The Strange Life story of Shadow Dash

by xRadiantXFrostx

Chapter Three

Two years had passed. Shadow’s Depths knew everything she had, but she still lived at the castle Why haven’t I killed her yet? She knew she would have to. It’s the only way to get home. I’ll do it tonight.
That night, she quietly entered the Queen’s chambers. I have to do this I have to do this I have to do this...
She crept up to the sleeping queen, who had a smile on her face. She burst out crying, waking the queen. “What is wrong, child?” she asked. Shadow’s Depths spilled everything out. “I’m not a changeling. I’m a shapeshifting pegasus who was sent by Princess Celestia to spy on you and kill you. I’ve been spying on you for years. It’s killing me. I almost killed you. I’m sorry!” She sobbed harder.
Queen Chrysalis’ eyes flared before she calmed down. “Sleep here with me. We will discuss this in the morning.” Shadow’s Depths, still crying, nuzzled down. Queen Chrysalis crooned a lullaby. They fell asleep.
“I call a meeting for all of the Royal City! I, Queen Chrysalis, have an announcement!”
(Point of view change- Lightning Dash/Shadow’s Depths)
The announcement was my 7-year exile “I’m sorry,” Queen Chrysalis told me. “I love you like my own, but you must know the consequences of your actions. You may return to Equestria, providing you say nothing more of us. Goodbye, Shadow’s Depths.”
I returned to the castle in Equestria, unused to the bright colors. In a little while, I was to return to Celestia.

I returned to the castle in Equestria, unused to the bright colors. In a little while, I was to return to Celestia.
“I suppose you have killed queen Chrysalis,” said the princess. I quickly lied, saying I did. Princess Celestia’s smile disappeared. “You lie. Why, Lightning Dash?” “I can’t,” I replied. I remembered our bonds, and felt Celestia's disappointment for not killing someone I loved, for not endangering an entire race. I got mad. “She’s more of a leader than you ever were. I spat at her hooves and stalked off. I said goodbye to my friends again, because I knew what would happen next. “Don’t be silly,” said Applejack. “ The Princess is kinder ‘en that. You can give ’er some credit.” She was wrong.
The next day, it was announced. I was exiled from Equestria forever under the premise of ‘Endangering the nation.’ Yeah, okay Celestia. Not too harsh or anything. 7 years in the middle of nowhere. Where was the princess that let people off easy? Maybe it was because Changelings were never liked. I feel the rising emotions of the Changelings. It was an inexplicable rage.I’ll be the one to kill that b****. Showing no respect for us. No kindness from that realm for the last half a million years. I am a changeling. And I don’t think it’s too harsh.