The Conversion Bureau: The Last Job

by Da Bunnana King

Chapter Two: Catching Up on the times

The Conversion Bureau: The Last Job
By Da Bunnana King

Chapter Two: Catching up on the times
-On the outskirts of the town-

Ulysses kept up a steady pace with Doctor Butcher, whom being the oldest of the group was still faster that any of the others. As Ulysses looked around the mountainside, which they were traversing to get to the Bureau, he noticed that the rocks were neatly placed in a line in what seemed to be in ten feet increments. Something at the back of his mind told him that something was wrong, but he chose to ignore it.

“So Mister Valera, what was it like in the past, before, you know Equestria and stuff?” Questioned Bronze,

“Well it’s hard to say, well. I guess there wasn’t all this smog hanging in the air, there were more trees… um… there was a large leap in technology. I guess because of the fact that I was frozen, but that’s all I can think of off top of my head.” Responded Ulysses, trying to think of all the major changes in technology that happened in early years of the twenty first century, the only big one he could think of was the machine that smashed particles together in Switzerland that he had to guard once, "Well there was that one time I had to guard some sort of collider thing in Switzerland thou. It was boring since all I did was walk up and down corridors for six hours a day for nine months."

“Did you ever see real grass?” he questioned eagerly,

“Yes, almost all the time. In fact I used to hide in it a lot when I was training with the SAS.”

“Wow, really? What was it like?” The pony was encaptured by its curiosity,

“Uh, green and itchy if it got underneath your clothes or boots. How come?”

“Well, not a lot of people can see grass anymore since all the pollution has killed it off. But apparently in Equestria there’s lots of it and we can eat it too!” Responded Bronze with glee, taking in all of what Ulysses had said,

“Come on Bronze, I’m sure Mister Valera has questions too about what’s happened to Earth while he was gone.” Said Doctor Butcher as the group caught up,

“Well there’s one thing on my mind.” Said Ulysses,

“Oh, and what would that be?” Replied Butcher,

“What and where is this Equestria place Bronze keeps on talking about?!”

“I can answer that for you.” Responded Jack, nearly stopping in his tracks, “Equestria is a land where these Equestrians live, AKA ponies. Its ruled over by two Princesses who raise the sun and moon. Princess Celestia is main ruler of Equestria and also the goddess of the sun. The second Princess Luna is the goddess of the moon, essentially.”

“Ok but what does it have to do with people being converted Jack?”

“Well humans can’t survive in Equestria because of the magic would kill us once we entered.”

“Bullshit.” Scoffed Ulysses, “There is no such thing as magic. The Equestria part I can kind of believe but the being ruled over by two Princesses and magic part kind of makes it seem like you’re pulling a prank on me.”

“Oh, that’s what I said at first too. But alas, it’s true. Magic exists in Equestria. And the only way to get there is on four hooves.” Said Jack,

“Well why go to Equestria when you could stay on Earth?” Questioned Ulysses, trying to make sense of all that he was being told, since it was extremely difficult to believe.

“Well. Here is the bad news, there’s a reason we woke you up two hundred years early.” Responded Doctor Butcher,

“Earth is dying and it’s slowly being consumed by Equestria. So one day Earth and humanity will be no more, it will just be replaced by Equestria and Equestrians.”

“So your telling me I either get ‘converted’ or die. Isn’t there an option to live on the International space station or the moon?”

“The International Space Station was decommissioned thirty years ago and the moon colony never started since all the works on the moon forgot to build a proper life support system. But it doesn’t mean you have to convert today, you could always help around the bureau as a guard or join the police force.” Responded the doctor in a cold stern voice,

“Doc, you and I both now the Police Forces around here are all corrupted, and besides Captain Silverwing isn’t hiring any more guards.” Interrupted Jack,

“Well I don’t think I have to make a decision here. Lets just get to the ‘bureau’ and sort things out from there.” Said Ulysses, increasing his speed hoping to get to the town quicker to get things straight. It was a lot for him to absorb, the Earth was going to be no more one-day, he either could turn into a pony and start again or die on Earth and fade out of history.
Once the group had reached the outskirts of town there was a large hospital like building that had two white Pegasus guards outside the main doors, sporting gold armor.

“Well this cant be a good sign.” Said Doctor Butcher,

“You think, those are the Royal Equestria Guard! There could be two reasons for this. One there is an Equestrian ambassador or noble visiting the bureau, or its one of the Princesses.” Said Jack,

“Does that mean I could meet the one of the Princess?” asked Bronze eagerly,

“Maybe, but lets just hope it’s the first one. Other wise the HLF are going to have a field day.” Responded Jack in a scared tone of voice,

“Don’t worry; you got me if anything goes wrong. Remember, I am the best of the best snipers back in my day.” Ulysses said sarcastically,
As they walked up to the Royal Guards both of them spread their wings inwards to block the door.

“Halt!” one of them said, with a decent amount of authority, “No one is permitted to enter this bureau without royal decree or being a member of the staff.” This caused Bronze to cower behind Ulysses, intimidated by the guards,

“I am Doctor Neil Butcher, and I am one of the Ponification technicians of this bureau and those behind be are Lt. Valera of the SASR and Sergeant J. Powell of the United States Marine Core. The young colt is Bronze Lionheart and he is with us, so could you please let us in?” said Neil to the guards politely as he could, yet still forcefully,

“Ok but both the Lt and the Sgt must relinquish any and all weapons before going anywhere near the Princess.” Said the guard whom must be of higher rank. So doing as they were told; both Ulysses and Jack placed their guns and knives in the duffle bags they had brought with them from the secret lab. After completing that they entered into the bureau waiting to see which one of the Princess’s had graced them with a surprise visit.

Authors Notes: Left it on a cliffhanger, U mad? But in all reality I’m stopping it here so its not some big wall ‘o’ text to look at and to give me some time to write the next chapter. As always my epic editing friends who still laugh at my epic 2 in the morning writing style over Skype, whom are Cailet and Caleb1197. Cailet especially, since I disrupt her gameplay for this, and never leave her alone. I also assault her mind with my awful grammar and even worse story telling. Cailet will be punished for this, but any how I have learned never to write the Authors Notes when its Cailets turn to edit.
So always comment saying what I’m doing wrong or right or if you want to see my so called Epic 2 in the morning writing style.
As always, Bunnana AWWWAAYY!!!
-Bunnana King