She Moves in Mysterious Ways

by mikerockks

Chrysalis : The Murder

So there I was, killing everypony in sight. I felt a mixture of horror and relief as I watched them burn. It was awful.

But then, I felt more evil. As I put 2 and 2 together, I discovered that with my changeling powers, I could take possession of a loved one, and spoil their night. Seriously, I don't even know what I was thinking there. Then, I discovered there was a Royal Wedding coming up, with Princess Cadence and Shining Armor.

I decided to hide Princess Cadence deep in a cave, and use her body for myself.

It was 3 days later, and for some reason i felt proud of myself. I was obviously fooling everypony, as I was walking up that altar. Then, CA- CADENCE? HOW DID SHE GET OUT OF THERE? Seriously, I thought she was trapped forever. But apparently, after I trapped that "Twilight" pony, she helped her escape. So then "Twilight" and her friends had to look for their Elements of harmony, after I trapped Celestia in a cocoon. But, they had to get by my minions first. Sadly, they didn't win. OR DID THEY? As Cadence touched horns with Shining Armor, their "love spell" blasted me away. You might have thought I got banished somewhere. Nope. THEY KILLED ME. So here I am, typing you my story from the afterlife, hopefully you dont follow the same path of evil as I did. Hopefully...