The Odd Life Of ScrewBall

by Mr.RealityTheBrony

Chapter 1

Life can be in cruel in alot of ways. Especially for Screwball, the only fun one she had in her life was from her father Discord. But even when he was around he was there for only a brief amount of time. But when he was there, he made the world... Beautiful. Some people would call it disorganized,weird, but mostly Chaotic. But in Screwballs eyes, it was perfect.

But sadly, it never lasted long. Because of those blasted Elements of Harmony.They always ruined the fun, Her father never did anything to hurt the ponies, he just made their day more interesting. But someponys don't know how good they have it. So every day , Screwball would visit her fathers statue and the two of them would plot their revenge against Ponyville. Weirdly enough, Discord could communicate with his daughter through telepathy. The two of them talked about how Ponyville was going to pay for imprisoning the great Discord, Lord of Chaos. Screwball was never sure she would follow through with their plans though, Since she never really hated any pony since she managed to stay away from them since they might not accept her for who she is. But that had the end soon since she had to start school in the next week.And she was incredibly anxious to finally meet other ponies so she could become friends, But was she a fool for believing in such silly things.

Screwball woke up with a start. She had a terrible nightmare where she was terribly organized and neat. She shuddered at the thought. Screwball had been living in a abandoned cottage on the outskirts of Ponyville by herself after her mother died when Screwball was just a foal. Screwball had managed to get all the basic necessities she needed through stealing,begging, and even rummaging through trash. She looked over at her clock,The only hand working on it was the hour hand but she was still able to guess that it was somewhere around 6:40 . She got out of her bed and went to the bathroom to get ready. She didn't want to be late on her first day of school, or at least terribly late. On her way out the door she stopped to look at the shattered mirror.

" Today, I'm going to show them all" Screwball said. "I'm going to show every pony that i'm just like them"

But as soon as she walked got to the center of town, all eyes were on her, she was immediately given odd and threatening looks as if they were disgusted by her,disgusted even, by the very thought of her. Every pony knew that she was Discords daughter and kept an eye on her to make sure she wasn't exactly like her father, Maniacal and Chaotic. But some ponies took it out of their way to make sure she knew that she was not welcome by throwing things at her and giving her death threats. On her way to school she grew less and less confident that she was going to show all the ponies. As the schoolground grew closer and closer, she was stopped by two little fillies. One a coat of silver, and the other of pink.

"So you're the new kid huh?" Said Diamond Tiara " You look like a freak to me, maybe you should just go back home" she sneered.

'Yeah " said Silver Spoon."Get out of here weirdo"

"I'm just trying to get to school" Screwball said angered at their stupidity, trying to talk down to The Great Discords own offspring. "Just move out of my way and nopony gets hurt"

But the pink pony just laughed in Screwball's face and made her way to her class with her friend. She slowly picked walked to school herself, she looked around to see every pony move their head away to pretend like they didn't just witness Screwball being bullied.

Screwball slowly walked towards her classroom, trying to ignore the intense glaring and the rude little comments they were making about her. As Screwball got closer to the classroom she was immediately pushed aside as every pony made their way into the schoolhouse. When every pony was inside, Screwball walked inside and picked the seat closest to the back. And pretended as if she was not even there. But her hopes of being unnoticed were quickly shot down as Cherilee called her to the front.

"Class, today we have a new student that i would like to introduce to the class" Cherilee said a hint of fear in her voice at the sight of the odd looking mare. " Her name is Screwball and she will be a new addition to our class"

Screwball gathered up her courage and stepped out from behind her teacher and introduced herself. " Hello, My name is Screwball and i'm excited to get to know all of you"

Every pony quickly started whispering to each other about how her eyes were weird looking and how her mane was strangely colored. But the only ponies not talking bad about her were three fillies who were just happened to be best friends and excited to have another. They all waved to Screwball and and she hesitantly waved back. She quickly went back to her seat, fuming with anger over how rude the other fillies were acting and how they didn't deserve to judge her if they didn't even know her, but the thought of the other fillies who were not making fun of her played in her mind for a bit, trying to figure out what their intentions were. The rest of the class went on without anything odd happening. At lunch, Screwball sat alone and quietly thought to herself on how she would show every pony how wrong they were about her. She kept thinking while she was eating her odd lunch of deep fried Oreo and cheese ,when the oddest thing happened. More odd than what Screwball could ever imagine, even in her imaginative mind. The same three fillies came and sat down next to her.

"Hey there" Applebloom said." Ahm Applebloom and these here are my friends Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo"

"Nice to meet you" The other two fillies said at once.

"Um Hi, nice to meet you too" Screwball said quietly, still surprised at the recent event.Screwball decided that they must be playing a mean trick on her by pretending to want to be her friend.

"Sorry that everypony were being mean to you" SweetieBelle said " They can be really mean"

This caught Screwball by surprise." Yes, they can" she said still unsure of their intentions.

But before any of the fillies could reply to Screwballs response The bell rang and they all made their way to the classroom. The rest of the day continued uneventful. And as soon as the end bell rang. Screwball ran to her fathers statue in the maze.Mad at all the ponies treating her with such disrespect when she was the offspring of The Great And Powerful Discord. As soon as she got to the statue in the maze she immediately started crying in frustration right in front of her fathers statue.

"What is wrong daughter dearest" Said Discord with concern. "Didn't you're first day go as well as you hoped?"

"Not at all!" She screamed through her tears." The other ponies were so mean to me, i didn't even do anything" She said still unsure of someponies intentions.

"Now daughter, what have i told you?" He said. " When in doubt, Use your chaos"

Entirely aware that the sentence did not rhyme, Screwball giggled at her fathers humor.

"But father i can't control my powers"ANd even if i could what would i do" She said sadly

"Don't fret my dear, I'll teach you everything i know" Said Discord. "We will show them all"

As Screwball perked up at these words. Discord started laughing and and so did his daughter, Laughing at how they were going to show the other ponies. Laughing at how much fun they would have seeing the the Ponyville residents screaming and begging. But mostly, Screwball was laughing at how she would show all those ponies at school.