Twilight Sparkle Gets Really Badly Hurt

by Derpydub123

Twilight Sparkle's accident

Twilight Sparkle’s accident

Twilight woke up thinking that she was in her bed; but soon realized she was on the couch, soon she remembered why she
was on the couch, she was at a party last night and was too tired to make it up the stairs, even with Applejack helping her.
Twilight looked over at the coffee table and saw a bunch of books about science, It was early in the morning so Twilight
started reading the books after a wile she looked at the clock it red 9:12, thinking to herself “wow I have been reading since
5:30”. So she decided to wake up Spike, she let him sleep in because they had a busy day yesterday helping Rarity get
crystals back to the Carousel Boutique; which took all day. But when she went to stand up she shrieked in pain and fell
over, looking down at her right front lag, she saw it was all wrapped in tenser bandage; she then remembered why she
could not make it up the stairs. “That on top of me being drunk no wonder Applejack could not get me up the stairs” Twilight
thought out loud. Twilight got back up on her hoofs, this time being more careful, expecting it to really hurt she was able to
put her full weight on it, which did not feel that good but was tolerable. Just then Spike opened up his door “oh hi Twilight i
was not expecting you to be awake yet, after what happen last night, you tripped and hurt your lag” “Yeah I kind of found
that out the hard way” said Twilight. How about I make you breakfast? Asked Spike, I would love that, thank you spike. After
Twilight was finished she remembered that she was going to meat up with her friends at Fluttershy’s house. Wow you make
the best breakfast's ever, your the best helper dragoen ever Spike. Spike blushed " thank you but, it was nothing really
Twilight". Twilight got up forgetting all about her lag, ran for the door but before she got there she shrieked with pain, and
fell in to a pile of book's. "Ouch that really hurt, first my leg and now my head, can this day get any worse". Spike rushed over
"are you ok Twilight" yeah i'm fine it just made my headache a little worse, nothing i can't walk off. oh thats good, anyway, i
half to go out and get some more quills today, because where running really low so i wont be back until about 1 or 2 if you
decide to come home early Twilight. Ok Spike don't get in to any trouble, don't worry i wont Twilight. Well i better get going
Spike i might be late all ready. On the way there she met up with Rainbow Dash “Hey Twi Twi” Rainbow said “oh hi
Rainbow dash nice to see you” said Twilight. How’s you lag Twilight? “It hurts” oh that sucks, “well we better get going if we
want to get there on time,” said rainbow. When all the sudden Twilight did not feel right she felt dizzy, Rainbow Dash looked
over and saw that Twilight was walking like she was really drunk. Are you ok Twilight? Rainbow said now getting worried.
Just be for Twilight had a chance to answer she fell over the steep side the of the trail with a loud bone snapping sound
flowed by what was the most painful scream Rainbow dash had ever herd in her life. TWILIGHT!! Rainbow Dash screamed
not able to move because of how shocked she was to see her friend fall. But she was still rolling down the slope hitting a
tree with a crunching sound, Twilight screamed in agonizing pain yet the tree did not stop her, she kipped going down the
slope, then hit a rock with another bone snapping sound and one more snap, she rolled a few more times then came to a
stop in a soft patch of grass, Twilight was screaming and crying for Rainbow Dash as loud as she could, she had never felt
this much pain in her life.Rainbow Dash rushed down to Twilight as fast as her wings would let her. When she got there it
was not good there where bones sticking out of her legs and Ribs, blood was everywhere she had cuts all over her.
Twilight through up, and passed out. Just then Applejack was walking down the trail and herd crying, It sounded like
Rainbow Dash. “Rainbow dash never cry’s” she said out loud. She looked over the edge of the steep hill and could not
believe what she saw, her eyes went wide, just then Rainbow Dash looked up and saw Applejack and said GET HELP
TWILIGHT IS REALLY BADLY HURT!!! ILL GET HELP!! Applejack said, she ran to the pony vile hospital, busted through
the doors and went the head counter and all she could say was “ TWILIGHT!!! BROKEN!! HURT!! Need ambulance!!”
Nurse red hart said “settle down every thing is going to be ok ill get an ambulance there right now Applejack”. So they got in
to the ambulance and rushed there as fast as they could. Meanwhile Rainbow dash still crying felt Twilight move a bit after
she had been passed out for 10 mints, Twilight in Rainbow dash’s arms said “R-r-ain-bow D-d-d-ash am I going to die?”
before she Let out a few really loud scream’s of intense pain causing her to have a seizure and pass out once more.
Rainbow Dash was starting to get scared for Twilights life.The ambulance got there, and nurse red hart along with a few
paramedics rain down the slope with a spine board and a stretcher, they got Twilight strapped on to the spine board being
very careful not to move her neck, because of risk of being paralyzed, seeing the state she was in they went going to take
any risks. she was not breathing so they had to help her breath, then they got her in to the ambulance. When they got to the
pony vile hospitable, Twilight not able to breath was hocked up to a ventilator, then drained her stomach making suer there
was no blood in the stomach, there was wasn't, then they put her on a morphine drip and gave her more blood because
she had lost so much. Then took her in for X-rays when nurse red hart looked at the X-rays she gasped. Twilight broke all 4
legs 5 ribs her neck, parts of her back and hip, and had an slight concussion. Rainbow dash and Applejack now in the
emergency room, when nurse red hart told them they cried. “she will be ok, but i need you to know she will lose a lot of her
physical ablates, she will get them back". "how long will that take" Rainbow Dash said. Well umm... well about 3 or 4 years.
Applejack and Rainbow dash cried. We also need to send her to the Canter-lot hospital to do surgery” said nurse red hart,
Applejack and Rainbow dash both felt relieved of some of the stress, knowing that Twilight will survive.

That’s it for chapter 1 of Twilight Sparkle’s accident
Thanks for reading my story sorry if my grammar is not the best
This is the first fanfic I have ever made, and I hope to make more
Soon and hear what you guys think about this fanfic.
I would really love to see more fanfic’s like this