Cozy Glow Gone Wrong

by FIM Fiction

10, Cancelled

Cozy Glow watched as everything started to burn to ash. "One last chapter." she growled, moving towards a stallion. "Just one last BUCKING CHAPTER!" She picked up a rock, throwing it at him. "Was that too much to ask for Fim!? WAS IT!?"

He remained motionless. "It would seem so." he whispered. He looked at her. "Forgive me. But this story was doomed from the start."

"Then why make it?" Cozy Glow growled.

"Fun," Fim Fiction said simply. "A fun story to be read and loved. But every step of the way, I doubted my skills. This tale was for me to enjoy, but when it became dull that should have been the end," he explained. "But I prolonged it. And all have had false promises of a grand ending... Maybe one day it will be complete, but today is not that day."

"What am I suppose to do know!?" Cozy Glow shrieked as the flames licked at her hooves.

FIm thought as Cozy Glow burnt to a crisp. "When I discover the answer, I shall let you know."

The End.
For now.