates Of Tartarus are beautiful this time of year" He said, implying that it changes with the seasons, which is most certainly does not.

"I'm actually not sure, here, let me check" Screwball said before realizing that she had not brought it with her.

Which is a good thing, since her father would probably want to know who signed it for her. But she acted sad anyways. They continued to talk for awhile until Screwball realized that she couldn't be up too late since school was the next day. She told her father goodbye and made her way to the farm. As she got back into her bed she slept soundly for the rest of the night. When she got up the next morning, she made her way to the kitchen. A bit earlier this time, thank Celestia. She was greeted by Applejack who had a sad look on her face.

"Sit down for a sec Screwball" Applejack said. " I got something to ask ya "

"What is it Applejack?" Screwball said " Did i do something wrong?"

"I want ya ta answer me honestly, okay sugar cube?" Applejack said " Where did you go last night?"

Screwball realized that she would have no chance at answering by lying, Applejack being the element of harmony and all,so she told the truth " I was visiting daddy at his statue and we talked last night" Screwball explained

" And what did y'all talk about?" Applejack said.

At this point, Screwball broke down and told Applejack the whole story. From the very first time she visited her father and on. She made sure to explain that she really didn't want to hurt any pony anymore and that she was really,really sorry. Applejack just sat there listening to Screwball, occasionally nodding her head to signify that she was listening. After Screwball told Applejack everything, Applejack smiled at the filly and gave her a hug. And Screwball happily returned it.

" I'm glad ya told me everything sugar cube" Applejack said " And ah believe ya when ya say that you mean no harm, so i'm going to let this go, On one condition. When ya visit yer father, don't tell him anything about yer life outside of talking with him, or else things might get a bit intense. Ya hear me?"

Screwball promised not to and thanked Applejack for letting he off easy. Soon afterwards, the rest of the family made their way downstairs and and joined Screwball and Applejack who were talking about miscellaneous things.

As the girls left the farm with their papers, they picked up Sweetiebelle as usual and made their way to school. Once again, The other ponies tried to ask her more questions and they all made their way to the classroom. After another usual day, It ended with the ponies giving their papers to Cherilee. Before Screwball handed hers into the teacher. She read it completely and was horrified to find THE.WORST.POSSIBLE.THING. She shakily handed the paper to her teacher and worried about it for the rest of the day. The field trip was going to be at the maze where they would be going over all the things in the maze, such as the statues. Such as her father. Who was entrapped in his statue.